I'm freaking out a little. Tonight I was getting ready for bed and noticed my nipples leaking a little (yellow and clear). I didn't worry since I thought I remembered that could be normal, but then I walked out to the living room and I felt a sudden gush of liquid that soaked through my panties and my pj pants. It was clear with no smell, and it didn't feel like urine (TMI, but it felt like when I sometimes make a big wet puddle during BD). I don't feel any other symptoms, but I called the nurse on call line and she said that I should go get checked out. So now I'm waiting for my husband to come home so that we can go get me checked out at L&D. I'm feeling some movement from the baby right now so I hope that's a good sign. I hope this is just some silly discharge and not a leak, I hope that sooooooo much right now.
Part of the reason I really hate this is because it feels just like the miscarriage - a Monday night, I start having symptoms around 11 pm, I have to call my husband at work and have him come home and take my to the hospital to get checked. I just pray that it turns out differently this time...