The Big Thread of Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Firstly, Congratulations to all mummies-to-be who had their :bfp: !!!

I fear I am symptom spotting but I am on 4dpo and feel extremely bloated, moody and my tummy feels awkward (probably cause I am so bloated) but I release some of the air through burping or passing gas.

Now, I haven't seen any spotting and I am quite dry down under but when is it that implantation spotting occurs?

My DH were trying for about 7 months and when I had a MC after 4 weeks we stopped trying mainly because I was so disheartened by it. One year later and we started trying again. We've been BD 2 months now. So as you can Imagine I am quite eager and impatient to get a :bfp:.

What is strange though, is that I have a feeling I may be pg and I am pretty convinced this is not a hysterical pregnancy.

Anyway, thanx for listening! I feel I have someone to talk to now and share my thoughts and anxieties.
:dust: baby dust to all!

I truly hope that you get your BFP. Not everyone gets implantation bleed. I didnt have it with my last nor my current pregnancy, so I wouldnt put a whole lotta weight on that. GL.
I am still TTC - and I posted back on page 227. On Thursday (the 15th) of this week AF will be 2 months late showing. I did a test 2 weeks or so ago and it was a BFN. Doing another tomorrow, so will let you all know! Keep your fingers crossed for me, please!! x

Im interested in the results.

Yesterday made 2 months since Ive seen AF also. Through out the months Ive been taking tests and have gotten BFN's but I havent taken one in about a week or two. Tomorrow I have a doctors appointment to hopefully find some answers!

Had an appt today. Urine test was negative. THey did a blood test but results wont come for 2 weeks :wacko::wacko::wacko:.. Gave me a prescription for Provera to jump start my period.. But theres no way I will take that until I know what the results of the blood test is.
I am still TTC - and I posted back on page 227. On Thursday (the 15th) of this week AF will be 2 months late showing. I did a test 2 weeks or so ago and it was a BFN. Doing another tomorrow, so will let you all know! Keep your fingers crossed for me, please!! x

Im interested in the results.

Yesterday made 2 months since Ive seen AF also. Through out the months Ive been taking tests and have gotten BFN's but I havent taken one in about a week or two. Tomorrow I have a doctors appointment to hopefully find some answers!

Had an appt today. Urine test was negative. THey did a blood test but results wont come for 2 weeks :wacko::wacko::wacko:.. Gave me a prescription for Provera to jump start my period.. But theres no way I will take that until I know what the results of the blood test is.

Wow 2 weeks. I got bloods back the same day. Did they say where they are sending it? I hope it is good news when it does come back!:hugs:
So i am not sure what the verdict is yet this month, but i wanted to record my symptoms so far for this cycle.:wacko:

-feeling like i am coming down with a cold
-increased thirst
-extreme hunger
-AF type cramps
-soar boobs at times/ random twinges in my boobs
-extreme fatigue
-bitchy, very emotional
-slight naseau
-gas coming out both ends, LOL
-going to the bathroom alot!!!!
-lower back aches
-acne on chin and face

Hmmm, of course alot of these symptoms could be PMS related, ugghh, it is so confusing trying to figure out what is going on during the dreaded 2 WW!!!:wacko: I will update later once i know for sure if AF comes or not!!! Wish me luck!!!!!:winkwink:
7 DPO, I was crampy crampy crampy last night, now I'm ok. I still have a little back ache though...
I am still TTC - and I posted back on page 227. On Thursday (the 15th) of this week AF will be 2 months late showing. I did a test 2 weeks or so ago and it was a BFN. Doing another tomorrow, so will let you all know! Keep your fingers crossed for me, please!! x

Im interested in the results.

Yesterday made 2 months since Ive seen AF also. Through out the months Ive been taking tests and have gotten BFN's but I havent taken one in about a week or two. Tomorrow I have a doctors appointment to hopefully find some answers!

Had an appt today. Urine test was negative. THey did a blood test but results wont come for 2 weeks :wacko::wacko::wacko:.. Gave me a prescription for Provera to jump start my period.. But theres no way I will take that until I know what the results of the blood test is.

Wow 2 weeks. I got bloods back the same day. Did they say where they are sending it? I hope it is good news when it does come back!:hugs:

No they didnt. I think it was because the dr originally requested a whole hormone work up...aka lots of bloods. BUT I have no insurance so I couldnt pay almost $200 for all of it. So all I paid for was the hcg blood. BUT on the paper she said that Id come back in 2 weeks to review the results of everything and thats what the lady up front saw. Im going to try and call on monday though and see if I get news sooner.

As for the rest of the bloods, that place offers a discount card if you have no insurance and I am scheduled to register for it on Aug 3.. so once I get it, THEN Ill have those bloods done!

OH works at a pediatrics urgent care place and I know they have the means to get an hcg blood test result the same day.. So I have no idea why this place is taking so long!
So I have been reading this thread the last few days and wanted to post my sym. I don't have a lot of confidence this is it..but what the heck! This is my first cycle TTC.

My cycle is super screwed up so I have no idea where I am. Everything..and I mean everything from CM , to temps, to cervix position, to OPKs is all a mess and doesn't match up at all. Think I have PCOS to thank. So I dont know when I Oed or if I od...but a week ago we bd ed and I just had a feeling that was it..makes very little sense I know...but it was something I can't explain to you. We weren't even bding with the intention of making a baby. I had actually given up the idea and sorta let it go until I could go to the doctor. But, when we were done...and even while we were doing it, a thought ran through my head that a baby was going to come out of this. It was just so different,and well lets just say if babies are born of love then a baby had to come from that one ;)

..since then I haven't given it a ton of thought or anything..but I plan to test in another week or soo...I haven't been paying attention to symptoms either so the ones I can post are things that grabbed my attention.I keep down playing them though as just my body being all screwed up and not from being Pregnant...but deep down I hope! Here they are for the past 6 days, starting about 3 days after we bded..

Slight Cramping, one day diarhea, a tight feeling in my lower abdomen for the past few days, feeling like i have a UTI ( which I might but waiting abit before heading to the doc) cause I have to pee all the time! Sharp pains a few days ago..two of them in my side..and then they were gone. Acid reflux ( but thats not to knew for me) Sharp pains through my BBs which lasted two days and then just very mild soreness. Fatigue and moodiness. Creamy,lotiony, CM which I rarely get. And I just cried my eyes out over a silly movie which I only do when my hormones are going wacko.

Its only been 8 days since we bded but i tested with a clear blue digi and it was BFN. Just going to wait another week and then see how things go. If I am not preg. I sure hope I can figure out what is wrong and why I feel so yucky!

Baby dust to all! Hope you get your BFPS!! Love this thread!!!
Oh yeah forgot..AF is way over due ( course I have no due date cause its always changing..sometimes AF doesnt come for 2 months..blah) and have had leg pain which I get before AF. Also 2 Big pimples which I haven't had in a long time! And some lower back pain.

I would almost be glad if AF did least I would not my body is doing something! Soon as paycheck comes we are off to the doc!
Oh one more,lol..sorry...I have a terrible craving for eggs and constant need to drink water! Having egg salad tonight ;)
I don't know if I have posted here since getting my BFP, so wanted to make sure I did. I got my BFP (faint) at 10 DPO, and slowly over 5 days they darkened to match the control line. My AF would have been due around 15-16 DPO, yesterday or today. No show :)

4 DPO onward..sore bbs on sides (normal)
6 & 7 DPO...cramping poking in uterus (top left side) (Implantation?) no spotting
Gassy 6-10 DPO (especially in the evening especially with dairy intake)
9 DPO--felt out this month..just knew it wouldn't work--emotional/teary
10 DPO--lightheaded, nipples sore, knew I was PG. Took test, faint BFP some cramping in same spot at 6-7DPO cramps. lots of ovary twinges
11 DPO--lightheaded, more ovary twinges...a little foggy in the head--but that's cuz I didn't sleep! Very very tired...but working lots outside. HUNGRY, nips sore
12 DPO--ovary CRAMPS, left side; emotional, tired, pressure in uterus; HUNGRY, nips sore
13 DPO--more cramping, especially at night...pressure in uterus; HUNGRY, nips not as sore
14 DPO--tired, not as crampy, nips sore/bbs sore with some sharp pains deep--some AF like cramping at night...but ovary has chilled out some. HUNGRY
15 DPO--bbs HURT, nips sore (puffy looking since about 12 DPO). not as hungry, upset stomach in evening, lots of AF cramping, sharp pains deep in BBS
16 DPO (today) bbs HURT, nips sore, back and forth on hunger, some AF cramping. Just now starting to see signs of CM in underwear--have been pretty dry or slightly just wet this whole time. No real CM--not like everyone talks about! Tired. Kind of moody (heck I've been moody for several days--back and forth with moods...happy, irritated, emotional, etc...).

Havent felt too interested in :sex: these past few days but around 6-10 DPO I was, and my orgasms were stronger :) :) :)

So that's about it--that's going from memory--so I may be off slightly on DPOs with symptoms, but I'm pretty sure implantation cramping was 6-7 DPO. GL to you all!
:dust: :dust:
I don't know if I have posted here since getting my BFP, so wanted to make sure I did. I got my BFP (faint) at 10 DPO, and slowly over 5 days they darkened to match the control line. My AF would have been due around 15-16 DPO, yesterday or today. No show :)

4 DPO onward..sore bbs on sides (normal)
6 & 7 DPO...cramping poking in uterus (top left side) (Implantation?) no spotting
Gassy 6-10 DPO (especially in the evening especially with dairy intake)
9 DPO--felt out this month..just knew it wouldn't work--emotional/teary
10 DPO--lightheaded, nipples sore, knew I was PG. Took test, faint BFP some cramping in same spot at 6-7DPO cramps. lots of ovary twinges
11 DPO--lightheaded, more ovary twinges...a little foggy in the head--but that's cuz I didn't sleep! Very very tired...but working lots outside. HUNGRY, nips sore
12 DPO--ovary CRAMPS, left side; emotional, tired, pressure in uterus; HUNGRY, nips sore
13 DPO--more cramping, especially at night...pressure in uterus; HUNGRY, nips not as sore
14 DPO--tired, not as crampy, nips sore/bbs sore with some sharp pains deep--some AF like cramping at night...but ovary has chilled out some. HUNGRY
15 DPO--bbs HURT, nips sore (puffy looking since about 12 DPO). not as hungry, upset stomach in evening, lots of AF cramping, sharp pains deep in BBS
16 DPO (today) bbs HURT, nips sore, back and forth on hunger, some AF cramping. Just now starting to see signs of CM in underwear--have been pretty dry or slightly just wet this whole time. No real CM--not like everyone talks about! Tired. Kind of moody (heck I've been moody for several days--back and forth with moods...happy, irritated, emotional, etc...).

Havent felt too interested in :sex: these past few days but around 6-10 DPO I was, and my orgasms were stronger :) :) :)

So that's about it--that's going from memory--so I may be off slightly on DPOs with symptoms, but I'm pretty sure implantation cramping was 6-7 DPO. GL to you all!
:dust: :dust:

Ok Ladies!!

I'm stressed!!
I don't know how many dpo i am because i have very irregular periods due to pcos! Last week i had really bad lower back ache to the stage where i had to put a hot water bottle on it and af style cramps! I thought af was on her way but nothing!! So i took a test last week and there was the faintest line ever i put it down to evap!! Still no af yesterday so took another and there was a stronger line but still faint!! I have never had evap lines before so i put a test under tap water to see if that had an evap line (Yes i know im obbsessed and slightly crazy) and nothing just a snowy white background!! SO took ANOTHER test this morning with FMU and there is still a faint line there that is very slightly stronger than yesterdays!!! I so desperatley want this to me IT!!! I really want t be excited but too scared to be!! I had a chemical pregnancy at the beggining of the year so saw faint BFPs and then my perios came but those tests got fainter and fainter! I'm so so so so worried!! I havent told DH yet because i dont want to get his hopes up!
I know everyone will say wait a few days and test again. Its just that i am going insane waiting! I just would appreciate some kind words to help me through this?
Pretty please??
Ps we've been trying 9 months and its our wedding anniversary at the weekend it would be a perfect anniversary present for DH!!

Help pleeeaaassssee.......

What kind of test are you using? When I got my BFP it was faint on FRER but got darker after 3 or so days. But with the dollar tree cheap tests, it took longer to get darker.

GL! Hope it's a BFP for you
i'm not sure if I have an infection but I ache all round my lower abdomen and top of my legs. I have creamy CM but with me being just off the pill i'm not sure if my cycle is all over the place...., what do you guys think?:shrug: My pee is very strong smell and I feel tired, my stomach is bloated. I am going to go to the gym and just act as normal because to be honest I dont think I am pregnant in other words I'm not getting my hopes up
I am learning so much from you ladies. Thanks for all the BFP symtoms. This is only my second month TTC. AF is 2 days late right now. I have cramps like she should have showed up, but she's a no show. Since around 5 DPO my bbs have been so sensitive (esp nipples) that I have only been able to house them in a sports bra. Food smells are setting me off. However, I'm loving the smell of squeezed lemon. I hate lemon! I'm sleepy all the time. Fingers crossed for my BFP soon.
I can finally add to this thread! Although the only symptom was sore boobs which were normal for me before af. My cp was low aswell which it always is before af.
Thanks for replying to me Membas! I'm using Tesco tests Ive taken another this morning and the line is still there but i'm pretty sure that its fainter than yesterdays so it looks like i'm having ANOTHER chemical pregnancy! I'm so gutted. I have another specialist appt on Mon so i'm going to ask if i can start on Clomid.
Hi im new here so just giving my symptoms:

Light headedness.

Strange crampy feelings in lower abdo.

Dry mouth and lips.

Tingling boobs now and then.

Sense of smell increased yet I had a stuffy nose on one side... random?

Very slight waves of nausea, nothing drastic.

And ewwwww strange yellow/greenish CM at times.

I did have a vivid dream that I tested and got a BFP but woke up and tested BFN..

I didn’t get a BFP till I was 11 days late and it was pretty faint . I did get what looked like evaps on cheap strips a few days before hand. They were so faint I could only just see them if I held them in a certain way. I tried tesco tests but had nothing and got the BFP on a superdrug early test.

I don’t know why it took so long for the BFP to show up maybe I ovulated late? Maybe sometimes things take a while. With my first I was 3 weeks late before I got a BFP and with my son I had a doctors confirm test at 9 weeks that came back negative.

Im now 7 weeks and have my first scan in 2 weeks. :)

Congratulations to all with BFP and best wishes to those waiting. :)
Thanks for replying to me Membas! I'm using Tesco tests Ive taken another this morning and the line is still there but i'm pretty sure that its fainter than yesterdays so it looks like i'm having ANOTHER chemical pregnancy! I'm so gutted. I have another specialist appt on Mon so i'm going to ask if i can start on Clomid.

Sorry to hear that Wifey. I don't know much about Tesco cant' help you there. I hope you get some answers with the specialist. :hugs:
Thanks for replying to me Membas! I'm using Tesco tests Ive taken another this morning and the line is still there but i'm pretty sure that its fainter than yesterdays so it looks like i'm having ANOTHER chemical pregnancy! I'm so gutted. I have another specialist appt on Mon so i'm going to ask if i can start on Clomid.

hun dont get ur hopes down.. some urine is stronger with the chemical than others =).. i say got to the doc and get a quantitative blood test it will show the number of hcg in ur blood if any to see if ur pregnant and its early or anything like that =)

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