The Big Thread of Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Congrats to all of all who got your BFP:)
I didn't know where else to ask this, so maybe Y'all of who are pregnant can help...
I'm on the pill, and have had some issues w it the last few months, & I'm goin to my ob/gyno this month, but wanted to ask y'all.. My last period came on the 17th, (of march) and lasted til the 24. It wasn't due until the 21st. I didn't really think about it, but me and Hubby bd'd (with no protection)on what would have been my fertile dates, since my cycle messed up. My next period is due this sunday, but I've had some red spotting about 3 days ago, then its been very light brown since. My bbs are tender, which could just be aunt flo getting ready, but my back and hips are aching, Ive had dry lips even though I use tons of lip balm, and I had a stuffy/runny nose for a few days last week.
Has anyone ever had this happen and found out you were pregnant?
i did read on a website recently that stuffy/runny nose can be a sign of pregnancy, but i've looked at so many websites in the last week i couldn't tell you where.

If you can wait till your AF is due then i would and test then just in case

Hope you get the result you want
Congrats to all of all who got your BFP:)
I didn't know where else to ask this, so maybe Y'all of who are pregnant can help...
I'm on the pill, and have had some issues w it the last few months, & I'm goin to my ob/gyno this month, but wanted to ask y'all.. My last period came on the 17th, (of march) and lasted til the 24. It wasn't due until the 21st. I didn't really think about it, but me and Hubby bd'd (with no protection)on what would have been my fertile dates, since my cycle messed up. My next period is due this sunday, but I've had some red spotting about 3 days ago, then its been very light brown since. My bbs are tender, which could just be aunt flo getting ready, but my back and hips are aching, Ive had dry lips even though I use tons of lip balm, and I had a stuffy/runny nose for a few days last week.
Has anyone ever had this happen and found out you were pregnant?
Hey Country! If you are on the pill and you have unprotected sex, could you be pregnant? Do you mean you had sex when you were on that week where they have you take placebo pills? To me, with the 3 days of red flow, could that have been AF? Maybe it came early. Are you trying to get BFP, or preventing it? Sorry for all the questions, I just want to try to help and im confused!:wacko:
I know I got BFP with my daughter when I was on BC pills but it was due to me skipping a few days inadvertedly.

Blessings are yours!:hugs:
Yeah, sorry, it was a bit confusing:P
We are trying to wait to have kids, but as you know, I've had issues w my bcp.:wacko:
Last month, I had my period a wk early. it ended about the beginning of the white for about 5 days, I wasn't taking a pill, and didn't use anything when we :sex: When I looked up an ovulation calculator, it said that that week would've been my most fertile if I dropped an egg, since my period came early. (I know the pill is supposed to keep an egg from releasing, but its been acting up lately). I had red spotting for one day last week, then its been just brownish since. AF is supposed to get here sunday, so I guess I'll just have to wait and see.:P
And I've been keeping up w you mrskcbrown! I chk back every now and then:)
Yeah, sorry, it was a bit confusing:P
We are trying to wait to have kids, but as you know, I've had issues w my bcp.:wacko:
Last month, I had my period a wk early. it ended about the beginning of the white for about 5 days, I wasn't taking a pill, and didn't use anything when we :sex: When I looked up an ovulation calculator, it said that that week would've been my most fertile if I dropped an egg, since my period came early. (I know the pill is supposed to keep an egg from releasing, but its been acting up lately). I had red spotting for one day last week, then its been just brownish since. AF is supposed to get here sunday, so I guess I'll just have to wait and see.:P
And I've been keeping up w you mrskcbrown! I chk back every now and then:)

Oh ok, I got you! Well yes I guess you will have to wait until sunday unfortunately. Sometimes I wish we had a globe where we can see inside in see whats happening. I guess the closest we can get to that is charting:wacko:. Thanks for following me. Now only if this month ends in BFP but I totally dont think so, dunno why, just get use to not being preggers.:dohh:
you wouldn't be ovulating 5 days after your period, country. and the pill stops ovulation like you said but even if you are not taking your pills regularly if you do not MISS 2 pills you are me.. I have wasted so much money on hpts from bcp use and random spotting from the pill and they say it only happens the first three months well they lie! haha because I got it for 5 years and sometimes it's just you could be takin antibiotics or you could be taking pill not at the same time each day but the chance of pregnancy goes up at that point. I used it for 5 years..and same thing happened to me my period ended the beginning of my sugar pills so I was unprotected but once you start the next pack you're fine. trust me. I would say there is a 99.9 percent chance you're not..same thing happened to me numerous times. and the light bleeding is from the pills because you had a period early it's like the pills being less effective because technically you should have your withdrawal bleed during the sugar pills so if no period during that time you will get light bleeding just means bcp is a bit less effective.

if you have any questions message me..this happened to me soooo many times I can't even count haha. and the pill forces you to have a 28 day cycle so if you are due on sunday then you are only 8 dpo and depending on when you had sex you're fine even if the pill is acting up it's still effective but see your doctor to see why you're spotting if it isn't because you just switched bcp or if you are not taking them regularly they can give you something else.

good luck, girl! like I said I highly highly highly doubt you are so rest easily but you should still see your doctor! they can set your mind at ease with a quantitive blood test.
Yeah, sorry, it was a bit confusing:P
We are trying to wait to have kids, but as you know, I've had issues w my bcp.:wacko:
Last month, I had my period a wk early. it ended about the beginning of the white for about 5 days, I wasn't taking a pill, and didn't use anything when we :sex: When I looked up an ovulation calculator, it said that that week would've been my most fertile if I dropped an egg, since my period came early. (I know the pill is supposed to keep an egg from releasing, but its been acting up lately). I had red spotting for one day last week, then its been just brownish since. AF is supposed to get here sunday, so I guess I'll just have to wait and see.:P
And I've been keeping up w you mrskcbrown! I chk back every now and then:)

Oh ok, I got you! Well yes I guess you will have to wait until sunday unfortunately. Sometimes I wish we had a globe where we can see inside in see whats happening. I guess the closest we can get to that is charting:wacko:. Thanks for following me. Now only if this month ends in BFP but I totally dont think so, dunno why, just get use to not being preggers.:dohh:

and bfp four weeks ago..I swore up and down I was NOT pregnant and I still don't feel pregnant but saw bean last monday and had a strong heartbeat at 5 weeks 6 days of 109 bpm! so anything is possible it isn't over until the witch appears! :)
Yeah, sorry, it was a bit confusing:P
We are trying to wait to have kids, but as you know, I've had issues w my bcp.:wacko:
Last month, I had my period a wk early. it ended about the beginning of the white for about 5 days, I wasn't taking a pill, and didn't use anything when we :sex: When I looked up an ovulation calculator, it said that that week would've been my most fertile if I dropped an egg, since my period came early. (I know the pill is supposed to keep an egg from releasing, but its been acting up lately). I had red spotting for one day last week, then its been just brownish since. AF is supposed to get here sunday, so I guess I'll just have to wait and see.:P
And I've been keeping up w you mrskcbrown! I chk back every now and then:)

Oh ok, I got you! Well yes I guess you will have to wait until sunday unfortunately. Sometimes I wish we had a globe where we can see inside in see whats happening. I guess the closest we can get to that is charting:wacko:. Thanks for following me. Now only if this month ends in BFP but I totally dont think so, dunno why, just get use to not being preggers.:dohh:

Thanks! Im finally beginning to think this might just be it. I have cramping, lower backache, sore nips and like under right breast bone. Ive also been extremely hot lately. I plan to test thursday at 10dpo.:hugs:
and bfp four weeks ago..I swore up and down I was NOT pregnant and I still don't feel pregnant but saw bean last monday and had a strong heartbeat at 5 weeks 6 days of 109 bpm! so anything is possible it isn't over until the witch appears! :)

Thanks! Im finally beginning to think this might just be it. I have cramping, lower backache, sore nips and like under right breast bone. Ive also been extremely hot lately. My temps keep going up on my chart too:-) I plan to test thursday at 10dpo.:hugs:
FX for you, Mrsk!!!! :hugs:

I'm not testing anytime before the weekend, so I'll look forward to all the :bfp: s from yourself and the other lovely ladies!
I'm only about 3-4 dpo, but I awoke this morning with a strange metallic taste in my mouth. It got worse when I brushed my teeth. I thought maybe it would go away after I ate something and got another taste in my mouth, but it's still there and really strong right now. Is it possible that I could already be experiencing a prego symptom so soon after ovulation?? Can someone please help me, I don't think I can stand to wait until test time!!

Hi! Im 4dpo and i've been peeing ALOT, every 20 min. or so and i feel like i have a fever but i dont!.. I've been really tires since 2dpo... So i don know, i hope we get our BFP's!!!
Got a faint :bfp: last night and another one this morning. Quite confident they're accurate, as the morning sickness, sore boobicles, frequent urination, and implantation spotting all hit me like a ton of bricks yesterday and today! :happydance:

Best of luck to everyone else - hoping to see many more :bfp:s this month!


YAYY congrats!
I got my :BFP: Thrusday night and a postive blood test on Friday. I had very subtle symptoms before my :bfp:

sore boobies:
just a tiny bit as if I was getting AF
Veins: I had a criss cross on one boob all the time then this month I had a criss cross of veins on my other one and I could see my veins all the way up my chest and down my arms
fatigue: I would lose my breath going up the stairs or walking from my car to the store. I also couldnt get enough sleep. I even started falling asleep while driving.
Cold: I had a bad cold for a week with a sore throat and tons of phlegm that wouldn't go away.
Frequent urination and thurst: it got bad to the point I thought I was diabetic

After my :bfp:
-pain in my legs behind my knees
-Cramps as if Im getting my period but I know I'm not.
-no appetite
-thurst and frequent urination
- extremeeeeeeellllyyyy sore nipples and heavy boobs

Good luck ladies.. I hope you all get to feel the beautiful discomforts of a :bfp: soon :) its a good feeling :)
Just got my :bfp: today, although faint lines as I am only 12dpo.
Here are my symptoms to date,

Feeling sicky in the afternoons 9dpo, 10dpo, 11dpo and 12dpo, plus feeling sicky in the morning this morning.
Very sore boobs, particularly veiny from 9dpo and a lot bigger, so dh says!
Hubby had a feeling I was, and like the last two his instinct was right.Strange aches and twinges in lower left side and today in lower right side from 8dpo.
Funny shooting pains up my right leg in the evenings 9dpo - 11dpo.
Bloated tummy from 9dpo to now.
Positive opk from 10dpo, which means it was showing bfp then!
Feeling hotter than usual from 4dpo.
Loads of wind from 3dpo.
A few headaches that i do not normally suffer with over the last few days, and a cough.
Different smelling urine, (not that I was sniffing it particuarly, but it was quite strong)!
A bit forgetful and dozy, a bit snappy at Dh too.
I think that is about it for now, will let you know If I have any other symptoms over the next few days,


Ive got similar symptoms.
Im 11 dpo. Would an Ov test pick up if i was preg?

Yes, i read that it is possible. If both the lins are the same color or if the test line is darker than the control line it could possibly mean you are pg. good luck!
hello! i love reading this thread.

im at 9dpo today...
Here are my symptoms

5 - 6 dpo - cramps like af is coming, vivid dreams -- i can actually remember every detail of my dream and i never had this before
7 - 9 dpo - tired, cramping right abdomen, on and off stabbing pain around the groin area, backackes, dry mouth, hungry then full then hungry (you know what i mean!)

yes i know what you mean!! i have the same thing but im only 4dpo!! lol :shrug:
I got my :BFP: Thrusday night and a postive blood test on Friday. I had very subtle symptoms before my :bfp:

sore boobies:
just a tiny bit as if I was getting AF
Veins: I had a criss cross on one boob all the time then this month I had a criss cross of veins on my other one and I could see my veins all the way up my chest and down my arms
fatigue: I would lose my breath going up the stairs or walking from my car to the store. I also couldnt get enough sleep. I even started falling asleep while driving.
Cold: I had a bad cold for a week with a sore throat and tons of phlegm that wouldn't go away.
Frequent urination and thurst: it got bad to the point I thought I was diabetic

After my :bfp:
-pain in my legs behind my knees
-Cramps as if Im getting my period but I know I'm not.
-no appetite
-thurst and frequent urination
- extremeeeeeeellllyyyy sore nipples and heavy boobs

Good luck ladies.. I hope you all get to feel the beautiful discomforts of a :bfp: soon :) its a good feeling :)

how many dpo did you start feeling these symptoms?
hello! i love reading this thread.

im at 9dpo today...
Here are my symptoms

5 - 6 dpo - cramps like af is coming, vivid dreams -- i can actually remember every detail of my dream and i never had this before
7 - 9 dpo - tired, cramping right abdomen, on and off stabbing pain around the groin area, backackes, dry mouth, hungry then full then hungry (you know what i mean!)

yes i know what you mean!! i have the same thing but im only 4dpo!! lol :shrug: are pregnant. I thought I was looney for feeling something at 4 dpo and honestly go check out my post on here before and trust me I SWORE af was coming 10 days early! haha you will feel that way all the way up to your :bfp:
hello! i love reading this thread.

im at 9dpo today...
Here are my symptoms

5 - 6 dpo - cramps like af is coming, vivid dreams -- i can actually remember every detail of my dream and i never had this before
7 - 9 dpo - tired, cramping right abdomen, on and off stabbing pain around the groin area, backackes, dry mouth, hungry then full then hungry (you know what i mean!)

yes i know what you mean!! i have the same thing but im only 4dpo!! lol :shrug: are pregnant. I thought I was looney for feeling something at 4 dpo and honestly go check out my post on here before and trust me I SWORE af was coming 10 days early! haha you will feel that way all the way up to your :bfp:

you almost made me cry when i read this lol!! We are really hoping so!! When did you test for yours??
oh mann uhmm.. hold on let me get a calendar haha.. I'm 6 weeks 6 days today my ticker is off by one day but still.. march 27th because I had to go to the hospital.

But, my symptoms have decreased after seeing bean and a heartbeat on monday but wasn't having much sore boobs on monday either so I think once I hit 6 weeks it jsut turned into full on ms haha so sore boobs were replaced with ms! :)
yesterday 13dpo tested BFN
today 14dpo got what i thought is my AF , turned out to be just light brown cm only when i wiped, i had major cramps and backache, dont know what to think of it, could it be IP or am i keeping my hopes up?

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