Hello everyone - congratulations to Quisty and all the BFPers - I want to report another over-35

! I am 39yrs and 6mths, with diminished ovarian reserve, high FSH (19 at last test), low AMH (4); we've been TTC for a year (4mths since a loss); trying for our first. We had tried Clomid last month but I overresponded and it thinned my lining, so the clinic were not going to put me on any more clomid; we were due to move on to IVF asap, though with my high FSH the NHS won't treat me, and most private clinics won't either (the experts have been pretty negative about our chances even with IVF - let alone naturally!).
I have been trying so many different things during this TTC adventure, my body is an experimental testing ground! As far as things that I did differently this cycle, it was the first time I used soy isoflavens taken like clomid (but I know that these don't agree with everyone) and Softcups (plus Preseed/Conceive+). Other things I used were maca (1tsp on non-soy days, stop at BFP), Clearblue Monitor and the Sperm Meets Egg Plan. I also take supplements (eg CoQ10, zinc, B50, wheatgrass, spirulina) and just completed a 6-session round of acupuncture. (I also resurrected my PMA (positive mental attitude), which was not easy.) I'm not saying that any of these made the difference, who knows! I had a late ov, on CD20, and because I suffer from a short luteal phase, I used progesterone cream to try to extend this phase to give the bean a chance.
Thanks to all the wonderful women on the over-35s board for all your advice and support! I hope you don't mind if I still hang out here, it's such an encouraging and supportive place to be. Lots of good luck and

to everyone!!! xxx