The Big Thread of Early Pregnancy Symptoms

So I have been reading this thread the last few days and wanted to post my sym. I don't have a lot of confidence this is it..but what the heck! This is my first cycle TTC.

My cycle is super screwed up so I have no idea where I am. Everything..and I mean everything from CM , to temps, to cervix position, to OPKs is all a mess and doesn't match up at all. Think I have PCOS to thank. So I dont know when I Oed or if I od...but a week ago we bd ed and I just had a feeling that was it..makes very little sense I know...but it was something I can't explain to you. We weren't even bding with the intention of making a baby. I had actually given up the idea and sorta let it go until I could go to the doctor. But, when we were done...and even while we were doing it, a thought ran through my head that a baby was going to come out of this. It was just so different,and well lets just say if babies are born of love then a baby had to come from that one ;)

..since then I haven't given it a ton of thought or anything..but I plan to test in another week or soo...I haven't been paying attention to symptoms either so the ones I can post are things that grabbed my attention.I keep down playing them though as just my body being all screwed up and not from being Pregnant...but deep down I hope! Here they are for the past 6 days, starting about 3 days after we bded..

Slight Cramping, one day diarhea, a tight feeling in my lower abdomen for the past few days, feeling like i have a UTI ( which I might but waiting abit before heading to the doc) cause I have to pee all the time! Sharp pains a few days ago..two of them in my side..and then they were gone. Acid reflux ( but thats not to knew for me) Sharp pains through my BBs which lasted two days and then just very mild soreness. Fatigue and moodiness. Creamy,lotiony, CM which I rarely get. And I just cried my eyes out over a silly movie which I only do when my hormones are going wacko.

Its only been 8 days since we bded but i tested with a clear blue digi and it was BFN. Just going to wait another week and then see how things go. If I am not preg. I sure hope I can figure out what is wrong and why I feel so yucky!

Baby dust to all! Hope you get your BFPS!! Love this thread!!!

Hey there this is my first post. I've been looking for posts with the achiness above the pubic's very specific in the location not like af cramps and wondering how many bfps came out of this? this is our third month ttc and we already have three kids but it's been eight years since I've been prego!

The other concern I have is I was pretty sure I O'd around cd 11 but I got a positive? opk on cd16. So I'm really confused because I was getting symptoms around the same day of the positive opk...completely cranky, no pain in bbs which is odd for me, sharp pain in left ovary (I know sounds like o pain but I've read some posts where you can get this cycle day 6 or 7) so, I know no one can tell me for sure but I am wondering if the opk's can be off? I'm looking at them now and they're definitely lighter than the control line but I could have sworn that day they were just about the same color. Could they be wrong or could I be color blind? lol thanks I love this site you ladies rock!!:kiss:
Symptoms may vary. Im my case, lack of symptoms was actually a symptom. When I wasnt pg, I kept getting "symptoms" such as metallic taste, sore BBs, etc but would always end up getting a BFN then AF a few days after. Here's what I did during the cycle I got a BFP. Im on a 28-day cycle. Hope this helps.

CD 13 - BDd
CD 14 - Went on a roadtrip
CD 15 - BDd again
CD 21 - BDd again (though Im pretty sure I wasnt fertile on this day)
CD 26-28 - Did not feel any pg symptoms. Just felt like AF was coming like the usual.
CD 28 (April 24th, my birthday) - Was expecting AF but she was a no show though I was not really expecting to be pg cuz I dont feel pg at all.
CD 29 (April 25th) - tested and got a very dark BFP

In my case, lack of symptoms is actually a symptom that I am pg.
Hi. I am new here and just read about 40 pages of posts. I am confused and hoping you all have some advice.
I had a mirena removed june 2nd, bled from June 4th-14th (not typical period for me). i got a regular pd on July 10th-14th. On july 20th (cycle day 11) I had unprotected sex. i don't know how long my cycle is or when I ovulate. But I have had some weird feelings this cycle.

CD19 - little cramping on the left side lower abdomen. frequent urination
CD19-22 - bloated, heavy feeling with a few mild cramps, frequent urination, gassy, burping a lot
CD22 - creamy CM, cervix high barely reach morning temp 98.62
CD23 - dull backache started with a twinge of pain, strange cramp on foot under pinky toe, cervix high almost couldnt reach morning temp 98.62 now 99.68??

Since day 19 I have just felt strange.
I took HPt from $ store on CD19,20, 22, and 23 BFNs.

I don't know what to think and don't know where I am in my cycle. I haven't had regular periods in forever bc of Mirena, pregnancies, and BC.

What do you guys think?
Also, please let me know if I'm crashing this thread. I know several ppl have said that this was for ppl already confirmed with BFPs but ppl keep poting before confirmed. So, feel free to send me packing!!! ;-)
Just had my :bfp: today and I just knew I was pregnant :happydance::happydance:

My symptoms have been:

6dpo - 9dpo - sharp twinges in both my ovaries that felt like a violin string being plucked lol

11dpo until now - Woke up with terrible back ache like I had slept funny everynight

12 dpo - AF type boobies (achey and swollen) but no more than usual when AF is due and slight stomach cramps that came and went like AF was coming.

Day my period was due 1/8/10 - a few very slight brown tinged blobs of mucus which I am still having. (Had a whole week of light bleeding before found out was pregnant with my son so not worried)

From 8dpo - I was convinced this was my month but didn't get a positive until 16dpo

What I did differently this month to all the past 19 months we have been trying........

I gave up pepsi max - I have drank 2 litres a day since we started trying to conceive but this month I stopped drinking it all together after reading caffeine can stop you getting pregnant...apparently it did!!!

I had a damn good talk to myself in the mirror everyday around ovulation and told myself (from the heart) that I was going to get pregnant this month, I am a good mum to my son and really want a little brother or sister for him..... sad but it's seemed to work lol

:sex: everyday for a week around ovulation and twice on the day I ovulated :winkwink: !!!

And that is it really, I am so happy:happydance:
Just had my :bfp: today and I just knew I was pregnant :happydance::happydance:

My symptoms have been:

6dpo - 9dpo - sharp twinges in both my ovaries that felt like a violin string being plucked lol

11dpo until now - Woke up with terrible back ache like I had slept funny everynight

12 dpo - AF type boobies (achey and swollen) but no more than usual when AF is due and slight stomach cramps that came and went like AF was coming.

Day my period was due 1/8/10 - a few very slight brown tinged blobs of mucus which I am still having. (Had a whole week of light bleeding before found out was pregnant with my son so not worried)

From 8dpo - I was convinced this was my month but didn't get a positive until 16dpo

What I did differently this month to all the past 19 months we have been trying........

I gave up pepsi max - I have drank 2 litres a day since we started trying to conceive but this month I stopped drinking it all together after reading caffeine can stop you getting pregnant...apparently it did!!!

I had a damn good talk to myself in the mirror everyday around ovulation and told myself (from the heart) that I was going to get pregnant this month, I am a good mum to my son and really want a little brother or sister for him..... sad but it's seemed to work lol

:sex: everyday for a week around ovulation and twice on the day I ovulated :winkwink: !!!

And that is it really, I am so happy:happydance:

hi first time on here my af due 15th august i have been getting really windy, need to pee alot i too actually convinced my self that i had a urine infection ( although seems to eased off alittle) tiredness and most worrying to me is the pain i been gettin around my belly button like cramps and down the sides near my hip bones , i have never suffered af pains so cant liken them too that.
i also noticed last couple of nights i have had a really dry mouth in bed too the point tounge sticks to top of mouth and night sweats, also been hungry but that could be cos i am always dieting !!!!
but my breast remain as normal as they ever been no head aches or sickness
help!!! think i am driving myself mad did ept this morning and it was negitive :cry:although i iant really sure when the earilat i should test !!!
any way guys best of luck to every one else ttc baby dust every where xx
Congrats to all ladies who got BFPs...!!!!
What a brilliant treads. I've spent all day reading from the first tread....(still half way to go yet, lol). Just want to say this forum is very comforting, a real support for us who are TTC.
By the way, ladies. I wonder if you'd give me some thoughts about my situation. My lmp was 13 July, very light and short. I wasn't trying to conceive, nor stopping. My bf and i have unprotected sex in the last 4 months. For the last 3 weeks i've had this headache almost every day, on and off, feeling sick after coffee or ciggs (i know, it's a filthy habit,trying to cut down in last few days as it makes me feel yuck anyway), wee a lot, low energy levels, snappy (poor my bf), . Like i said, i wasn't trying for a baby but but somehow the symptoms i've had suddenly has made me want to be a mum, and i'm not getting younger, im 36 btw.
Cut the story short, i took hpt on Monday, 8th August. came up BFN. But AF is still not in sight, should have come 3-4 days ago. Having pms symptoms in last few days, headache is getting worst and more often, especially in the evening. I've noticed that more creamy cm in my panties, which is very unusual for me. I know i shouldn't get my hopes up, but i'm longing to be pg! Going to have a blood test tomorrow morning...wish me luck and sending millions of baby dust to everyone who's waiting for BFP.............
Hope you get that shy BFP tomorrow on the Blood test....sending TONS of BABYDUST!!!!
ok, well here are my symptoms to add to the list.

Heavy feeling in lower tummy, sometimes worse in the afternoons, not quite a crampy feeling though.

Lots of CM, and i mean lots!, 2 days in a row i thought id wet myself lol!.

CP becoming really high, higher then when i Ov !

and my skin is really clear, i usually start to get spots esp when AF is due.
Symptom spotting. I havnt tested yet but today I am feeling not myself.
My boobs hurt
the bottom of my back hurts,
constipated (tmi)
feel slightly sick
spots that don't seem to want to leave my face.
Wind, front and back
can't even look at food
constantly tired ( slept from 11 last night till 9 this morning and I'm still tired)
nasty taste in my mouth.
Had to fags all day because even those make me feel sick

bfp or bfn do you recon?? Af not due for a few more days yet
what you people think ??
ok, well here are my symptoms to add to the list.

Heavy feeling in lower tummy, sometimes worse in the afternoons, not quite a crampy feeling though.

Lots of CM, and i mean lots!, 2 days in a row i thought id wet myself lol!.

CP becoming really high, higher then when i Ov !

and my skin is really clear, i usually start to get spots esp when AF is due.

I am exactly the same this month, in the afternoon I am getting the same bloated hevy feeling that I get the day I ovulate! I have also noticed lots of cm and cp really high. What dpo are you? Good luck x
I am curious about the mood swings - they say it's different for everybody. Aren't you only supposed to get them later in your pregnancy - around 6-10 weeks or so?

I guess all the hormonal changes are causing it...I've heard that if you rest during the day, exercise for 30 min, take prenatal vitamins (iron and folic acid), then you won't have as many mood swings.
My fiance and I are TTC. I had a mc in Feb. The past month I have experienced:

-sore, tender, and very swollen breasts
-cravings and extreme hunger even after grazing all day
-exhaustion (I can wake up around 1 pm and be ready for a nap around 3 pm)
-constant wetness and lotion like discharge (tmi)
-lack of sexual desire
-my fiance doesn't even have to speak and I'm still irritated at him
-mood swing the other day for no reason lasted pretty much the entire day...started off calm then out of no where snapped and went off on the fiance made a little scene, then cried to my fiance....all of this came out of nowhere
-lower backpain
-trouble falling asleep
-occasional weird taste in my mouth
-last "period" lasted 3 days and was scanty... didn't even need a tampon once
-discharge has a different odor it seems like (tmi again sorry)
-twinges in lower ab/ and sides from time to time
-hiccups more often and shortness of breath
-hot flashes big time... my fiance has had to get cold rags or ice packs to put on my head
-daily headaches
-my cigarettes taste different, I barely want them... should make quiting this week so much easier :)
-certain things such as pepsi tastes extremely different and I can't drink it
-constant gassy feeling
-going to the bathroom what seems like every hour
-mothers/fathers intuition if that's possible lol

the only thing is I haven't been able to get a positive result on any home test... it's been a week since I last tested...

my friend's mother is convinced I'm pregnant and is constantly telling me that I am, and my little sister had a dream that I was expecting (she had/has no idea that we're trying)... and I know this sounds weird but my cat acts strange recently... when I was pregnant with my son before mc with him, my cat hated me... she'd growl and avoid me... she's back to doing that... I probably sound crazy... I'm going to try to get into the Dr tomorrow possibly and if not then most likely on the 17th... my son's due date... maybe Brayden is looking out for me and sending me a late birthday present (my birthday was on the 9th) *fingers crossed*

Oh and I'm an emotional wreck, but that could be because my son's due date is in 2 days...
oh and I forgot to mention the acne... last time I broke out this bad was when I was pregnant with my son... And I have what seems like a constant bloat, my tummy is a little rounder and my jeans are getting a bit snugger. Not a big change but enough that I can tell.
Has anyone experienced Hot Flashes?

I have been experiencing them a lot recently. TTC with a possibilty that we've done it :D

For the 1st time I experienced them and it was awkward because our house is really cold, I was completely bare (tmi sorry) and broke out in a sweat, I actually had to get up to get some cold water. I've also had some very minor cramps when I sleep on my stomach at night. It actually wakes me up. Very unusual.

but I hope that we have mastered the baby best of luck girly and lots of :dust:

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