Got my bfp yesterday..just wanted to include what I did take note of. All I can say is what a lot of women seem to also be saying!!! If you don't feel much, don't lose hope! I could've sworn I wasn't pregnant. I still don't feel it.
Ovulation - spotting after BD. cramps and diarrhea.
1 DPO - temp spike. Woke with sore throat and stuffy nose. Rash-type breakout on face..grr!
2 DPO - temp still rising. Very sore throat/nose. Slight brown spotting. CM changed to creamy. Slight cramps and increased appetite (normal for me after O)
3 DPO - Very scant cm..sticky. Cramps/headache.
4 DPO - Throat still slightly sore..nose slightly stuffy. Dull cramping, so light that I think I'm imagining it. Major headache. Feeling negative about this cycle..
5 DPO - Yellow-tinged creamy cm..still not a lot like everyone mentions though. Had a dream about cheese fries and HAVE to make them. Starting to have jaw pain/tooth pain on one side. ??? A bit gassy. Breasts just starting to feel a little sore..which is normal for me, only it's a tiny bit early for this.
6 DPO - Still gassy..hungry. Annoyed and feeling like this isn't gonna be our month again. Sigh.
7 DPO - Temp dip today. Cold seems to be coming back..feel stuffy and can hear it in my voice. Kinda tired..very hungry. Increased sex drive and sore ish boobs still. Nothing out of ordinary though.
8 DPO - Temp stayed the same..kinda low ish. Disappointed cuz I want it to be a ID! Left boob is really sore...the bumps in the road killed me. Im a little excited! No food tastes good. Headache and toothache are killing me. Refuse to take anything for it though, just in case! Constipated. Are my nipples larger? Hmm. Now I'm really grasping.
9 DPO - Temp went back up a little...didn't sleep well cuz the toothache. Had a bad stomachache like with diarrhea but was constipated. Big cramps

Left boob still very sore under armpit. Felt a little nauseated this morning before I ate something. Am I imagining it?? Spotting after BD tonight. Never happened before..other than the once at ovulation.
10 DPO - BAD toothache/headache. Both boobs a bit sore, not crazy but enough to tell.
11 DPO - Scant cm..some creamy. Boobs not as sore. Definitely am not pregnant.
12 DPO - Temp drop. Feeling pissed off at the world. Hate everyone and everything GRR GRR. Am I peeing more? Tooth pain is gone. Bought a couple tests, just because I'm an addict and couldn't wait any longer. Took one in the evening.. BFP??!! OMG. Faint but there..hyperventilation and tears.
13 DPO - FMU - another BFP! Woke DH up at 8 am to take me to do a blood test. Few hrs later, confirmed. HcG 146!
Good luck to all of you. xo