The BFP Annoucement Sticky - Guidelines


Congratulations again to Storm, Claire, Ruth, BeachChica and KOSH!

I already asked Kosh, so now I am asking the rest of you pregnant ladies....

How did you tell your OH?

Hi Indigo - well, I decided to wait until my DF got home from work to tell him.
I got the 2nd + test that I had done that day and wrote "who's the Daddy!!!" on it and wrapped it up and put it in a box and when he got home I told him I had an early Easter present for him.
He looked really taken aback and said that he hadn't got me anything yet.:winkwink:
His face was a picture when he opened it and saw the test. He had to actually ask me "are you pregnant then?":baby:
When I said yes, he jumped up and shouted "YES" I think pleased was an understatement!!
It gives him a little story to tell to people when we start telling friends etc.

Awww Clairey that's lovely! Wish I had thought of something a little more original!

I was really nervous telling DH (which was stupid seeing as we had been BDing when the CBFM basically told us to and this is what we both had agreed we wanted). When he came in from work we were talking away and I said, um guess what 'I'm a little bit pregnant' - to which he was like 'what do you mean little bit?' so I showed him the faint line on the FRER and then the CB digital. I think we were both shell shocked but he was over the moon and couldn't stop smiling and telling me how thrilled he was! I was terrified as it was before AF was due and had it in my head that AF would still come, but here we are - no AF and starting the journey!

Here's another question - have any of you told anyone else other than our baby and bump buddies yet?

Congratulations again to Storm, Claire, Ruth, BeachChica and KOSH!

I already asked Kosh, so now I am asking the rest of you pregnant ladies....

How did you tell your OH?

Hi Indigo - well, I decided to wait until my DF got home from work to tell him.
I got the 2nd + test that I had done that day and wrote "who's the Daddy!!!" on it and wrapped it up and put it in a box and when he got home I told him I had an early Easter present for him.
He looked really taken aback and said that he hadn't got me anything yet.:winkwink:
His face was a picture when he opened it and saw the test. He had to actually ask me "are you pregnant then?":baby:
When I said yes, he jumped up and shouted "YES" I think pleased was an understatement!!
It gives him a little story to tell to people when we start telling friends etc.

Awww Clairey that's lovely! Wish I had thought of something a little more original!

I was really nervous telling DH (which was stupid seeing as we had been BDing when the CBFM basically told us to and this is what we both had agreed we wanted). When he came in from work we were talking away and I said, um guess what 'I'm a little bit pregnant' - to which he was like 'what do you mean little bit?' so I showed him the faint line on the FRER and then the CB digital. I think we were both shell shocked but he was over the moon and couldn't stop smiling and telling me how thrilled he was! I was terrified as it was before AF was due and had it in my head that AF would still come, but here we are - no AF and starting the journey!

Here's another question - have any of you told anyone else other than our baby and bump buddies yet?

Hi Storm,Funny isn't it? you know it's what you both want but you're still nervous to tell. My heart was racing too. I guess you never really know someones reaction until you have to tell them for real. Glad we got the responses we wanted:thumbup: I too was glad when AF didn't show up as I thought the same having tested so early.
We have told our Mum's (have both lost our Dad's) and siblings and our best friends, but that's it. I know it may sound a lot but I wanted the people closest to me to know for support. I am going to tell my 97 year old grandmother next week after my doctors appointment. I want to give her a good reason to be sticking around for a good while yet!!!

Congratulations again to Storm, Claire, Ruth, BeachChica and KOSH!

I already asked Kosh, so now I am asking the rest of you pregnant ladies....

How did you tell your OH?

Hi Indigo - well, I decided to wait until my DF got home from work to tell him.
I got the 2nd + test that I had done that day and wrote "who's the Daddy!!!" on it and wrapped it up and put it in a box and when he got home I told him I had an early Easter present for him.
He looked really taken aback and said that he hadn't got me anything yet.:winkwink:
His face was a picture when he opened it and saw the test. He had to actually ask me "are you pregnant then?":baby:
When I said yes, he jumped up and shouted "YES" I think pleased was an understatement!!
It gives him a little story to tell to people when we start telling friends etc.

Awww Clairey that's lovely! Wish I had thought of something a little more original!

I was really nervous telling DH (which was stupid seeing as we had been BDing when the CBFM basically told us to and this is what we both had agreed we wanted). When he came in from work we were talking away and I said, um guess what 'I'm a little bit pregnant' - to which he was like 'what do you mean little bit?' so I showed him the faint line on the FRER and then the CB digital. I think we were both shell shocked but he was over the moon and couldn't stop smiling and telling me how thrilled he was! I was terrified as it was before AF was due and had it in my head that AF would still come, but here we are - no AF and starting the journey!

Here's another question - have any of you told anyone else other than our baby and bump buddies yet?

Hi Storm,Funny isn't it? you know it's what you both want but you're still nervous to tell. My heart was racing too. I guess you never really know someones reaction until you have to tell them for real. Glad we got the responses we wanted:thumbup: I too was glad when AF didn't show up as I thought the same having tested so early.
We have told our Mum's (have both lost our Dad's) and siblings and our best friends, but that's it. I know it may sound a lot but I wanted the people closest to me to know for support. I am going to tell my 97 year old grandmother next week after my doctors appointment. I want to give her a good reason to be sticking around for a good while yet!!!

We have only told our parents (at the same time), I really want to tell my brothers and their wives, but not overly keen on telling his brother yet (well his wife more to the point, I think she might blab to the entire family) - I guess I need to take that risk if I want to tell mine. My sister in laws told me with all of their pregnancys about a week after they found out so I think its unfair to hold out for much longer. Just terrified something will go wrong, but then again I will need their support if it does!

So pleased we both have happy OHs :thumbup:

You are due a day before me - we could be in labour at the same time!

Congratulations again to Storm, Claire, Ruth, BeachChica and KOSH!

I already asked Kosh, so now I am asking the rest of you pregnant ladies....

How did you tell your OH?

Hi Indigo - well, I decided to wait until my DF got home from work to tell him.
I got the 2nd + test that I had done that day and wrote "who's the Daddy!!!" on it and wrapped it up and put it in a box and when he got home I told him I had an early Easter present for him.
He looked really taken aback and said that he hadn't got me anything yet.:winkwink:
His face was a picture when he opened it and saw the test. He had to actually ask me "are you pregnant then?":baby:
When I said yes, he jumped up and shouted "YES" I think pleased was an understatement!!
It gives him a little story to tell to people when we start telling friends etc.

Awww Clairey that's lovely! Wish I had thought of something a little more original!

I was really nervous telling DH (which was stupid seeing as we had been BDing when the CBFM basically told us to and this is what we both had agreed we wanted). When he came in from work we were talking away and I said, um guess what 'I'm a little bit pregnant' - to which he was like 'what do you mean little bit?' so I showed him the faint line on the FRER and then the CB digital. I think we were both shell shocked but he was over the moon and couldn't stop smiling and telling me how thrilled he was! I was terrified as it was before AF was due and had it in my head that AF would still come, but here we are - no AF and starting the journey!

Here's another question - have any of you told anyone else other than our baby and bump buddies yet?

Hi Storm,Funny isn't it? you know it's what you both want but you're still nervous to tell. My heart was racing too. I guess you never really know someones reaction until you have to tell them for real. Glad we got the responses we wanted:thumbup: I too was glad when AF didn't show up as I thought the same having tested so early.
We have told our Mum's (have both lost our Dad's) and siblings and our best friends, but that's it. I know it may sound a lot but I wanted the people closest to me to know for support. I am going to tell my 97 year old grandmother next week after my doctors appointment. I want to give her a good reason to be sticking around for a good while yet!!!

We have only told our parents (at the same time), I really want to tell my brothers and their wives, but not overly keen on telling his brother yet (well his wife more to the point, I think she might blab to the entire family) - I guess I need to take that risk if I want to tell mine. My sister in laws told me with all of their pregnancys about a week after they found out so I think its unfair to hold out for much longer. Just terrified something will go wrong, but then again I will need their support if it does!

So pleased we both have happy OHs :thumbup:

You are due a day before me - we could be in labour at the same time!

Oh God imagine that! that would be really amazing! have you thought of any names yet?
I've stared at this screen for ages and never noticed this BFP sticky before lol

Thanks for pointing it out Clairey

So I'm here, after an MMC 16 months ago and 2 chemicals in the past 7 months.

I'm 41, 42 in Dec and this will be our first, DF is 27.

The thing is, we've been on holiday in the New Forest for 2 weeks and had more than my share of wine, cider etc ... well after 16 months TTC you just need to chill out every now and then.

We were just finishing off the holiday last night when we got back and I had 2 bottles of Magners left so I thought, go on then, I'll have one.

DF asked if I wanted another and I don't what made me think, I'll test before I have this one ... but that's what I did and lo and behold, a faint line started to appear on the IC after about a minute. I swore I was seeing things so did a CB Digi and tried to busy myself so I wasn't sat there staring at it and it popped up 'Pregnant 1-2 weeks' when I checked a few minutes later.

I thought I was CD29 as I've not been paying too much attention this cycle but it turns out I'm only CD27 today with AF due on Friday so fingers crossed she packs her bags for the next 9 months

Happy & Healthy 9 months everyone xx
I've stared at this screen for ages and never noticed this BFP sticky before lol

Thanks for pointing it out Clairey

So I'm here, after an MMC 16 months ago and 2 chemicals in the past 7 months.

I'm 41, 42 in Dec and this will be our first, DF is 27.

The thing is, we've been on holiday in the New Forest for 2 weeks and had more than my share of wine, cider etc ... well after 16 months TTC you just need to chill out every now and then.

We were just finishing off the holiday last night when we got back and I had 2 bottles of Magners left so I thought, go on then, I'll have one.

DF asked if I wanted another and I don't what made me think, I'll test before I have this one ... but that's what I did and lo and behold, a faint line started to appear on the IC after about a minute. I swore I was seeing things so did a CB Digi and tried to busy myself so I wasn't sat there staring at it and it popped up 'Pregnant 1-2 weeks' when I checked a few minutes later.

I thought I was CD29 as I've not been paying too much attention this cycle but it turns out I'm only CD27 today with AF due on Friday so fingers crossed she packs her bags for the next 9 months

Happy & Healthy 9 months everyone xx

:happydance::yipee::headspin::juggle::wohoo::wohoo: congratulations Hun xx Hope I haven't missed any other ladies bfps?! Good luck to all xxx
No names yet Clairey - what about you? Any you like the sound of yet?
I've stared at this screen for ages and never noticed this BFP sticky before lol

Thanks for pointing it out Clairey

So I'm here, after an MMC 16 months ago and 2 chemicals in the past 7 months.

I'm 41, 42 in Dec and this will be our first, DF is 27.

The thing is, we've been on holiday in the New Forest for 2 weeks and had more than my share of wine, cider etc ... well after 16 months TTC you just need to chill out every now and then.

We were just finishing off the holiday last night when we got back and I had 2 bottles of Magners left so I thought, go on then, I'll have one.

DF asked if I wanted another and I don't what made me think, I'll test before I have this one ... but that's what I did and lo and behold, a faint line started to appear on the IC after about a minute. I swore I was seeing things so did a CB Digi and tried to busy myself so I wasn't sat there staring at it and it popped up 'Pregnant 1-2 weeks' when I checked a few minutes later.

I thought I was CD29 as I've not been paying too much attention this cycle but it turns out I'm only CD27 today with AF due on Friday so fingers crossed she packs her bags for the next 9 months

Happy & Healthy 9 months everyone xx

Glad you found us over here Truly!! congrats again! funny how our 6th senses kick in and make us do funny things. I guess you didn't have the 2nd bottle of Magners afterall then? lol
Hoping that this a lovely little sticky bean for you!
No names yet Clairey - what about you? Any you like the sound of yet?

Well actually Storm we have already decided on names - can you believe it?!!
Lucy for a girl (my best friend is called Lucy) and Alexander (Alex) for a boy.
Just the middle names to go now:winkwink:
Hmm don't know why I felt the need to point out which was the girls name and which was the boys? I guess you could all figure that one out yourselves! lol:dohh:
No names yet Clairey - what about you? Any you like the sound of yet?

Well actually Storm we have already decided on names - can you believe it?!!
Lucy for a girl (my best friend is called Lucy) and Alexander (Alex) for a boy.
Just the middle names to go now:winkwink:
Hmm don't know why I felt the need to point out which was the girls name and which was the boys? I guess you could all figure that one out yourselves! lol:dohh:

Well we have started talking about them.. just not sure! Lucy and Alexander are both lovely names :) At the minute its possibly Leah or Isaac.. subject to change of course!

SOOOOOO exciting!

No names yet Clairey - what about you? Any you like the sound of yet?

Well actually Storm we have already decided on names - can you believe it?!!
Lucy for a girl (my best friend is called Lucy) and Alexander (Alex) for a boy.
Just the middle names to go now:winkwink:
Hmm don't know why I felt the need to point out which was the girls name and which was the boys? I guess you could all figure that one out yourselves! lol:dohh:

Well we have started talking about them.. just not sure! Lucy and Alexander are both lovely names :) At the minute its possibly Leah or Isaac.. subject to change of course!

SOOOOOO exciting!


Oh yes, they are nice names Storm.
It's all well and good having names that you like but they do have to go with your surname. I always laugh when people have names that clearly their parents didn't think about sounding odd with the surname when they named them.:winkwink:
I've stared at this screen for ages and never noticed this BFP sticky before lol

Thanks for pointing it out Clairey

So I'm here, after an MMC 16 months ago and 2 chemicals in the past 7 months.

I'm 41, 42 in Dec and this will be our first, DF is 27.

The thing is, we've been on holiday in the New Forest for 2 weeks and had more than my share of wine, cider etc ... well after 16 months TTC you just need to chill out every now and then.

We were just finishing off the holiday last night when we got back and I had 2 bottles of Magners left so I thought, go on then, I'll have one.

DF asked if I wanted another and I don't what made me think, I'll test before I have this one ... but that's what I did and lo and behold, a faint line started to appear on the IC after about a minute. I swore I was seeing things so did a CB Digi and tried to busy myself so I wasn't sat there staring at it and it popped up 'Pregnant 1-2 weeks' when I checked a few minutes later.

I thought I was CD29 as I've not been paying too much attention this cycle but it turns out I'm only CD27 today with AF due on Friday so fingers crossed she packs her bags for the next 9 months

Happy & Healthy 9 months everyone xx

Congrats! :hugs::happydance:

What a lovely story! Thank you for sharing!
Congrats Kosh, Pinga, and Truly Blessed - welcome to the club!!! :flower:

My telling DH this time was rather uneventful. I actually did not know I was prego... I was on CD 37 waiting for AF after a MC in March (which my doctor said could be off due to MC). At that point I was getting anxious and I thought, what the heck I'll take one... well it was :bfp: !!! I couldn't believe it. So I brought DH into the bathroom to show him the test and we were both shocked. Also, the level of excitement has diminished some after 2 MC since Dec. I am hoping #3 will be lucky for me though, I have my first scan in 9 days!!! :thumbup:
Congrats Kosh, Pinga, and Truly Blessed - welcome to the club!!! :flower:

My telling DH this time was rather uneventful. I actually did not know I was prego... I was on CD 37 waiting for AF after a MC in March (which my doctor said could be off due to MC). At that point I was getting anxious and I thought, what the heck I'll take one... well it was :bfp: !!! I couldn't believe it. So I brought DH into the bathroom to show him the test and we were both shocked. Also, the level of excitement has diminished some after 2 MC since Dec. I am hoping #3 will be lucky for me though, I have my first scan in 9 days!!! :thumbup:

Well hopefully this will be the one for you after the sadness and trauma of 2 MCs! Hope all goes well for the scan and that you update us afterwards!

Wow the :bfp: are really starting to roll in:wohoo:

:dust: to all the other ladies waiting to join this growing list:dust:
I've stared at this screen for ages and never noticed this BFP sticky before lol

Thanks for pointing it out Clairey

So I'm here, after an MMC 16 months ago and 2 chemicals in the past 7 months.

I'm 41, 42 in Dec and this will be our first, DF is 27.

The thing is, we've been on holiday in the New Forest for 2 weeks and had more than my share of wine, cider etc ... well after 16 months TTC you just need to chill out every now and then.

We were just finishing off the holiday last night when we got back and I had 2 bottles of Magners left so I thought, go on then, I'll have one.

DF asked if I wanted another and I don't what made me think, I'll test before I have this one ... but that's what I did and lo and behold, a faint line started to appear on the IC after about a minute. I swore I was seeing things so did a CB Digi and tried to busy myself so I wasn't sat there staring at it and it popped up 'Pregnant 1-2 weeks' when I checked a few minutes later.

I thought I was CD29 as I've not been paying too much attention this cycle but it turns out I'm only CD27 today with AF due on Friday so fingers crossed she packs her bags for the next 9 months

Happy & Healthy 9 months everyone xx

congratulations!! :hugs:
and also to BeachChica and Pinga!
and again to Storm, Clairey and Ruth!
Here's another question - have any of you told anyone else other than our baby and bump buddies yet?

no one knows except my DH and you ladies!
having had an early MMC i think we both prefer to wait a bit longer this time. i will tell my best friend anyway as i know i'd need her support if something went wrong. i really want to tell my mum, but she's almost 80 and, again, i think i prefer to wait a little bit to tell her.

how are you all feeling?
We decide to wait this time too before we tell too many people.

This time, we only told our parents and my best friend (because I need her support)... oh and of course you guys!!! :flower:
yes keeping quiet for a while after the chemicals but will tell DF's parents once I get another few weeks under my belt. The fertility specialist said there was absolutley no problem getting an early scan when I went to see him in March so I'll try to hold out until 8 weeks before for that. It helps that we go away when I will be exactly 7 weeks and don't get back until I'm almost 8 weeks so the fact that I can't physically get there anyway will stop me from obsessing over it (too much!)

Will probably tell other close family after the 8 week scan but then no one else until 12 week scan comes back ok.

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