The Big Thread of Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Good luck Lauralou25!!!!!!!!! eeek how exciting!!

This is the first time ive felt the need to write under this..cant say ive ever noticed any symptoms in the 8 months ive been trying...HOWEVER!!!!

drum roll please........ today had a bbt temp drop to my pre-ovulation temps ( which is a sympton of implantation according to google! eeek!! ) & also when went to the loo just now i had watery pink on the tissue when i wiped?? implantation bleeding?????????? OMG i hope so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Along with my achy back that i started a post about yday.. dunno...feel a bit more positive this month?? what do ya reckon ??xx SO hard not to get hopes up isnt it...xx
Adding to this thinking about things a bit OH said last night my "breath smelt like i was about to come on" not due on for another week....

AND ive been crying at anything on tv past few days...feeling emotional with OH etc NEVER like that???!!! hmmmmmmmm... the mystery deepens....xx
i really hope you get your :bfp: babydreams :D good luckkk lots and lots and lots of :dust: sticky sticky sticky :dust: xxxxxx
Hi Ladies,

I just wondered what you all thought of my symptoms.

I am currently 11DPO and having a whole range of symptoms:

  • Very sore bbs from 3DPO
  • Very sore nipples from 3DPO
  • Headaches from 2DPO to 5DPO
  • Veins in both bbs, one appeared 9DPO the other 10DPO
  • Feeling very exhausted
  • Very thirsty since 9DPO
  • intermittent stuffy and runny nose since 4DPOish
  • Gassy, burpy
  • dizzy spells since 10DPO

I had what I thought looked like a very very faint, barely there line on an ic at 9DPO, but the more I looked at it the less sure I was that it was actually there. I had a BFN today on another ic.

Is there any hope for this cycle?

Thanks girls and :dust: to you all xx
I remember the ONLY symptom I had was being EXHAUSTED! I was mad at myself for feeling so, incredibly lazy. I was a lot moodier (crying) but I thought this was due to exhaustion.

I thought I got my period, so I didn't think I was pregnant (even though I knew all about implantation bleeding). I had an extra test, and took it... if I didn't have that test sitting around I would have moved on to the next month thinking I wasn't pregnant.

Sore boobs came later.
What do you ladies think of these symptoms?? (the few)

Really all it is is that I have no AF symptoms. My boobs are always sore from O to AF and this month they have not been sore at all (AF due tomorrow). Tolday they are a little sore but I think it is just from squeezing them so much to see if they hurt....

If any of you have already been pg once, did you have the same thing maybe??
I'm confused because I ALWAYS get extremely sore bbs for the 2ww!!!
Oh, and now that I think of it I have been going to bed early (I'm a night owl, my husband sleeps early) and I have been crying every night and every day!!

Yesterday I cried to Alicia Keys' "If I Ain't Got You".
Am I just getting my hopes up or what here??

Thanks for any advice!!!
Any more syptoms......from all those who have just got their :BFP: I love checking up on this thread. Kx
Good luck Blondebaby - I notice youre on last day of your cycle - will u test tomorrow??

AFM, 2nd day light spotting...Im on day 28 of 32/34 days cycle (I think). Im 10 DPO now... and my BBT temperature went back up today after a one day drop.... fingers crossed!!! xxx
I was going to hold out till Sat, as I got a BFN on a cheapy test yesterday.
But I do feel different. I haven't been charting my Ovulation but this is me so far
CD1 - Period
CD12 - BD
CD13 - Wanted to throw up
CD 16/17 - Bad pain as if i had a skewer in my side, and a gush of clear fluid (nice).
Normally get a couple of days of 'spotting' old blood , mini period, but nothing this month.
CD 16/17 onwards - Heartburn, wind, headaches (all mild except wind!), and pain in my left side, along with dull aches in womb like mild AF everyday, thinking I am getting period. Everything smells bad (had to do all the washing, clean the fridge bla bla, but hasn't put me off food, infact, I am always hungry, In bed a lot earlier, and today, pain a lot worse in left side of womb with sharp pain, discharge worse and smells worse (YUCK), but not period pain, no period, boobs did blow up but have resettled, Now peeing alot, normally dont get this till 4 days after period, and dont feel like I have water retention like my normal period. So I do feel different. Will have to wait and see, and will be a bit gutted if AF turns up! What do you think? Kx
come on ladies we need some more girls who have got their bfp to update us on their symptoms in keeping with the thread xx
I am curious to know how many dpo was it before the ladies have gotten BFP's?? I'm so ready to take a test but it's only been 7dpo. :rofl: I love this thread!! :happydance:
I got my :bfp: at 12 dpo, but never tested before I don't know if it would've showed up earlier or not. Probably would have.

Then bloods confirmed at 13 dpo. :D

Symptom wise, I was having a MAJOR tooth/jaw ache just before my bfp. Also felt very very thirsty and tired. No implantation bleeding, no bad cramping...boobs only hurt after the bfp and god did they hurt. Had some slight cramping right after ovulation for a few days.
Wow I can't believe this thread is still going :)

Congratulations to all the new mamas-to-be, and good luck to all those TTC (and extra good luck to those LTTTC).

my symptoms so far but still getting bfn (i am 4 days late)

extreme tiredness (nodding off a few hours after waking)
nausea ( just feel sick!)
headaches (i usually get these anyway)
gas (alot more than usual, i thought it was because of something i ate but it has continued so it isnt)
sharp stomach pain (first on the right side, anoher day on the left side)
mood swings
bloating and water retention (especially on my ankles)
food craving,wanting more food and specific foods (was on a diet and doing great until these cravings)
sensitivity to smells (loads of smells make me feel sick now)
got a cold (when i never get sick)
on/off cystitis (on 2 seperate days, it lasted only an hour each time)
threw up once (i was in a shop standing and got an overwealming sickness/dizziness and almost fainted, while in the car just felt sick, when i got to work went straight to toilet to throw up)
dizzy/light headed (while just sitting doing nothing i can get very dizzy)

will update if i get af or a bfp
Just got my very early bfp at 8dpo
symptons where as follows
after ov nips were sensitive for about 2 days, nothing now just the odd tingle in them, but nothing major.
Sore throat and stuffy nose for a few days but thought just a cold
Ovary pain, was convinced I was ovulating again, felt it on left side, even did another opk just in case.
Skin break out

But to be honest nothing major so bfp caught me totally off guard. Good luck everyone
worrisome I have had exactly the same symptoms as you! Skin break out and left ovary twinges plus stuffy nose feeling like I was comning down with a cold and feeling tired! I thought I was ov'ing again too lol!

Just posted more pics of my test this morning!
Just realised I never added my symptoms to this thread, so here goes.

I had sore boobs from the day after I OV'd (which was usual for me).

8dpo - sticky cm, cramps

9dpo - creamy cm, cramps, dizziness, gassy and a headache

10dpo - creamy cm, backache, bloated, cramps and a headache

11dpo - creamy cm, backache, bloated, cramps, gassy and increased appetite

12dpo - creamy cm, backache, bloated, fatigue, gassy and increased appetite

13dpo - creamy cm, bloated, cramps, fatigue, frequent urination and gassy

14dpo - creamy cm, backache, bloated, cramps, fatigue, frequent urination and gassy. Positive hpt.

AF due, another positive hpt.

Hope this info helps someone.
I thought i would put my symptoms up here and hopefully it will encourage my :bfp: to arrive for me in a few days as i did a test this morning and it was negative ! so here goes :-
mild low backache
feeling cold
runny nose
peeing more but not much more
veiny belly, boobs, and hips
nipples -are Kiliing me !!!! so sore, and slightly darker, and definately bigger - Yea !!!
achy boobs
dry lips and using much more lip balm had to buy two yesterday
ewcm - it has normally dried up by now ? !
period but no show so far and dont feel like it will like other past months - Oh I Hope Not
Cant stand the smell of coffee and my Oh is italian and loves his coffee but bless him he puts all the extracter fans on in the kitchen so i dont smell it - i havent got the heart to tell him that i can still smell it when he makes it !!!
I really miss my :wine: i just dont fancy touching alcohol at all..
and as for the nausea i cant ever find anything that i really want to eat and the fridge and cupboards are full
And last but not least i think is that i am absoultely knackered and sleep on and off all day
If there is anything else i really cant think of it but im sure i will remember LOL
So there it is so far , so what do you think girls do you think my :bfp: is a few days away , finger crossed hey !
I think I have my bfp!!! :happydance:

Symptoms wise....not much really

-sharp twinges in uterus about 5dpo accompanied with some lightheadedness all day
- mild heartburn
-toothache along bottom front teeth
-stuffy nose and feeling under the weather like i have a cold and tired
-metallicy taste in mouth that's only just started today

no sore bb's, tiny bit of sticky CM that's only just started today and that's it!

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