***The April bunnies thread. For those due April 2012. *****

I'm doing good. Not alot of symptoms here really. Sore boobs and some hot flashes thats about it. Occasionally i get alittle nausous but saw the doc last tues and he said no m/s is no worry and consider myself a lucky one! I also got to hear the heartbeat for the first time (this is my first baby & pregnancy) so TOTALLY excited about that!

When is your first dr appt? or have you been already? (so sorry for your losses honey. this one will be a sticky bean!)
Hi guys. Got midwife app tomorrow. Still not got my u/s app and called today. Typically they haven't received the form! So angry!
Hi guys. Got midwife app tomorrow. Still not got my u/s app and called today. Typically they haven't received the form! So angry!

good luck with your appt! No u/s date here either. My doctors group just got bought out and there is NO organization at all right now. They brought me in for my dr. consultation for results last tuesday, but still havent sent me for bloodwork :dohh: But hearing the hb made it worth going in!:thumbup:
i went to the doc wen i was 2 week late (6 weeks preg) because i kept getting bfn but at 7 weeks he finally confirmed im pregnant. the midwife phoned my on tue and is phoning me bac next week to book my first app with her.

its amazing getting to hear the heartbeat, its so reasurring that everything is ok. i hope she puts the doppler on me next week because im not having any symtoms only tieredness and a bit bloated and that is worrying me. with noah i had nausia for 15weeks. i basically lived on toast.

xxxx :hugs:
i went to the doc wen i was 2 week late (6 weeks preg) because i kept getting bfn but at 7 weeks he finally confirmed im pregnant. the midwife phoned my on tue and is phoning me bac next week to book my first app with her.

its amazing getting to hear the heartbeat, its so reasurring that everything is ok. i hope she puts the doppler on me next week because im not having any symtoms only tieredness and a bit bloated and that is worrying me. with noah i had nausia for 15weeks. i basically lived on toast.

xxxx :hugs:

I know what you mean! Because of the very few symptoms i've had (and the scared as hell look on my face) I must have seemed to need some reassurance to the doc. He told me "since you're here we might as well try." I had a severly tilted uterus on my last appt so the last doc. told me we wont hear anything till at least 12wks. Thankfully bubs moved foward and it was good and strong 160bpm and he found it in under a minute :happydance::happydance: Still can't wait for an u/s but now feel good enough to tell family. feels real now!

I don't think i'd want to live on toast ever but i have secretly been wishing for alittle barfy barfy just to feel preggo :blush:
lol dont worry a lot of first time mommies feel the same. and even second time mommies too :hehe: inc me. i wish i had definit symtoms other than tierdness.

i havent told anyone yet but its my birthday tomorrow and my mum and dad are coming for a bit of dinner and they will prob wonder why im not drinking :dohh: lol yeah the scans are exciting. id love a 3d scan but they very dear.

MrsQ good luck with your appt tomorrow :) xx
I finally had my first appt yesterday!! And all is well!!! WOOHOOO :happydance:

Baby is measuring just a few days under what I thought, so am 11 wks exactly today. My new due date is April 6th.

Babies HB was 167!!

Had a quick peek on the scan, got a grainy picture! LOL, WOOOHOOO...I am SO RELIEVED.

And for those of you with little/no MS, just be thankful. I DO know how stressful it can be until you see that scan and/or hear a heartbeat. I am one of the lucky ones, this is my fourth pregnancy, and on all 4 my MS was very, very mild.

Right now, my tummy isn't even bothering me, my breasts are not sore, I'm just a bit tired. So relax!!
I finally had my first appt yesterday!! And all is well!!! WOOHOOO :happydance:

Baby is measuring just a few days under what I thought, so am 11 wks exactly today. My new due date is April 6th.

Babies HB was 167!!

Had a quick peek on the scan, got a grainy picture! LOL, WOOOHOOO...I am SO RELIEVED.

And for those of you with little/no MS, just be thankful. I DO know how stressful it can be until you see that scan and/or hear a heartbeat. I am one of the lucky ones, this is my fourth pregnancy, and on all 4 my MS was very, very mild.

Right now, my tummy isn't even bothering me, my breasts are not sore, I'm just a bit tired. So relax!!

that has defo put me at ease a bit. knowing that others hav little to no symtoms and all is perfectly good. :)

glad all is well for you hun. i bet you wer mage chuffed seeing that wee baby on the screen. i love getting to see the baby cant wait to my scan :D xxxx
Thank you naderz! It was so awesome seeing the little one. I will sometimes just sit and stare at the scan picture. Cause for some reason, it still hasn't HIT me that I am pg. LOL

I'm so glad I could help you feel better.
Hello ladies, how is everyone?
Finally at 9 weeks and wow this part goes slow. Ive been prescribed anti-sickness tablets for my morning sickness and now been forced to take co-codamol for my fibromyalgia and IBS. I really don't want to take medication with my little bean inside me :-(

Aside from that, I had my early scan last week and everything is looking good. Now I've just got to try and get through as much of this pregnancy as possible holding down my full time teaching job with all my medical issues as well... Should be fun! X
Hi guys.

I have a scan Monday. Really nervous.
But I agree this first trimester is nerve wracking and slow! Everyone keeps saying toe how they think it's going quick! Well it isn't for me!!!!!!
Good luck today MrsQ. I agree, it's going slow for me too!
My 12 week scan feels like forever away! 26 days to go. I don't know why I am so worried about having a missed miscarriage. It makes me think maybe I already know I've had one.

Ahhh the worry and stress :(

Got a doppler and going to try really hard to find the heartbeat this weekend. Hoping if I can't the MW can at our 10.5 week appointment.

Wish me luck ladies!!
hi girls im due on the 20th of april i went for scan on thursday and baby was measuring 10 weeks and looks big and is 33mm long how do i get one of them loving april hatchlings image xxx
Hi ladies, not been on here much lately, been trying to keep busy with other things, how is everyone doing? Well i have my scan on friday morning i am so so nervous, OH is really excited but i am just a bag of nerves, anyone else been feeling really stressed or is that just me lol x
Good luck Tilly, everything will be ok!

I've had my scan, and I am still a bit nervous. I've never been like this before (guess thats what a mc can do to you!). But my 13yo dd loves to talk with me about baby. Baby names and things. Last night she was remembering when her little brother was a baby, and how much he loved his swing. So asked if we are going to get another one. of course! lol

I'm feeling so good, that I have about no symptoms whatsoever! But, I've always been like this, so I just have to trust that all is well. No bleeding, no cramping, nothing like that.
Thats great Dorian, i think i just want the ultrasound to hurry up so i don't feel so anxious all the time lol. Your daughter sounds so cute its nice that she wants to get involved with the pregnancy and the baby. We haven't told our little girls about the baby yet they are 6 and 3.5, so hopefully we will have good news to tell after the scan and start getting excited lol x

Baby is 12wks2d so will need to change my tickers, now due 11th April x
A bit less anxious now, its like a weight has been lifted lol x

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