Hi girls! Just wondering if what I'm currently experiencing is close to what anyone else is going through... My cycles are always very regular, averaging 28 days (32 days-Sept '09). AF was supposed to rear her ugly head 5 days ago, and there's no sign that she's coming at all. I ALWAYS get sore BBs and cramps the day before O, and that usually lasts until AF comes and is in full swing. This month, I had no sign of O at all. Even all the OPKs came up negative, but I missed taking them twice a day once. We definitely did our bd'ing at all right times. I had no feeling that AF was coming like I usually do, and I still don't feel anything. The fact that my BBs aren't sore really, really confuse me; this is a FIRST!! Assuming O happened for me 1/31, but who knows...
Here are my symptoms:
- Fullness in lower abdomen
- Blue veins on BBs
- Whitish CM, stretchy today; yellow, "snotty" (sorry for TMI) 11 & 12 DPO
- Slightly raised Montgomery's Tubules on BBs
- Extreme head congestion starting early last week; had mostly faded away by now
- BBs only sore when pressed hard- almost like a deep, dull soreness
- Very irritable
- Gassy
- Decreased appetite, but ravenous when actually hungry
I miscarried 2 years ago around 4-5 weeks, and when I found out that I'd been pregnant, it blew my mind because I didn't have any symptoms at all. Granted, I've been actively TTC this time and have been paying attention to every little thing my body does for the last few months. So I'm a little nervous...
I took HPTs everyday for the last few days, and the results are negative everytime. Luckily I have an appointment scheduled with the doctor next week for my annual exam, so I expect to have a blood test then; if an HPT doesn't come back positive by then, that is.
Just wondering if anyone else has similar symptoms and feelings.
Thanks, and baby dust, everyone!!