I've stared at this screen for ages and never noticed this BFP sticky before lol
Thanks for pointing it out Clairey
So I'm here, after an MMC 16 months ago and 2 chemicals in the past 7 months.
I'm 41, 42 in Dec and this will be our first, DF is 27.
The thing is, we've been on holiday in the New Forest for 2 weeks and had more than my share of wine, cider etc ... well after 16 months TTC you just need to chill out every now and then.
We were just finishing off the holiday last night when we got back and I had 2 bottles of Magners left so I thought, go on then, I'll have one.
DF asked if I wanted another and I don't what made me think, I'll test before I have this one ... but that's what I did and lo and behold, a faint line started to appear on the IC after about a minute. I swore I was seeing things so did a CB Digi and tried to busy myself so I wasn't sat there staring at it and it popped up 'Pregnant 1-2 weeks' when I checked a few minutes later.
I thought I was CD29 as I've not been paying too much attention this cycle but it turns out I'm only CD27 today with AF due on Friday so fingers crossed she packs her bags for the next 9 months
Happy & Healthy 9 months everyone xx
What a lovely story. Congratulations.