The Big Thread of Early Pregnancy Symptoms

i guess i could, im a total POAS addict and tested at 9dpo and 10dpo. Im gonna pick a test up tomorrow afternoon i think. Give it another 24 hours for AF to show then test Saturday morning
Thanks! In my mind from my symptoms, I really want to just say yes! Im pregnant but the other little voice says maybe you arent. I guess because it hasnt happened in 8 months what makes me think it will happen now???? I never have had these symptoms before. My breasts are untouchable! I mean I need a caution sign thats just how bad it is.

I too had my gums bleed like one day last week and I was trying to make sure I didnt drink anything red LOL!

When will you test? Im going to wait until sunday, i hope! That is the last day of this cycle for me.

Manchester- Thanks! I know your struggle and I am praying so hard for you right now that you receive the answer that you need! ((((hugz))))

Hun, please dont give up hope, although I know where you are coming from. We had been trying since April, so 8 too and I had just got my bfp. It can happen xxxx

Thanks I will not give up until AF shows her face. I did a dumb:dohh: thing and tested with an OPK! Why did I do that??? The OPK was negative, so do you think my HPT on sunday will be negative too?? I feel so stupid now.:nope:
Thanks! In my mind from my symptoms, I really want to just say yes! Im pregnant but the other little voice says maybe you arent. I guess because it hasnt happened in 8 months what makes me think it will happen now???? I never have had these symptoms before. My breasts are untouchable! I mean I need a caution sign thats just how bad it is.

I too had my gums bleed like one day last week and I was trying to make sure I didnt drink anything red LOL!

When will you test? Im going to wait until sunday, i hope! That is the last day of this cycle for me.

Manchester- Thanks! I know your struggle and I am praying so hard for you right now that you receive the answer that you need! ((((hugz))))

Hun, please dont give up hope, although I know where you are coming from. We had been trying since April, so 8 too and I had just got my bfp. It can happen xxxx

Thanks I will not give up until AF shows her face. I did a dumb:dohh: thing and tested with an OPK! Why did I do that??? The OPK was negative, so do you think my HPT on sunday will be negative too?? I feel so stupid now.:nope:

The same reason we all do...........we're crazy lol I wouldnt worry tho cos I tested with an OPK today and it was negative too and I know I am pg xx
hiya ladies i just got my bfp not long ago on a frer i'm only 1dpo but it's strong and i'm in heaven but my body isn't lol,
i thought i'd let you browse through my symptoms this are really different to my last pregnancy so here it goes,

1dpo- white creamy cm, stomach cramps.
2dpo- white creamy cm, sore nipples, stomach cramps.
3dpo- as above.
4dpo- white creamy cm, sore nipples, stomach cramps, spots.
5dpo- white creamy cm, very sore nipples, no cramps, spots.
6dpo- as above.
7dpo- as above, tested using ic negative result.
8dpo-white creamy cm looked a bit lumpy(tmi), very sore nipples, big blue veiny boobs, few cramps and twinges, tiny bit on nausea.
9dpo- as above tested using ic's very faint lines on both
10dpo white creamy cm,very sore nipples, sore boobs,big blue veins,couple of cramps, nausea on and off, tired,funny taste in mouth, tested in the AM very fanit lines on ic's tested again in the evening using FRER and got :bfp:

may i just add i didn't have implantation bleeding either so it doesn't always happen.

:dust: :dust:
Can I join?!

My symptoms so far are: -

Sensitive Nipples

Had MASSIVE cramps during ovulation, no idea what this means.

Horrid phlegm in my mouth.. EW

I'm now 3dpo - Long way to go! x
hiya ladies i just got my bfp not long ago on a frer i'm only 1dpo but it's strong and i'm in heaven but my body isn't lol,
i thought i'd let you browse through my symptoms this are really different to my last pregnancy so here it goes,

1dpo- white creamy cm, stomach cramps.
2dpo- white creamy cm, sore nipples, stomach cramps.
3dpo- as above.
4dpo- white creamy cm, sore nipples, stomach cramps, spots.
5dpo- white creamy cm, very sore nipples, no cramps, spots.
6dpo- as above.
7dpo- as above, tested using ic negative result.
8dpo-white creamy cm looked a bit lumpy(tmi), very sore nipples, big blue veiny boobs, few cramps and twinges, tiny bit on nausea.
9dpo- as above tested using ic's very faint lines on both
10dpo white creamy cm,very sore nipples, sore boobs,big blue veins,couple of cramps, nausea on and off, tired,funny taste in mouth, tested in the AM very fanit lines on ic's tested again in the evening using FRER and got :bfp:

may i just add i didn't have implantation bleeding either so it doesn't always happen.

:dust: :dust:

Congrats! I hope to join you soon! I too, have really creamy cm, sore boobs (although only tender today) and loads of mild, dull cramps in my uterus. I may possibly test today as I am about 15 dpo. CONGRATS AGAIN!
hiya ladies i just got my bfp not long ago on a frer i'm only 1dpo but it's strong and i'm in heaven but my body isn't lol,
i thought i'd let you browse through my symptoms this are really different to my last pregnancy so here it goes,

1dpo- white creamy cm, stomach cramps.
2dpo- white creamy cm, sore nipples, stomach cramps.
3dpo- as above.
4dpo- white creamy cm, sore nipples, stomach cramps, spots.
5dpo- white creamy cm, very sore nipples, no cramps, spots.
6dpo- as above.
7dpo- as above, tested using ic negative result.
8dpo-white creamy cm looked a bit lumpy(tmi), very sore nipples, big blue veiny boobs, few cramps and twinges, tiny bit on nausea.
9dpo- as above tested using ic's very faint lines on both
10dpo white creamy cm,very sore nipples, sore boobs,big blue veins,couple of cramps, nausea on and off, tired,funny taste in mouth, tested in the AM very fanit lines on ic's tested again in the evening using FRER and got :bfp:

may i just add i didn't have implantation bleeding either so it doesn't always happen.

:dust: :dust:

Congrats! I hope to join you soon! I too, have really creamy cm, sore boobs (although only tender today) and loads of mild, dull cramps in my uterus. I may possibly test today as I am about 15 dpo. CONGRATS AGAIN!

thanks hun, have you tested yet?? would love to see what the result is, your symptoms look very positive!!

:dust: :dust:
hiya ladies i just got my bfp not long ago on a frer i'm only 1dpo but it's strong and i'm in heaven but my body isn't lol,
i thought i'd let you browse through my symptoms this are really different to my last pregnancy so here it goes,

1dpo- white creamy cm, stomach cramps.
2dpo- white creamy cm, sore nipples, stomach cramps.
3dpo- as above.
4dpo- white creamy cm, sore nipples, stomach cramps, spots.
5dpo- white creamy cm, very sore nipples, no cramps, spots.
6dpo- as above.
7dpo- as above, tested using ic negative result.
8dpo-white creamy cm looked a bit lumpy(tmi), very sore nipples, big blue veiny boobs, few cramps and twinges, tiny bit on nausea.
9dpo- as above tested using ic's very faint lines on both
10dpo white creamy cm,very sore nipples, sore boobs,big blue veins,couple of cramps, nausea on and off, tired,funny taste in mouth, tested in the AM very fanit lines on ic's tested again in the evening using FRER and got :bfp:

may i just add i didn't have implantation bleeding either so it doesn't always happen.

:dust: :dust:

Congrats! I hope to join you soon! I too, have really creamy cm, sore boobs (although only tender today) and loads of mild, dull cramps in my uterus. I may possibly test today as I am about 15 dpo. CONGRATS AGAIN!

thanks hun, have you tested yet?? would love to see what the result is, your symptoms look very positive!!

:dust: :dust:

Actually Im not 15dpo but 12dpo today. I was off a bit.

Yes I tested yesterday and at 11dpo I received a BFN! I used a FRER, so I know its accurate, LOL. MY bb's arent as sore and it seems since Ive taken that test, Ive lost all hope but Im trying to keep it together. AF is due tomorrow and I surely hope she doesnt show and I am BFP. That would be so awesome!!! Say a prayer for me please? :hugs:
Hey ladies! I cant remember all my dpos now but I can tell you how I felt in general after ov-
Nasty hormonal moods
Tiny dots of blood 10dpo when wiped (started to think I was wiping tooo much and hurting myself!)
Creamy CM and quite "wet"
itchy nips
had some waves of exhaustion when walking up the stairs at waterloo- nearly had to sit down.
Clear BFP on 12dpo, 13 dpo and 15 dpo

Had more symptoms the month before! really thought I was out last month- so please please please dont give up if you dont feel much.

Hi ladies, I just got my BFP (and it had to be at the time BnB was down... What torture) so thought i'd make my first post on this thread and tell u all my symptoms...

1 DPO = Creamy CM with some eggwhite gloopy bits in (sorry if tmi) but had about an hour of really stretchy stuff!
2 DPO = Creamy CM, twinges in my right boob.
3 DPO = Creamy CM (a lot more of it!), twinges in my right boob and lower abdomen.
4 DPO = Creamy CM, twinges in boobs, twinges in lower abdo.
5 DPO = Creamy CM, slight cramps and back ache, CP had tilted backward and was now very high!
6 DPO = Creamy CM, constipation, slight aching cramps and back ache.
7 DPO = Creamy CM, slight aching and back ache, heartburn, CP now very high and firm, noticing blue veins around my nipples and more twinges in boobs.
8 DPO = Creamy CM, no feelings all day but bad abdo cramps in the evening (prob implantation cramps) along with backache and heartburn.
9 DPO = Cramps still and backache, constipation, boobs are aching and are noticably bigger, creamy CM (still), and beginning to feel very tired!
10 DPO = Dull ache in lower abdo, hips aching and back ache, headache (possibly due to new hormones after implantation), creamy CM, got a stitch when walking about 10 paces! But i got a BFN!
11 DPO = Very faint BFP on clearblue test, no real feelings accept backache and creamy CM, got a stitch when walking the dog again (not like me at all!),
12 DPO = Aching in hips, backache, creamy CM and a BFP!!

I should mention I have felt bloated throughout and at 10 DPI also noticed my lower abdo looked very bloated and I couldn't see my hips anymore (putting on weight)
Hope this helps you symptom spotters, good luck everyone!

I hope u all get your Xmas BFP's!! Xxx
12 DPO =
Hi ladies, I just got my BFP (and it had to be at the time BnB was down... What torture) so thought i'd make my first post on this thread and tell u all my symptoms...

1 DPO = Creamy CM with some eggwhite gloopy bits in (sorry if tmi) but had about an hour of really stretchy stuff!
2 DPO = Creamy CM, twinges in my right boob.
3 DPO = Creamy CM (a lot more of it!), twinges in my right boob and lower abdomen.
4 DPO = Creamy CM, twinges in boobs, twinges in lower abdo.
5 DPO = Creamy CM, slight cramps and back ache, CP had tilted backward and was now very high!
6 DPO = Creamy CM, constipation, slight aching cramps and back ache.
7 DPO = Creamy CM, slight aching and back ache, heartburn, CP now very high and firm, noticing blue veins around my nipples and more twinges in boobs.
8 DPO = Creamy CM, no feelings all day but bad abdo cramps in the evening (prob implantation cramps) along with backache and heartburn.
9 DPO = Cramps still and backache, constipation, boobs are aching and are noticably bigger, creamy CM (still), and beginning to feel very tired!
10 DPO = Dull ache in lower abdo, hips aching and back ache, headache (possibly due to new hormones after implantation), creamy CM, got a stitch when walking about 10 paces! But i got a BFN!
11 DPO = Very faint BFP on clearblue test, no real feelings accept backache and creamy CM, got a stitch when walking the dog again (not like me at all!),
12 DPO = Aching in hips, backache, creamy CM and a BFP!!

I should mention I have felt bloated throughout and at 10 DPI also noticed my lower abdo looked very bloated and I couldn't see my hips anymore (putting on weight)
Hope this helps you symptom spotters, good luck everyone!

I hope u all get your Xmas BFP's!! Xxx
So I've been posting about my symptoms and taking tests, but so far I've only had BFNs. AF was technically due yesterday, though I'm always late, so we'll see- I haven't gotten it yet! Maybe there's still a chance! I figure I'm around 13dpo right now...

Mrskc- Any news???
Seasidebaby-first of all big congratulations!! When you said aching hips, did you get any pain? I've had painful hips for a few days,I cant sleep on them cos it's uncomfortable.
awesome news Seaside, congrats.
Was the creamy cm white?
Hi ladies, I just got my BFP (and it had to be at the time BnB was down... What torture) so thought i'd make my first post on this thread and tell u all my symptoms...

1 DPO = Creamy CM with some eggwhite gloopy bits in (sorry if tmi) but had about an hour of really stretchy stuff!
2 DPO = Creamy CM, twinges in my right boob.
3 DPO = Creamy CM (a lot more of it!), twinges in my right boob and lower abdomen.
4 DPO = Creamy CM, twinges in boobs, twinges in lower abdo.
5 DPO = Creamy CM, slight cramps and back ache, CP had tilted backward and was now very high!
6 DPO = Creamy CM, constipation, slight aching cramps and back ache.
7 DPO = Creamy CM, slight aching and back ache, heartburn, CP now very high and firm, noticing blue veins around my nipples and more twinges in boobs.
8 DPO = Creamy CM, no feelings all day but bad abdo cramps in the evening (prob implantation cramps) along with backache and heartburn.
9 DPO = Cramps still and backache, constipation, boobs are aching and are noticably bigger, creamy CM (still), and beginning to feel very tired!
10 DPO = Dull ache in lower abdo, hips aching and back ache, headache (possibly due to new hormones after implantation), creamy CM, got a stitch when walking about 10 paces! But i got a BFN!
11 DPO = Very faint BFP on clearblue test, no real feelings accept backache and creamy CM, got a stitch when walking the dog again (not like me at all!),
12 DPO = Aching in hips, backache, creamy CM and a BFP!!

I should mention I have felt bloated throughout and at 10 DPI also noticed my lower abdo looked very bloated and I couldn't see my hips anymore (putting on weight)
Hope this helps you symptom spotters, good luck everyone!

I hope u all get your Xmas BFP's!! Xxx

Congrats!!! :happydance:
Hey all,

AF was due yesterday and around 6 last night I started spotting. Today it's become a tiny bit heavier (very, very dark brown tinged red) and I have AF cramps... I tested this morning though and I still had a BFN! Is this my AF or is it pregnancy spotting??? BBs still hurting and veiny, still exhausted. :wacko:
hi ladies im sorry but i dont feel like reading through 100 something pages but i was just wondering what you ladies would think.
im about 9 or so days from AF showing
i have extremly sore boobs
at night i feel sick like throwing up but dont actually do it
i dont really eat to much now but after i do i feel sick
i have had very bad cramps
im constantly thirsty
i havnt had normal BM's latley, it went from being constapated to the complete oposite.
im so emotional i cant stand it

i think thats it so far. i dont know when i ovulated or anything but i have 55 day cycles and should be starting on x mas eve or x-mas day
hi ladies im sorry but i dont feel like reading through 100 something pages but i was just wondering what you ladies would think.
im about 9 or so days from AF showing
i have extremly sore boobs
at night i feel sick like throwing up but dont actually do it
i dont really eat to much now but after i do i feel sick
i have had very bad cramps
im constantly thirsty
i havnt had normal BM's latley, it went from being constapated to the complete oposite.
im so emotional i cant stand it

i think thats it so far. i dont know when i ovulated or anything but i have 55 day cycles and should be starting on x mas eve or x-mas day

AF should have been there for me already. Today or yesterday and I still have a BFN as of Monday. I am feeling like you..except you, I was eating then getting sick. Now I am eating tons! I feel very preggo. I hope I am. I totally know how you are feeling.:hugs:
Hi guys,

I havent been charting long i came off implanon and so i have no idea where my cycle is however just to give me something to focus on i have speculated the start of my cycle the day i had it out which was 30th dec.

We started ttc on what im counting as CD 10, i think i ovulated on CD 12/13 due to ewcm, ov pains etc.

Since then everyday i have been very tired, persistant heartburn everyday despite what i eat, crampy dull acheyness not like AF, i dont get sore bbs during AF and my bbs hve been really twingy. Im thinking this is all probably too early and my chart is only just started... it could be not having implanon in maybe mucking up my hormones.

Any suggestions girls???
my boobs dont usualy hurt leading up to AF like this, its bad. oh and i keep getting these like pinches like in my vagina(tmi sorry) but they hurt. but the thing with eating is when i eat it feel like its just getting stuck or something in a certain spot of my tummy if that makes since and its just a yucky feeling.....

hope we all get our BFP's
good luck

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