hi all,
I do hope someone can give me some advice.
I'm 4 days late, have been mild cramping for a few weeks now, got sore boobs which comes and goes, started feeling sick on thurday, feel better once i have eaten but it returns after about 15 mins after i have finished eating.
I was also walking through a busy shopping centre today, and suddenly started crying for no reason. This never happends to me. Not stressed, far from it, been bubbly as anything today in fact.
Also finding it harder to get up in the mornings, just always shattered.
Have done 2 tests this morning, both were negative.
I had a look online at a few posts where people have said to wait at least a week late on your period so the hormones have deffo kicked in (if i am pregnant).
Has anyone had anything like this? And if they did what happened?
My AF has been spot on to the day since a miscarrage i had 6 months ago.
Any advice ladies will much appreciated.