Howdy all! I just got my BFP after 12 cycles of TTC so thought I would let you knnow what symptoms I had:
1DPO: Mild cramping
2DPO - 4DPO: Mild Cramping
5DPO: Mild Cramping again, woke up in the early hours of the morning with a really weird tugging sensation in my lower abdomen
6DPO - 7DPO: Nothing
8DPO: Cramps very low down, feeling a bit sad, really feel like AF is on her way!! Could guarantee that I am not pregnant.
9DPO: Heaviness in lower abdomen, very sensitive bb, watery cm (Sorry TMI), bit of an upset tummy
10DPO: Increased CM (Sorry!), funny dizy spell while at work, stitch like feeling low down, bb's just feel FUNNY - no other way to describe it! All of a sudden I have a feeling like this could finally be out month!
11DPO: Heaviness low down, sore tummy which almost feels bruised, very tender bb's - feel hard and heavy, normal CM
12DPO: Tested and got a
Sending everyone lots of