hi ladies loven the thread but i'm made up i hadnt seen it till nw otherwise i'd start thinking i had symptoms haha right....i got my very dark very definate BFP on the 20th of jan afta AF being 2 days late my only symptoms wer.....
1) day b4 AF due and day AF should have arrived i was so tired couldnt keep my eyes open at around 3pm to 6pm then i'd liven up.
2) coudlnt get out of bed in the morning i wanted to but my body wouldnt let me.
3) really tender boobies but just felt as if AF was coming
4) eating toast with chicken noodles and brown sauce (really enjoyable haha)
5) being nelly piss quick!!
but non of them made me test because i'm lazy and usualy have late periods so was a really big but amazing shock...29th of jan i had a natural MC
now i'm a TTC freak!!!haha.going from my las proper period which was 18th of december i should have OV'd on the 6th of feb and lone behold i had severe ovary pain on the 5th and 6th so we BD on the 4th, 6th, 8th and 9th.going from my MC bleed i should have OV'd yday so BD'd on the 14th and lastnight, technically going from the 6th OV these past 10days ive had
1) shooting pain in right boob
2) shotting pains down left leg
3) pully tight twinges in my left side
4) cervix for the past few days ova a week even is wet and last week was squidgy if you no what i mean (i think i'm feeling the right thing haha)
5) runny nose :S on the odd occasion but goes away after i wipe then doesnt happen for a day or 2
6) feeling like i've wee'd or AF is here reallllly wet sorry TMI
7) little spurts of tiredness cums and goes through the day
8) getting up no questions asked at the lastest 8.45am NOT LIKE ME haha
9) soooo thirsty
10) waking up in just nickers and being totally boiling hot!!
11) cnt stand OH being near me sometimes
and today ive got
1) really really wety feelin.....sorry TMI but it even feels bubbly wen i get up and wlk :S
2) severe pain in my right ovary like next but low down to my hip
3) starving!!!!even after ive ate and wantiong chocolate and i'm more a savoury person than a sweet person.
4) felt my cervix before and i havent got a clue but this is what i felt...wet squidgy but not as squidgy as the other day and it feels sorta like a mouth together if that makes sense but its soft not like shut shut :S how does a closed cervix feel?
lastnight i got up off the couch to take out my tray and i had to stop because i was getting the most awful cramp stabn pain unda my belly button going dwn them into my bum then down my leg everytime i went to walk it would happen and it actually made me scream and yelp that loud OH sh*t himself and told me to shutup lol.hasnt happend before ever or again.only stayed for about 5 minutes if that
might be my mind but fingers crossd!!!!!! xxxxxxxx