first of all..isi- yes! And I will send some prayers your way! I told my husband if it is meant to be, God will provide. Sure enough..first month since he came home from afghanistan we conceived!
ale- do they hurt on the sides mostly to underneath? My friend even said that it hurt from her armpits down and I had the same thing!

Now my boobs only hurt in my sleep so I would say fx for you hun and I truly believe this is your month!
mrskcbrown- I had cramping from o which was new for me! It sounds soooo good for you! I would say wait though! I tested at 10 dpo and negative and got my hopes up more but then when I got dizzy and passed out my husband took me to the hospital the next day and sure enough they asked if I was pregnant I said I'm not sure yet they did blood work and I was! didn't show up on hpt til my missed period!

So, don't get your hopes up!
sending baby dust to all of you! And you all can join us in the first trimester and hopefully some for christmas babies in the december dreamer thread!!
good luck ladies my prayers are with you all!