The Big Thread of Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Since I went off BC my cycles have been crazy...sometimes 28 days, sometimes 23, sometimes 26...once it was 35 days, so Idk. I could just be having a long cycle. :( This is my first cycle using clomid so I don't know if that might make my cycle longer, but I have had bouts of nausea (but don't last long), bloating, abdominal cramping (mild), and increased cm, and VERY sore now I am playing the waiting game. Baby dust to both of us!
i came of the pill an this is my 5th cycle and i think i've only "ov" properly for the last few im only going by the increase of ewcm, my af's havn't been exactly like the cycle before either. sorry can i ask what clomid is?:dust:
Yeah, Clomid is a medication that stimulates your ovaries to ovulate and can produce more ripened eggs released. The doctor seemed to think that this would help regulate me. Before the Clomid I was bleeding between every period. I think thats what clomid does anyway.
Day of Ov -1DPO Nausea
2DPO-8DPO Nothing
9DPO Shooting pain in left bb
10DPO-Vivid dreams I was actually scared to go back to sleep :blush: when I jumped out of my sleep I couldn't see my eyes were so blurry I thought I was having a migraine aura
2DPO-10DPO Gassy
11DPO(Today) Nothing but bleeding gums(had them from 2DPO)

I'm not testing until AF doesn't show

I hope this is it for you!:thumbup:

Thank you
Im only 5 dpo but i have a couple "symptoms".

1. Im exhausted. literally.
2. I had a break out of canker sores (normally an allergic reaction, but this time, nothing caused them)
3. My boobs are sore, the area around my nipples is swollen(ish) and i have several veins running through my boobs and over my nipples that weren't there before (at least not visable)
4. i am SO thirsty, my mouth tastes funky..almost dryish, even when its not dry.
5. my husband thinks ive been "gassy" lately...LOL

I hope this is our month...I hope all these "symptoms" arn't for nothing!
Yeah, Clomid is a medication that stimulates your ovaries to ovulate and can produce more ripened eggs released. The doctor seemed to think that this would help regulate me. Before the Clomid I was bleeding between every period. I think thats what clomid does anyway.

I have taken clomid on and off for about 2 yrs and no BFP as of yet, but it can also make you ovulate sooner than when you expect to ovulate so you have to be careful. You can O anywhere between 5-10 days after your last pill. This is one reason I decided NOT to take it this month. I also have PCOS and I take metformin in conjunction with clomid, but this month I wanted to see what metformin could do alone. I ended up Oing on my normal day instead of a few days sooner. Just an FYI, if you take clomid you almost need to BD every other day from about 3-4 days after you take that last pill, so that you dont miss that window! GL ladies!:hugs:
My symptoms where
2DPO Sore breast until now and they've increased size/tenderness
4DPO Cramping until now but not as much its been light cramping
I am now 8DPO
have some nausea
certain smells make me wanna heave.
So af is due to get here on sunday, but I'm still have symptoms from the past 2 days...

Im usually pretty laid back but kinda snapped at DH
for sucking air thru his teeth, annoying me:blush:
bb's & nips still sensitive(their never like this before af, not this bad)
Still slight cramps on and off
Ate a big dinner last night and still hungry after!
Drinking water like crazy
Weird dreams again for the last few night
My hips feel a little uncomfortable, but could just be my back probelms causing it.
Noticed my right ovary area/around uterus was kind of tender after :sex: last night..and right now now its still a little ehh

Trying to wait to test til sunday at least, because I only have one ClearBlue left:wacko:
I'll let yall know what happens!:flower:
past 2 days, should be 12DPO and 13DPO today i had a dull ache lastnite from hip to hip that went then a feeling of diarreah set in for a few second-minute then went :S keep getting a runny nose, wet feeling, cnt reach cervix, tired, a wierd twingey feeling right in the middle of my uterus this has hapend twice yesterday 12dpo morning as i turned ova and last nite in the car uno like a flutter :S is all i can explain it to be like really.keep getting ovary pain running from each hip but mor on the right one, stood up lastnite and had to stay in a bent ova postion as the pain ws stabby for like 5 seconds, i'm snappy and itchy nipples more on the right nipple and shooting pains running from my right arm pit to my nipple and a really itchy boob on the left one like unda neath the nipple actually on the boob :S o god nos whats going on with me lol tested this morning and :bfn: :( xxxx ino its only bin 3 weeks from MC so its no doubly far to early goin to try and hold out till next friday haha as if thats going to happen!!!lol xxx
hello all, well dull cramps have got a bit stronger. i also have a little sharp pain on and off above my belly button below the meeting of my ribs and i checked my cm and its like watery and inside (tmi sorry) is wet. not sure if these are signs or not
I used to get quite down each month when I read all the symptoms people were having and I never had any. Just the same creamy cm each month and sore boobs but for more that just indicated I had ovulated as they started pretty much straight after ovulation all way up to af. This cycle was no different. I even posted yesterday saying I was sad as af due and no symptoms.

I tested yesterday at 10dpo and got very faint bfp.
I had NO implantation bleeding.
No cramping out of ordinary.
Not feeling sick.
No metalic taste.
No increased sense of smell.
No frequent urination.
No tiredness.
No increased cm.
No excessive hunger or thirst.
No veins on boobs.
No darkening around nipples.
No triphasic chart on fertility friend.
No excessive gas.
No tugging or fluttering in tummy.

I hope this gives some hope to those who look at this and think 'I must be out as I have no symptoms'. I monitor my body very closely each cycle and this has been no different to any other 2ww except I got a bfp.
I used to get quite down each month when I read all the symptoms people were having and I never had any. Just the same creamy cm each month and sore boobs but for more that just indicated I had ovulated as they started pretty much straight after ovulation all way up to af. This cycle was no different. I even posted yesterday saying I was sad as af due and no symptoms.

I tested yesterday at 10dpo and got very faint bfp.
I had NO implantation bleeding.
No cramping out of ordinary.
Not feeling sick.
No metalic taste.
No increased sense of smell.
No frequent urination.
No tiredness.
No increased cm.
No excessive hunger or thirst.
No veins on boobs.
No darkening around nipples.
No triphasic chart on fertility friend.
No excessive gas.
No tugging or fluttering in tummy.

I hope this gives some hope to those who look at this and think 'I must be out as I have no symptoms'. I monitor my body very closely each cycle and this has been no different to any other 2ww except I got a bfp.

Thats great! Congrats!:happydance: How long are your cycles? I am 2 days late and testing in the morning but Im a 32-34 day cycle girl. Congrats again!:happydance:
Hi ladies,

I'm a newbie here! Firstly I just wanted to say good luck to all - I hope you all get your BFP's this month. Especially you MrsKBrown. You have been waiting so long and I know exactly how that feels.

Me and Dh have been TTC for 15 long months. I have irregular cycles (anywhere between 37 and 56 days) and he has a low sperm count.

Really hoping this month might be the month. I'm 9DPO and having some symptoms I don't usually get.

The main ones are a nasty cold, exhaustion, an upset stomach and sorry if TMI but I had a bit of thrush, which I found really odd because I have never had that in my life.

Babydust ladies :flower:
Got my bfp yesterday..just wanted to include what I did take note of. All I can say is what a lot of women seem to also be saying!!! If you don't feel much, don't lose hope! I could've sworn I wasn't pregnant. I still don't feel it.

Ovulation - spotting after BD. cramps and diarrhea.
1 DPO - temp spike. Woke with sore throat and stuffy nose. Rash-type breakout on face..grr!
2 DPO - temp still rising. Very sore throat/nose. Slight brown spotting. CM changed to creamy. Slight cramps and increased appetite (normal for me after O)
3 DPO - Very scant cm..sticky. Cramps/headache.
4 DPO - Throat still slightly sore..nose slightly stuffy. Dull cramping, so light that I think I'm imagining it. Major headache. Feeling negative about this cycle..
5 DPO - Yellow-tinged creamy cm..still not a lot like everyone mentions though. Had a dream about cheese fries and HAVE to make them. Starting to have jaw pain/tooth pain on one side. ??? A bit gassy. Breasts just starting to feel a little sore..which is normal for me, only it's a tiny bit early for this.
6 DPO - Still gassy..hungry. Annoyed and feeling like this isn't gonna be our month again. Sigh.
7 DPO - Temp dip today. Cold seems to be coming back..feel stuffy and can hear it in my voice. Kinda tired..very hungry. Increased sex drive and sore ish boobs still. Nothing out of ordinary though.
8 DPO - Temp stayed the same..kinda low ish. Disappointed cuz I want it to be a ID! Left boob is really sore...the bumps in the road killed me. Im a little excited! No food tastes good. Headache and toothache are killing me. Refuse to take anything for it though, just in case! Constipated. Are my nipples larger? Hmm. Now I'm really grasping.
9 DPO - Temp went back up a little...didn't sleep well cuz the toothache. Had a bad stomachache like with diarrhea but was constipated. Big cramps :( Left boob still very sore under armpit. Felt a little nauseated this morning before I ate something. Am I imagining it?? Spotting after BD tonight. Never happened before..other than the once at ovulation.
10 DPO - BAD toothache/headache. Both boobs a bit sore, not crazy but enough to tell.
11 DPO - Scant cm..some creamy. Boobs not as sore. Definitely am not pregnant.
12 DPO - Temp drop. Feeling pissed off at the world. Hate everyone and everything GRR GRR. Am I peeing more? Tooth pain is gone. Bought a couple tests, just because I'm an addict and couldn't wait any longer. Took one in the evening.. BFP??!! OMG. Faint but there..hyperventilation and tears.
13 DPO - FMU - another BFP! Woke DH up at 8 am to take me to do a blood test. Few hrs later, confirmed. HcG 146!

Good luck to all of you. xo
I used to get quite down each month when I read all the symptoms people were having and I never had any. Just the same creamy cm each month and sore boobs but for more that just indicated I had ovulated as they started pretty much straight after ovulation all way up to af. This cycle was no different. I even posted yesterday saying I was sad as af due and no symptoms.

I tested yesterday at 10dpo and got very faint bfp.
I had NO implantation bleeding.
No cramping out of ordinary.
Not feeling sick.
No metalic taste.
No increased sense of smell.
No frequent urination.
No tiredness.
No increased cm.
No excessive hunger or thirst.
No veins on boobs.
No darkening around nipples.
No triphasic chart on fertility friend.
No excessive gas.
No tugging or fluttering in tummy.

I hope this gives some hope to those who look at this and think 'I must be out as I have no symptoms'. I monitor my body very closely each cycle and this has been no different to any other 2ww except I got a bfp.

Thats great! Congrats!:happydance: How long are your cycles? I am 2 days late and testing in the morning but Im a 32-34 day cycle girl. Congrats again!:happydance:

I have a long cycle and short luteal phase. I ovulated cd22 this cycle and got my bfp 10 dpo. I normally have an 11 day luteal phase so af would be expected tomorrow.
congratulations ladies :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

my boobs are sore today. i hate this waiting. taking a test on monday morning. had a few cramps today too and thought AF was coming :cry: nothing yet though.
I have taken clomid on and off for about 2 yrs and no BFP as of yet, but it can also make you ovulate sooner than when you expect to ovulate so you have to be careful. You can O anywhere between 5-10 days after your last pill. This is one reason I decided NOT to take it this month. I also have PCOS and I take metformin in conjunction with clomid, but this month I wanted to see what metformin could do alone. I ended up Oing on my normal day instead of a few days sooner. Just an FYI, if you take clomid you almost need to BD every other day from about 3-4 days after you take that last pill, so that you dont miss that window! GL ladies!:hugs:
Thanks mrskcbrown. I think I am going to call my doc. monday because after taking the clomid...I didn't get an OPK+ until Cd17 and that lasted until didn't surprise me that I ovulated so late, but it did surprise me that the opk was positive for so many days...I just wonder if I am doing the right thing by taking it...or if I should keep trying without it. My doc. just seemed quick to put me on it.
felt my cervix earlier an i cn feel like a lip sort of thing its nt open its like against me wall :S and its wet cn any1 tell me wat that means?am nota cervix feeling person lol so havent gota clue lol help would b nice!!!xxx
wait just felt it nw and its gon up really wet soft and wen i try my best to feel up its tightishy feeling :S xx

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