Congrats butterfly!!
Sweetz, unless YOU don't want to it's perfectly fine to have a soda every day, especially if it cures your headaches. Would rather do that then pop tylenol all the time. My doc says I can have up to 300 mg a day, which is 6 cans of Mountain Dew! I quit drinking a lot of caffeine over a year ago, but I definitely indulge in the occasional (read: every day) cherry Coke now.
To expensive
It's not before the would have been, but I finally got mythis morning!! Hoping its super sticky
I'm going to try not to stress for the next 8 weeks
I dont know if we still have code red, it's been a while since I've looked though since I don't usually drink MD. I'll take a peek next time. Kate are you in the states? If so I really want some captain crunch cereal with the crunch berries we can't get that out here haven't been able to since I was a kid.
Send me sooooommmmeeeee!!!!! It's literally been decades since I have it with the berries! and the two times I went to the states I forgot to buy some!