Hi everyone
I haven't bee on these boards for a while as needed some time out after my daughter passed away and then a MC 5 months after. I gave myself a good break to recover physically and mentally and started trying actively this month.
I had a session of acupuncture a week before ov and have been taking pregnacare conception. We used a tiny bit of preseed.
Today I am 12/13 DPO.
I have had crampy stabbing pains in stomache that came and went. Shooting pains down legs and hips. Some back ache. Watery/lotiony CM every day. These were in the 1 ww. As with my 2nd pregnancy, symptoms started around 4DPO.
In the past 4 days, I have had an increase in boob pain and size (stabbing but never constant), increased thirst and more frequent urination. Getting very hungry to the point that I got the shakes. More frequent dreams. Very cranky and crying since Friday.
What was different this time is that I didn't get spots.
Tested using FRER on Friday 9/10 dpo - negative.
Tested this morning using FRER 12/13 dpo - postive.
I am quietly happy but to hold a baby again seems like a long long way away and very difficult. Good luck to you all.
Your symptoms sound similar to mine but Im just too nervous to test. Maybe tomorrow. I will be 13/14 dpo.
Congrats again!![]()
Hi everyone
I haven't bee on these boards for a while as needed some time out after my daughter passed away and then a MC 5 months after. I gave myself a good break to recover physically and mentally and started trying actively this month.
I had a session of acupuncture a week before ov and have been taking pregnacare conception. We used a tiny bit of preseed.
Today I am 12/13 DPO.
I have had crampy stabbing pains in stomache that came and went. Shooting pains down legs and hips. Some back ache. Watery/lotiony CM every day. These were in the 1 ww. As with my 2nd pregnancy, symptoms started around 4DPO.
In the past 4 days, I have had an increase in boob pain and size (stabbing but never constant), increased thirst and more frequent urination. Getting very hungry to the point that I got the shakes. More frequent dreams. Very cranky and crying since Friday.
What was different this time is that I didn't get spots.
Tested using FRER on Friday 9/10 dpo - negative.
Tested this morning using FRER 12/13 dpo - postive.
I am quietly happy but to hold a baby again seems like a long long way away and very difficult. Good luck to you all.
Your symptoms sound similar to mine but Im just too nervous to test. Maybe tomorrow. I will be 13/14 dpo.
Congrats again!![]()
Thank you! You have some serious will power! I only tested yesterday because my symptoms were crazy. I had implantation/breakthrough bleed in the evening. This happened for both other pregnancies. Also, I just knew.
Wishing you lots of luck for tomorrow!
Hi everyone
I haven't bee on these boards for a while as needed some time out after my daughter passed away and then a MC 5 months after. I gave myself a good break to recover physically and mentally and started trying actively this month.
I had a session of acupuncture a week before ov and have been taking pregnacare conception. We used a tiny bit of preseed.
Today I am 12/13 DPO.
I have had crampy stabbing pains in stomache that came and went. Shooting pains down legs and hips. Some back ache. Watery/lotiony CM every day. These were in the 1 ww. As with my 2nd pregnancy, symptoms started around 4DPO.
In the past 4 days, I have had an increase in boob pain and size (stabbing but never constant), increased thirst and more frequent urination. Getting very hungry to the point that I got the shakes. More frequent dreams. Very cranky and crying since Friday.
What was different this time is that I didn't get spots.
Tested using FRER on Friday 9/10 dpo - negative.
Tested this morning using FRER 12/13 dpo - postive.
I am quietly happy but to hold a baby again seems like a long long way away and very difficult. Good luck to you all.
Your symptoms sound similar to mine but Im just too nervous to test. Maybe tomorrow. I will be 13/14 dpo.
Congrats again!![]()
Thank you! You have some serious will power! I only tested yesterday because my symptoms were crazy. I had implantation/breakthrough bleed in the evening. This happened for both other pregnancies. Also, I just knew.
Wishing you lots of luck for tomorrow!
Thanks! Even though I said I was going to test I didnt. I am holding my wee now to test in about 4 hours. I went to loo this morning and totally forgot. I am not a POAS addict as if you cant tell. Too many heartaches over 14 months. My temp was up again though
, so Im happy, ecstatic really, LOL.
wow mrskcbrown.....that chart is looking fab!
Got myfinally with afternoon wee on a digital!
Got myfinally with afternoon wee on a digital!
Got myfinally with afternoon wee on a digital!
Got myfinally with afternoon wee on a digital!
Oh my gosh!!!!
Congrats Mrsbrown!!!! if anyone deserves a BFP you do!!!!
Now its your turn (woo hoo) can you share your symptoms with us again and what you did this month for the bfp?
congrats again and H&H 9 months
Got myfinally with afternoon wee on a digital!
Oh my gosh!!!!
Congrats Mrsbrown!!!! if anyone deserves a BFP you do!!!!
Now its your turn (woo hoo) can you share your symptoms with us again and what you did this month for the bfp?
congrats again and H&H 9 months
Thanks ladies you all are the greatest and Im still praying for BFPs across this board. I literally call out this board in my prayers.
Symptoms: literally none
few cramps here and there
sore boobs on and off
no frequent urination or sickness
some fatigue last week, none this week
bleeding gums 3-4 days in a row
I also have PCOS so the DR had me on clomid and metformin for months and nothing!!!I took it upon myself to stop the clomid and just used the metformin to keep my ovaries from becoming polycistic and hard again. My Dh has low morphology and we were told our only way to conceive was through IUI. We just continued to trust God and pushed the IUI back after every heart wrenching month. We go tomorrow for blood testing and I have to start progesterone suppositories as well.
We still cant believe it and are so grateful![]()
Got myfinally with afternoon wee on a digital!
Got myfinally with afternoon wee on a digital!
Got myfinally with afternoon wee on a digital!
Oh my gosh!!!!
Congrats Mrsbrown!!!! if anyone deserves a BFP you do!!!!
Now its your turn (woo hoo) can you share your symptoms with us again and what you did this month for the bfp?
congrats again and H&H 9 months
Thanks ladies you all are the greatest and Im still praying for BFPs across this board. I literally call out this board in my prayers.
Symptoms: literally none
few cramps here and there
sore boobs on and off
no frequent urination or sickness
some fatigue last week, none this week
bleeding gums 3-4 days in a row
I also have PCOS so the DR had me on clomid and metformin for months and nothing!!!I took it upon myself to stop the clomid and just used the metformin to keep my ovaries from becoming polycistic and hard again. My Dh has low morphology and we were told our only way to conceive was through IUI. We just continued to trust God and pushed the IUI back after every heart wrenching month. We go tomorrow for blood testing and I have to start progesterone suppositories as well.
We still cant believe it and are so grateful![]()
Got myfinally with afternoon wee on a digital!