The clomid thread- if you take clomid please join and ask questions and get answers

I've heard that if they do a follicle check shortly after O they should be able to see a collapsed follicle with fluid around. But they can't tell before. There is no way to know if an egg is even released when a follicle ruptures so my fertility clinic tells me. They can somewhat tell by bloodwork after O as your levels of certain hormones can be indicators.
I went for my ultra sound today for folicle check :cloud9: After my first round of clomid cd5-9 and after being on depo for years I have 4 folicles! She said I would for sure ovulate. Only thing is my lining is thin so she gave me some estrogen pills to take for 7 days. Fingers crossed :happydance:

ok i have a question for you and im hoping you have the answer because i dont and its starting to drive me crazy :wacko: of course when you are ttc and it doenst happen you wonder the million things that can be wrong and im like omg what if im not ovulating. But my doctor said you can tell by my follicle check that I am. How is that possible??

I think the folicles are eggs eventually is my understanding
I've heard that if they do a follicle check shortly after O they should be able to see a collapsed follicle with fluid around. But they can't tell before. There is no way to know if an egg is even released when a follicle ruptures so my fertility clinic tells me. They can somewhat tell by bloodwork after O as your levels of certain hormones can be indicators.

see thats what im freaking about. i had asked about getting my levels check cd 21 and he said some doctors still do it, it used to be the old way to check if you are ovulating but you can tell by the sono. so you cant is what your clinic is saying??

What do i like say to my doctor now? Even though you gave me an answer, I dont believe you
Tell them you did research and asked for a second opinion and you feel they are not taking all the necessary steps to confirm if you really want to get a reaction.
If you have follicles increasing in size every month and have a standard 3 day minimum period every month to shed lining, are having a good lh's pretty standard to assume that you are ovulating. I know how you feel though, that's why I asked at my clinic if they could tell. Ask if they would be open to doing an ultrasound one or two days post your lh surge to check???
Hi everyone,
just starting out on this thread, don't know if maybe I should just start a whole new one or not.
My names Amanda, I am 21, orginally from Alaska USA, but currently living in Auckland New Zealand, and I have suspected PCOS.

Anyways, working on my weight loss at the moment after seeing my fertility specialist 2 days ago. I need to lose 40lbs, or as much as possible, between now and May., before she will prescribe clomid.
40 lbs is ideal so I will meet the 35BMI thingy, but she said if I show some weight loss of a kg or so per week that she will re evaluate in May and may prescribe it regardless of if I have lost the whole 40lbs. I have a scan tomorrow to see if there are really any cysts on my ovaries.

I have been on a better diet, and exercising for awhile, with no results. I cut out all sugary junk, and started more fiber and protein, and really just watching the sugar.
I do 15-30 minutes of exercise in the afternoon, which includes things like lifting 2kg weights with my arms, as well as a lot of lunges, crunches, and etc. I am trying to get myself motivated to go use the treadmill in our apartments gym, but I am having a real struggle getting myself down there to do it, I don't know how often people are in there, but I really hate exercising in front of other people. I keep thinking about my goal, and how much I want the baby, but I just cant find that kick in the butt to get myself down there, but hopefully later today.

I have now cut my calories down to 1600 per day, as well as continuing my exercise, was thinking about trying some of those meal replacement shakes, kate morgan or something like that, but it sounds so unpleasant.

I am sure some other people have had to deal with losing weight pre clomid, anyone have any success with any particular diet and exercise routines?

Any help or suggestions are much appreciated.

Thanks for reading my little mini rant here! :)
Hi everyone,
just starting out on this thread, don't know if maybe I should just start a whole new one or not.
My names Amanda, I am 21, orginally from Alaska USA, but currently living in Auckland New Zealand, and I have suspected PCOS.

Anyways, working on my weight loss at the moment after seeing my fertility specialist 2 days ago. I need to lose 40lbs, or as much as possible, between now and May., before she will prescribe clomid.
40 lbs is ideal so I will meet the 35BMI thingy, but she said if I show some weight loss of a kg or so per week that she will re evaluate in May and may prescribe it regardless of if I have lost the whole 40lbs. I have a scan tomorrow to see if there are really any cysts on my ovaries.

I have been on a better diet, and exercising for awhile, with no results. I cut out all sugary junk, and started more fiber and protein, and really just watching the sugar.
I do 15-30 minutes of exercise in the afternoon, which includes things like lifting 2kg weights with my arms, as well as a lot of lunges, crunches, and etc. I am trying to get myself motivated to go use the treadmill in our apartments gym, but I am having a real struggle getting myself down there to do it, I don't know how often people are in there, but I really hate exercising in front of other people. I keep thinking about my goal, and how much I want the baby, but I just cant find that kick in the butt to get myself down there, but hopefully later today.

I have now cut my calories down to 1600 per day, as well as continuing my exercise, was thinking about trying some of those meal replacement shakes, kate morgan or something like that, but it sounds so unpleasant.

I am sure some other people have had to deal with losing weight pre clomid, anyone have any success with any particular diet and exercise routines?

Any help or suggestions are much appreciated.

Thanks for reading my little mini rant here! :)

I lost weight buy avoiding soda, only drink water, then i stop the second i'm full and eat more veggies then meat. But i read a few days ago that South Beach Diet helps infertility when u have pcos. Check into it. Gl
Thanks for the info, I have totally cut out all soda, and been drinking heaps of water, been that way and with the diet I mentioned for about 4 months and have not lost a pound.
I find you mentioning the south beach diet interesting because I was told to avoid all those diet things, and focus on lots of protein, fiber and whole grains. The only thing the doctor said might be helpful is weight watchers but I cant really afford to do that so kinda going at it alone.

I really do need to eat more veggies, lately I've been piling up on spinach and celery & zucchini as I am a pretty picky eater and most vegetables don't agree with me.

Thanks for the advice :)
Thanks for the info, I have totally cut out all soda, and been drinking heaps of water, been that way and with the diet I mentioned for about 4 months and have not lost a pound.
I find you mentioning the south beach diet interesting because I was told to avoid all those diet things, and focus on lots of protein, fiber and whole grains. The only thing the doctor said might be helpful is weight watchers but I cant really afford to do that so kinda going at it alone.

I really do need to eat more veggies, lately I've been piling up on spinach and celery & zucchini as I am a pretty picky eater and most vegetables don't agree with me.

Thanks for the advice :)

Everything you are doing seems right but I think the most important way to lose lbs (other than food) is CARDIO. Try as hard as you can to walk and eventually jog. Don't worry about other people in the room while you are working out - they are more obsessed with looking at themselves and probably are self-conscious too. What makes you so nervous about it? Maybe a walk outside with an ipod?
Yeah I don't know I am just a spaz when it comes to things like that.
But I did get my butt down to the gym and put in 3km on the treadmill,just got back now so yay. Getting in there the first time is the hardest, I think I will make it down there from now on lol.

I just have to keep myself motivated to exercise, trying to think about how much I want the baby and to be fit and blah blah.
I'm a fairly hardcore gamer so I am pretty used to just playing video games all day, no more of that! :D

Thanks again to all who replied
Mandie did they put you on Merformin? My cousin that has pcos was only able to lose weight once she got her insulin/blood sugar levels back to normal.
Tell them you did research and asked for a second opinion and you feel they are not taking all the necessary steps to confirm if you really want to get a reaction.
If you have follicles increasing in size every month and have a standard 3 day minimum period every month to shed lining, are having a good lh's pretty standard to assume that you are ovulating. I know how you feel though, that's why I asked at my clinic if they could tell. Ask if they would be open to doing an ultrasound one or two days post your lh surge to check???

My periods have actually been shorter since I have started the clomid. They're only about 3 days now. They were normally 5. As far as the lh surge I only did opks one month and the line got darker but never a positive but my doctor told me some ppl with pcos will never get positives on opks. yeah i go to see him on tuesday and im definitely going to ask him if we can do something just like a blood test or us to confirm ovulation bc its going to literally start making me crazy
Tell them you did research and asked for a second opinion and you feel they are not taking all the necessary steps to confirm if you really want to get a reaction.
If you have follicles increasing in size every month and have a standard 3 day minimum period every month to shed lining, are having a good lh's pretty standard to assume that you are ovulating. I know how you feel though, that's why I asked at my clinic if they could tell. Ask if they would be open to doing an ultrasound one or two days post your lh surge to check???

My periods have actually been shorter since I have started the clomid. They're only about 3 days now. They were normally 5. As far as the lh surge I only did opks one month and the line got darker but never a positive but my doctor told me some ppl with pcos will never get positives on opks. yeah i go to see him on tuesday and im definitely going to ask him if we can do something just like a blood test or us to confirm ovulation bc its going to literally start making me crazy

Shorter period isn't always bad but it can be a sign of a thinner lining. I agree about asking for it for you POM. Trying to conceive when your so worried can make it worse. Good luck!
@jme84, no not yet, my doctor wanted to wait until after I have had my scan, which is tomorrow, and if it does indeed show cysts then she will put me on it.

I have also heard that metformin can be super helpful. I have normal blood sugar levels, but pretty sure I am insulin resistant, which would be where the metformin came in.

I have heard that you can have PCOS without cysts though? Dont know how true that is, but will be something to ask my DR about tomorrow.

Just have to wait and see what the scan shows tomorrow. :)


My doctor told me that home tests are a good way of checking if you are ovulating, she never mentioned any issues with PCOS and inaccurate test results.
I have an ovulation scope as well as some home tests, and my doctor told me that the OV scopes are pretty handy and accurate.
I paid about $45NZD for mine and its a pretty nifty thing.
You just put a bit of saliva on the glass lense, elt it dry, and then look at it through the microscope and the patter can determine if you are ovulating, not ovulating, or in a transition period between the two.
Only key thing with those it you have to do it before you eat or anything, so when you get up in the morning.

Also hopeful42nd brought up a good point about the lining. My doctor is having my lining checked out tomorrow to see if it is thin, because apparently that can be quite the problem. If you doctor has not checked yours I would ask about it, my doctor seemed to think it was really important.

Sorry about the long message! :D
Question for all the Charting Clomid users: Does anyone notice the BBT rise is not always consistent? I'm wondering if I could have O'd but my temp rise was just not as pronounced this time? I took a different dose of Clomid from last month, had EWCM and +OPK, but didn't see my usual T spike, but it is about 0.2F higher than my typical baseline T. But I am often 0.7F higher than my baseline for my previous O cycles. Wondering if it has to be that way every time????
Hi ladies I just wanted to say that I am going to talk to my doctor on Tuesday about getting on clomid and it will be my first time on it, can I get some opinions about it and how some of the women feel about it?? Also, I am just wondering if there is any sure fire way to tell that your ovulating, I only ask because I am getting a period every month now but I believe I have heard that doesn't always mean your ovulating, is that true??
hey ladies do you mind if i join you? im currently waiting to start clomid no idea when will happen as af seems to of gone awol again so has ov:shrug: been told to take clomid cd 3-7 and then scan on day 10
Hello everyone! I'm currently clomid cycle #3 - 50mg twice daily/cd3-11. I get monitored twice a month, cd3 and then cd10 or 11. First two cycles at 50 mg/day cd3-7 did not result in o. This month worked though! Received hcg injection cd10 bd cd11-13 and now just waiting...fingers crossed! :shrug:
Question for all the Charting Clomid users: Does anyone notice the BBT rise is not always consistent? I'm wondering if I could have O'd but my temp rise was just not as pronounced this time? I took a different dose of Clomid from last month, had EWCM and +OPK, but didn't see my usual T spike, but it is about 0.2F higher than my typical baseline T. But I am often 0.7F higher than my baseline for my previous O cycles. Wondering if it has to be that way every time????

Sorry, I don't chart. But fxd and welcome!

Hi ladies I just wanted to say that I am going to talk to my doctor on Tuesday about getting on clomid and it will be my first time on it, can I get some opinions about it and how some of the women feel about it?? Also, I am just wondering if there is any sure fire way to tell that your ovulating, I only ask because I am getting a period every month now but I believe I have heard that doesn't always mean your ovulating, is that true??

Welcome! I think clomid is great, and helps a lot of people! There are certain tests that your dr can do to tell if you o'd. progesterone test at cd 21 can tell if you most likely o'd. And I think there are u/s tests that they can do after. And it is true you can get a period but not ovulate. Gl and fxd!

hey ladies do you mind if i join you? im currently waiting to start clomid no idea when will happen as af seems to of gone awol again so has ov:shrug: been told to take clomid cd 3-7 and then scan on day 10

Welcome! Gl on clomid! Those are the same days I take it.

Hello everyone! I'm currently clomid cycle #3 - 50mg twice daily/cd3-11. I get monitored twice a month, cd3 and then cd10 or 11. First two cycles at 50 mg/day cd3-7 did not result in o. This month worked though! Received hcg injection cd10 bd cd11-13 and now just waiting...fingers crossed! :shrug:

Congrats on the big o!! Gl and fxd! And welcome!!
Question for all the Charting Clomid users: Does anyone notice the BBT rise is not always consistent? I'm wondering if I could have O'd but my temp rise was just not as pronounced this time? I took a different dose of Clomid from last month, had EWCM and +OPK, but didn't see my usual T spike, but it is about 0.2F higher than my typical baseline T. But I am often 0.7F higher than my baseline for my previous O cycles. Wondering if it has to be that way every time????

I had that issue last cycle. I wasn't sure i Oed until a week later
@jme84, no not yet, my doctor wanted to wait until after I have had my scan, which is tomorrow, and if it does indeed show cysts then she will put me on it.

I have also heard that metformin can be super helpful. I have normal blood sugar levels, but pretty sure I am insulin resistant, which would be where the metformin came in.

I have heard that you can have PCOS without cysts though? Dont know how true that is, but will be something to ask my DR about tomorrow.

Just have to wait and see what the scan shows tomorrow. :)


My doctor told me that home tests are a good way of checking if you are ovulating, she never mentioned any issues with PCOS and inaccurate test results.
I have an ovulation scope as well as some home tests, and my doctor told me that the OV scopes are pretty handy and accurate.
I paid about $45NZD for mine and its a pretty nifty thing.
You just put a bit of saliva on the glass lense, elt it dry, and then look at it through the microscope and the patter can determine if you are ovulating, not ovulating, or in a transition period between the two.
Only key thing with those it you have to do it before you eat or anything, so when you get up in the morning.

Also hopeful42nd brought up a good point about the lining. My doctor is having my lining checked out tomorrow to see if it is thin, because apparently that can be quite the problem. If you doctor has not checked yours I would ask about it, my doctor seemed to think it was really important.

Sorry about the long message! :D

what was that machine called again? do they sell it in the US? interesting...

Regarding to loosing weight, I would suggest getting to work out with somebody: a trainer, a friend, your husband... somebody who can "push" you to work out every day. I know it is hard but you have to stay on with the cardio. 15-30 mins seem like too little though. Try to do min 30 minutes but ideally 45 minutes and change the intensity of the way you train (for example do 10 mins easy, 5 minutes high intensity, 10 mins easy, 5 mins high intensity.. etc). Weights are great too. Muscles need to burn fat. In order for them to become lean and strong they have to get rid of the fat around them (by doing weights). Alternate exercises by day, maybe you can do arms on Monday and Thursday, legs on Tuesday and Friday, Wed rest?. Try to also push yourself with the amount of weight that you use. Depending on the amount of reps you do you should use a % of the max weight that you can lift. For example if you lift a maximum weight of 10 kg of bench press then you should do your reps with 60% of that: 6 kg.

Good luck!! and don't worry about other people, you can do this for you!!

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