hiya ladies i just got my bfp not long ago on a frer i'm only 1dpo but it's strong and i'm in heaven but my body isn't lol,
i thought i'd let you browse through my symptoms this are really different to my last pregnancy so here it goes,
1dpo- white creamy cm, stomach cramps.
2dpo- white creamy cm, sore nipples, stomach cramps.
3dpo- as above.
4dpo- white creamy cm, sore nipples, stomach cramps, spots.
5dpo- white creamy cm, very sore nipples, no cramps, spots.
6dpo- as above.
7dpo- as above, tested using ic negative result.
8dpo-white creamy cm looked a bit lumpy(tmi), very sore nipples, big blue veiny boobs, few cramps and twinges, tiny bit on nausea.
9dpo- as above tested using ic's very faint lines on both
10dpo white creamy cm,very sore nipples, sore boobs,big blue veins,couple of cramps, nausea on and off, tired,funny taste in mouth, tested in the AM very fanit lines on ic's tested again in the evening using FRER and got
may i just add i didn't have implantation bleeding either so it doesn't always happen.