hope everyone is doing ok.
sunshine my next scan is the same date as yours. x
sick of waiting now, i should be thankful i suppose that i got pregnant and that i've carried this far, but it's just awful knowing that i'm 8wks 3d and this baby isn't going to make it.
this is going to sound really bad, but i really hope i don't miscarry naturally. of course i don't want to lose my last tube, but i want him to do the laparoscopy so that he can check that everything is as it should be inside, and that he can cut out any endo that has grown back, take out the scar tissue, do a lap and dye and give me the once over so that we can ttc straight away and that everything will be clean as a whistle.
does that sound awful that i just typed that.
i know this baby isn't gone yet and i feel awful for talking about moving on and ttc again.
i've about 0.0000001% hope that this baby will be ok (well the drs gave me that much hope) so i kinda know what's going to happen.
of course we want this baby, but the man above has decided it for us.
i really want to be pregnant and share it with you guys x