ladies how early are u meant to get nausea and morning sickness?? just over the weekend mostly in the evenings ive felt so close to being sick... it comes in waves.. then this morning i woke up and was so sick.. but ive no temp or anythig... if i was preg id be 4 weeks 4 days... does this sound normal so early?
Babyhopes10 - I'm sorry i can't help i never had sickness with my first baby but my friends that have had babys have had sickness like you described as early as that but one friend didn't start being sick til about 7 or 8 weeks so ii suppose everyone is different!
Wish i could help you more
its ok.. im just worried its a tummy bug not morning sickness lol.. tho a tummy bug id have tummy pains and i would of been sick over the weekend not linger like it has...
I'm at work and only sat at reception but went really dizzy and it lasted for ages i felt a bit sick with it too!! When it stopped i went all shaky it was so strange!!
I want to test because of all my other symptoms but really can't face seeing another i only tested Fri and got a negative so just don't know what to do?? DH thinks i should test!!
My plan was to wait til Fri so i'd given it a week but i'm not very good at waiting haha!!
We'll see i'm trying not to get my hopes up as i had a chemical last cycle!
Are you getting any other symptoms?
well i was trying to ignore any symptoms cuz i thought it was all in my head if you know what i mean..
but from this weekend its been hard to ignore it.. ive been nausous all weekend... it got worse in the evenings.. very sore bbs.. cramps for about a week now but no af.. and im late now..
i gotta wait till my wage comes through b4 i can get another test its killing me now... i really wanna know now cuz ive got so many symptoms.. im also scared to eat incase i get sick.. lol
well it sud be there by 2mor afternoon.. but ill be at work till 6.. so i might test wed morning... i dunno.. i suppose at 20dpo it sud show up at any time really...
i really want to test af due wed i think but dont want to test cos id be really upset if it is neg even tho not expecting to be positive cos dont have any symptoms!
I have taken a test, i wasn't going to until i had a really bad dizzy spell at work and felt sick and shaky and guess what which totally stressed me out because i have all these symptoms and my boobs are itching and aching soooooo bad!!!!!
So.......... I've bought some ovulation tests first time ever i did one of those and according to that i have my LH surge???? The test line is darker than control line!!!!! ARGH!!!!! So now i assume i'm going to ovulate within the next 24-36 hours?? So better get
Its just so confusing after having all these pregnancy symptoms and getting and now getting LH surge???
I don't know how many dpo i am because i don't use ovulation kits because i am very irregular and it would cost me a fortune!! but i am on day 34 of my cycle. You may think that is a long time but my last cycle lasted 56 days until showed up but i had a chemical that cycle.
I used first response early test there wasn't even a faint line to keep me going!!!! ARGH!!!
I've just bought 60 ovulation tests from ebay for £5.98 Bargain!! and 10 extra early preg tests for £4.98 from ebay!!!
babyhopes wen i got my BFP in jan i was 19DPO and i got very very strong dark lines at like 11pm!!!!so doesnt matter wat time of day u test ur like 6 days ova the 14dpo mark its gna show wether it be morning noon or nite!!!i wish i lived by u!!!!ive got like 20 preg tests haha am in suspense waiting to c ur result!!!gd luck girliessss all ur symptoms sound promising!!!!! plus if any1 comes in ere and doesnt have any symptoms!!!i didnt i only felt tired at about 3-6pm and sore boobs but just thort i was bein lazy and AF was o her way!!!so wether u have them or not thers stil hope!!!!!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx o and i got them symptoms at 17 and 18DPO i only tested for fun because i'm always late but funi enuff i startd bleeding on the 28th of jan (MC bleed) and AF arrived on the 28th of feb!!!madness 1st time eva its been the same dates haha xxxxx
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