The clomid thread- if you take clomid please join and ask questions and get answers

Excellent :) couldn't be happier that the baby seems nicely nestled in for the long haul. I'm glad to hear you felt some oddities. I definately felt some, at 8-9 dpo sharp twinges to right lower side (low as in like just above pubic bone) and ten tugging around belly button too. It could be something but your right 5dpiui is a bit early. 6-10 is usually the magic area. So keep yourself occupied for the next 4-5 days but also remember to take it's implantation time, if you haven't already. :)
How was your lining and counts this round?

Good, I'm so glad to hear!! Yeah those are kind like the ones I had so hopefully thats good news! I definitely need to keep myself busy so I dont go nuts. The doctor said my lining looked good and so did DH's little spermies so hopefully they guys got there!!
I have an update on my situation... I just came back from my follicle check, on cd 13, and this is my 3rd cycle of clomid. Sadly, my ultrasound didnt go well. Doc said my right ovarie is just hangin there, and my left one showed small follicles but nothing that could cause ovulation or release an egg.

to add to my disappointment, he found fluid in my uterus. Who knows how long it has been there. he thinks i could have ruptured a polyp.

I will be going back next thursday to check my follicles again, and the fluid. If the fluid is still there, i have to have a d&c. If my follicles havent changed, the doc mentioned putting me on a higher dose of clomid, but not until the fluid is resolved in my uterus.

I am exhausted, and heartbroken. I feel like im failing my husband because I cant give him a baby. All we want is a baby together that we dont have to share with anyone else. is that so much to ask??

Don't give up hope and don't blame yourself for things that are out of your control. You will get a BFP!! it may take a bit longer than you wanted to but you will make it! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

best of luck!

Hi ladies,
I am so sorry I haven't posted for a while, I have been really busy. I am now 10 weeks pregnant today, and so far everything is ok. I got to see the heartbeat two weeks ago and I almost started to cry. I am still trying to stay skeptical in case something happens, but its really hard when I feel the baby "flutters" in my belly. The Doc told me its not gas, its baby moving lol My morning sickness is ok, but its lasting off and on all day and night. I was put on promithazine (anti nausea) meds to help me get through, thankfully its safe to take. I had my first weird craving the other night, I wanted cucumbers and mashed potatoes. i didnt mix them but i did dip the cucumbers into the tators lol My most recent one was pie, took two bites and gagged. I love pie, and its funny that I cant stomach it right now. I have been lucky, I guess, that I have not thrown up, sometimes I wish I could. Good luck to everyone who is ttc, dont give up hope (we tried for over a year, then on our third cycle of clomid it happened). Much love and prayers to you all!!!! Anna

great to hear from you! and so good to know everything is fine! :hugs:
I have an update on my situation... I just came back from my follicle check, on cd 13, and this is my 3rd cycle of clomid. Sadly, my ultrasound didnt go well. Doc said my right ovarie is just hangin there, and my left one showed small follicles but nothing that could cause ovulation or release an egg.

to add to my disappointment, he found fluid in my uterus. Who knows how long it has been there. he thinks i could have ruptured a polyp.

I will be going back next thursday to check my follicles again, and the fluid. If the fluid is still there, i have to have a d&c. If my follicles havent changed, the doc mentioned putting me on a higher dose of clomid, but not until the fluid is resolved in my uterus.

I am exhausted, and heartbroken. I feel like im failing my husband because I cant give him a baby. All we want is a baby together that we dont have to share with anyone else. is that so much to ask??

Sweetie don't ever feel like your failing you husband. If he had the problems with fertility would you place blame on him? No, youd love him and face whatever you two needed to do. In a marriage you face things together, and come out stronger in the end. Some of us have a longer journey to children than most. It's unfortunate. I'm sorry you are having a hard time :) :hugs: sending you positive thoughts!

Today i am even MORE confused!!! I ended up at the doctor this morning because my contact cut my eye in my sleep, the doc did the usual exam and went over my uterus, it hurt when he pushed. he asked if i was pregnant. I told him about my ultrasound, and he told me that I could actually be pregnant, and that the fluid could be related to that, and that if im not very far along, the egg wouldnt show up on the ultrasound. So, I now have been obsessing and going back over my cycle. What I THOUGHT was IB last month, could have actually been af coming a couple days early. I started bleeding exactly 14 days later after taking the provera, but it was just light spotting, so that could have actually been me ovulating!

it has now been 14 days since the last spotting episode, i took a preg test, it was neg, but im hoping the doc will do a blood test on me. The doc I saw yesterday wants to do a D&C but if there is a chance that im pregnant, i dont want to go through with it. Honestly, I was having dizzy spells etc and thought i was pregnant. So this may explain why the cycle of clomid didnt work haha. I will keep you posted. I dont want to get my hopes up, but i am clinging on
I have an update on my situation... I just came back from my follicle check, on cd 13, and this is my 3rd cycle of clomid. Sadly, my ultrasound didnt go well. Doc said my right ovarie is just hangin there, and my left one showed small follicles but nothing that could cause ovulation or release an egg.

to add to my disappointment, he found fluid in my uterus. Who knows how long it has been there. he thinks i could have ruptured a polyp.

I will be going back next thursday to check my follicles again, and the fluid. If the fluid is still there, i have to have a d&c. If my follicles havent changed, the doc mentioned putting me on a higher dose of clomid, but not until the fluid is resolved in my uterus.

I am exhausted, and heartbroken. I feel like im failing my husband because I cant give him a baby. All we want is a baby together that we dont have to share with anyone else. is that so much to ask??

Sweetie don't ever feel like your failing you husband. If he had the problems with fertility would you place blame on him? No, youd love him and face whatever you two needed to do. In a marriage you face things together, and come out stronger in the end. Some of us have a longer journey to children than most. It's unfortunate. I'm sorry you are having a hard time :) :hugs: sending you positive thoughts!

Today i am even MORE confused!!! I ended up at the doctor this morning because my contact cut my eye in my sleep, the doc did the usual exam and went over my uterus, it hurt when he pushed. he asked if i was pregnant. I told him about my ultrasound, and he told me that I could actually be pregnant, and that the fluid could be related to that, and that if im not very far along, the egg wouldnt show up on the ultrasound. So, I now have been obsessing and going back over my cycle. What I THOUGHT was IB last month, could have actually been af coming a couple days early. I started bleeding exactly 14 days later after taking the provera, but it was just light spotting, so that could have actually been me ovulating!

it has now been 14 days since the last spotting episode, i took a preg test, it was neg, but im hoping the doc will do a blood test on me. The doc I saw yesterday wants to do a D&C but if there is a chance that im pregnant, i dont want to go through with it. Honestly, I was having dizzy spells etc and thought i was pregnant. So this may explain why the cycle of clomid didnt work haha. I will keep you posted. I dont want to get my hopes up, but i am clinging on

Omg wow, the plot thickens. I hope you are handling this well. Get a blood pregnancy test! It's peace of mind for you that you are doing the right thing and not harming a possible pregnancy. If its 14 days post when you now think you ovulated then it would definately register on a blood test, most home pregnancy tests as well, but they don't aleays work for everyone.
Did they scan you before starting clomid (cd3), it's usually common practice to do so to ensure things look fine and no cysts are present before starting a follicle stimulating hormone.
Keep us posted for sure! Do not go through this alone, sometimes our DH's just don't get it. We are here for you :)
I posted this yesterday, but I guess I should have posted it in here, and not in the TTC thread.

Just prescribed Clomid- not sure where to go.....
I am trying to find a good message board out there with information on clomid. I just found out today, (via bloodwork taken last week), I am not ovulating. I have 3 precious babies (including a set of twins) and we have been ttc for a few months now. It hasn't been real long, but I had a feeling something was up, so I had them do bloodwork. Sure enough, after popping out 3 little guys, basically on the first try, god is going to make me work a little harder for #4!

Looking for advice, info, websites, etc.

I am going in tomorrow to start the clomid, and will be on cd5, so I will take it cd 5-9. Not sure if this is best, as I know cd3-7 is common too.

So I went in today, and was prescribed 50mg and starting taking it this morning, cd5. She said that we should dtd day 10-20, everyother day. I will go in on cd21 to get my labs again to see if I ovulated this month.

Does this sound right?
Yep it sounds normal. There is always debates with docs about what days are best to take clomid. Some 2-6, some 3-7, some 5-9, but there is no real evidence of what works best except what seems to cause more pregnancies at that particular clinic. They speculate that taking it earlier means more eggs that aren't always fully mature, and later less eggs but fully mature. 50 is the starting dose, if that doesn't make you ovulste they will up it, until you do. BDing every other day is good, but lots of ladies use OPK's to see their surge and once they do they BD every day for a few days to ensure more sperm get the chance.
Hope ive been helpful, you are in the right place :)
I have an update on my situation... I just came back from my follicle check, on cd 13, and this is my 3rd cycle of clomid. Sadly, my ultrasound didnt go well. Doc said my right ovarie is just hangin there, and my left one showed small follicles but nothing that could cause ovulation or release an egg.

to add to my disappointment, he found fluid in my uterus. Who knows how long it has been there. he thinks i could have ruptured a polyp.

I will be going back next thursday to check my follicles again, and the fluid. If the fluid is still there, i have to have a d&c. If my follicles havent changed, the doc mentioned putting me on a higher dose of clomid, but not until the fluid is resolved in my uterus.

I am exhausted, and heartbroken. I feel like im failing my husband because I cant give him a baby. All we want is a baby together that we dont have to share with anyone else. is that so much to ask??

Sweetie don't ever feel like your failing you husband. If he had the problems with fertility would you place blame on him? No, youd love him and face whatever you two needed to do. In a marriage you face things together, and come out stronger in the end. Some of us have a longer journey to children than most. It's unfortunate. I'm sorry you are having a hard time :) :hugs: sending you positive thoughts!

Today i am even MORE confused!!! I ended up at the doctor this morning because my contact cut my eye in my sleep, the doc did the usual exam and went over my uterus, it hurt when he pushed. he asked if i was pregnant. I told him about my ultrasound, and he told me that I could actually be pregnant, and that the fluid could be related to that, and that if im not very far along, the egg wouldnt show up on the ultrasound. So, I now have been obsessing and going back over my cycle. What I THOUGHT was IB last month, could have actually been af coming a couple days early. I started bleeding exactly 14 days later after taking the provera, but it was just light spotting, so that could have actually been me ovulating!

it has now been 14 days since the last spotting episode, i took a preg test, it was neg, but im hoping the doc will do a blood test on me. The doc I saw yesterday wants to do a D&C but if there is a chance that im pregnant, i dont want to go through with it. Honestly, I was having dizzy spells etc and thought i was pregnant. So this may explain why the cycle of clomid didnt work haha. I will keep you posted. I dont want to get my hopes up, but i am clinging on

Omg wow, the plot thickens. I hope you are handling this well. Get a blood pregnancy test! It's peace of mind for you that you are doing the right thing and not harming a possible pregnancy. If its 14 days post when you now think you ovulated then it would definately register on a blood test, most home pregnancy tests as well, but they don't aleays work for everyone.
Did they scan you before starting clomid (cd3), it's usually common practice to do so to ensure things look fine and no cysts are present before starting a follicle stimulating hormone.
Keep us posted for sure! Do not go through this alone, sometimes our DH's
just don't get it. We are here for you :)

Well, no my doc didnt do any tests at ALL before starting the new cycle. When i didnt get a bfp at what i thought was cd 35, they just called in Provera and clomid again.

Another development, I just started cramping within the last hour. Mostly on the left side, and then im walking around the house and well i needed to pass some gas so i pushed, and OMG a HUGE amount of really thick, stretchy gross brown cm came out! Like super brown, not even really a hint of red in there. Its freaking me out! I dont know what the hell it could be! I still havent heard back from the doctor about the blood test:cry:
Sorry mamatrujillo hope you get results soon. Sending you lost of :hugs:
Sorry mamatrujillo hope you get results soon. Sending you lost of :hugs:

Thank you! Its been a very long 24 hours! I wouldnt even know that there was a possibility of being pg if i hadnt been at the doc today. My contact cut my eyeball and i had to hurry to the doc and now I am having some confusing emotions. I remember being so happy when i first saw the ultrasound and saw the pocket of fluid, but then was crushed cuz the doc said he didnt know what it was. The new doc i saw today gave me a little glimmer of hope and we needed it!!!:happydance:
Some women have said that they have gotten positive opks when they were indeed pregnant.
Some women have said that they have gotten positive opks when they were indeed pregnant.

Really? Im googling it as we speak. I called the doc, he said that my follicles were too small for it to produce anything and that they still want me to come in next week. But what explains the cramping, and the brown cm??
I am going in tomorrow to have my bloodwork done. then i will finally have some answers. What I am concerned about is that the gush of brown gunk that came out today may have been the fluid the doc saw on the U/S yesterday :( I have looked up what can happen if you take clomid when you didnt know you were pregnant, but considering the fact that i have follicles on my ovaries may indicate that im not pregnant. I dont think its possible to even have that happen even during early pregnancy, and even with having taken clomid. Does anyone else have words of wisdom?? Im so horribly confused
What cd are you mamatrujillo? Sorry I don't know what to tell you. I did just notice that your are in Utah. Me too.
What cd are you mamatrujillo? Sorry I don't know what to tell you. I did just notice that your are in Utah. Me too.

OMG you are!!! SLC holy crap how cool is that! im in ogden :) Well if i go by the spotting i had after the provera, i would be cd 14. but i am thinking what happened is I got af early,which what the doc told me was IB. I think I may have ov'd on my own before taking the provera. when i started bleeding after the provera it was super light. just spotting for 2 days, that was 14 days ago. and I had some old blood, and some cramping randomely before the provera. I charted cramping and bloating last week. I was also having dizzy spells, and moments of nausea. So I dont know whats going on. Doc said my pos opk is a false pos because theres no way my follicles could actually release an egg. so why then would it be all of a sudden pos? and why would i be cramping and have that gush of brown stuff come out? so many unanswered questions. Dont know if my husband and I will ever find the answer we hope for
I am actually in West Jordan. I will be waiting to see what the doc finds out today. Really hoping you are in fact prego and your bean is ok. Sending :hugs::hugs::dust::dust:.

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