The clomid thread- if you take clomid please join and ask questions and get answers

Well I just got back from the doctor and I have on follicle, it's 17mm so he wants to wait a couple more days to give it more time to grow. I'm kinda disappointed, I wanted more follicles since I'm taking clomid. I mean I was producing mature follicles without clomid so what was the point ... ? Anyways, I'm also feeling like the IUI is going to fail because I only have one follicle. I'm also have insurance issues because I have two separate insurances. One for pharmacy and the other for medical so they're putting it through with aetna and they're denying it but if they used the correct insurance it would go through no problem. Needless to say I'm annoyed! I guess all I can do it focus on moving and forget about the IUI! I'm so sad!
Hello everyone! I have a question that I hope hasn't been already asked about clomid, but there are SO many posts on this forum lol! I am currently on CD 16 and I think I ovulated yesterday. The last 2 days I have had something that tastes like blood/metallic in my mouth. Is this a sign of ovulation, or is this a side effect of the clomid? Has anyone ever experienced this. I took 150 mg clomid CD 3-7, and I take 2,000 mg of metformin. I'd appreciate any answers; thanks :)

I have heard that some girls get that but that it is a sign for pregnancy I think! But that would be too early! Maybe someone else has a better answer for you! Sorry!
Well I just got back from the doctor and I have on follicle, it's 17mm so he wants to wait a couple more days to give it more time to grow. I'm kinda disappointed, I wanted more follicles since I'm taking clomid. I mean I was producing mature follicles without clomid so what was the point ... ? Anyways, I'm also feeling like the IUI is going to fail because I only have one follicle. I'm also have insurance issues because I have two separate insurances. One for pharmacy and the other for medical so they're putting it through with aetna and they're denying it but if they used the correct insurance it would go through no problem. Needless to say I'm annoyed! I guess all I can do it focus on moving and forget about the IUI! I'm so sad!

That sounds like a great follie! All it takes is one of each!!! Have you talked to them and told them they are using the wrong insurance? Good luck getting it sorted out! Don't give up on the IUI! Fxd for your bfp this month!!

AFM still waiting on my opk surge, hope it doesn't happen till at least saturday at the earliest because dh is going out of town till sunday! Question for the girls who prop themselves up after bd. How many pillows do you use? I use 1, just not sure if it is enough. :shrug:
Hey ladies! So my cycle is really irregular and due to that and the length in between my periods the doctor said I wasn't ovulating so he prescribed me clomid and also provera to bring on AF. Well provera ended up doing nothing for me so the doc ran a blood test and figured out my estrogen was really low, so the lining of my uterus was to thin to shed any blood. So he suggested I get on the pill to regulate my estrogen and also give me the progesterone I need to have a withdrawl bleed and once that happens to go ahead and start clomid on the first day of my withdrawl bleed. First off, have any of you heard of this or tried this method of taking the pill followed by clomid? I am also experiencing a second issue and I am hoping some of you might have some input about. I started the pill mid cycle like the doc told me to do, which is unusual, usually in normal circumstances you take it soon after receiving your period. I started the last week of pills about 4 days ago and about three days ago I started to spot. Today I am still bleeding. It is still pretty light compared to my usual flow, but it is more then what it started out as and is starting to be red. I still have 4 pills to go until the placebo pills. Do you all think Is the AF or just break through bleeding? Should I continue to take the rest of my pills and see if an actual period starts or should I not take anymore pulls and start the clomid? I'm so confused? Has anyone dealt with this?
brittbray04 I would call and ask to speak to the nurse tell her all the problems and ask what they want you to do. Wish i could help but I have no idea. Good luck!

kel i usually only put one pillow under but put my feet up on the head board and rock my pelvis up. That way nothing comes out until I get up. I would be curious to know what others do. How long do you stay elevated?
jme84 I try to stay up for at least 20 min. Do you use pillow during or just after? :blush: I've done both! :blush:
Usually just use a pillow after. I am kinda crazy I sometimes plan in advance have some pj at the foot for the bed so I can very carefully get dressed and then put my feet up. I usually have dh hand me the computer.
Brittbray04- sounds as though it's spotting before AF and AF is going to be starting. I'd call and ask if you should discontinue and move on to the next step as bright red flow should be considered day 1 usually. Some ppl spot before AF due to low progesterone levels.
Female cycles can be a mystery sometimes.

I am brand new on here but have been having a look since I've been on treatment. Have been TTC for 4 years, have PCOS and just don't ovulate that often. Started on Clomid in December 50mg days 2-6, was all going ok, had just one good follicle month one but no positive at the end of it, month 2 I had 3 good follicles again no positive, last month had 4 follicles but 2 dominant and 2 rubbish and they wouldn't give me HCG injection just in case and then again AF arrived at the end of the month, then this month happened!! I am on day 11 today and have been for ultrasound, there are 5 good size follicles which I was pleased with until they told me 'under no circumstances are you to have unprotected intercourse this month', I laughed because I thought she was kidding! They have now taken me off the treatment altogether because I am responding too well to it and I am absolutely heart broken.

Has anyone else experienced this? What do I do? I would never forgive myself for not trying when my chances are that high. She said the risk of multiple birth is massive, thats fine by me though.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Just got back from my IUI, feeling good about it! Cervix was nice and open so it didn't hurt at all, just uncomfortable! OH's sperm count post wash was 57 million so I'm feeling wonderful about that! Now I just have to wait! :haha: This is going to be hard!
Great news Ash!!!

Decobent - wow, sounds like your docs are very worried about multiples. Most clinics would allow 3-4 eggs tops as the risk for multiples is higher then. Both my pregnancies I had 3-4 good eggs, one of them I triggered with HCG the other was natural, just one baby both times. As for 5 eggs, there is a reason they are warning you not to proceed. Multiple pregnancy is risky not just for the babies but for the mom too. This is why with high order multiples they recommend selective termination to avoid carrying so many. If you are fine with it the choice is really up to you, however be prepared for some difficult situations you may have to face. Anyone with twins of more will tell you it's not a walk in the park it's very very difficult, they are usually born early which can mean long hospital stays, possibly underdeveloped. Good luck, tough choice for you.

I am brand new on here but have been having a look since I've been on treatment. Have been TTC for 4 years, have PCOS and just don't ovulate that often. Started on Clomid in December 50mg days 2-6, was all going ok, had just one good follicle month one but no positive at the end of it, month 2 I had 3 good follicles again no positive, last month had 4 follicles but 2 dominant and 2 rubbish and they wouldn't give me HCG injection just in case and then again AF arrived at the end of the month, then this month happened!! I am on day 11 today and have been for ultrasound, there are 5 good size follicles which I was pleased with until they told me 'under no circumstances are you to have unprotected intercourse this month', I laughed because I thought she was kidding! They have now taken me off the treatment altogether because I am responding too well to it and I am absolutely heart broken.

Has anyone else experienced this? What do I do? I would never forgive myself for not trying when my chances are that high. She said the risk of multiple birth is massive, thats fine by me though.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

When I was on clomid, my doctor said if I had any horrible ovulation pains, to let her know because my ovaries might be over stimulated. When I got my progesterone levels done, it was only a 9.3, which is low for clomid. She said I ovulated, but I definitely was not over stimulated. 7 weeks later, we found out we were pregnant with twins - which we are ecstatic about. During the ultrasound, the lady had the hardest time finding my ovaries, and she said we definitely did not get twins from the clomid. It was from my genes.

Anyways, my point is, you never know what your body is going to do. Yes, multiples is a risky chance, but you never know when you are going to get multiplies. Both of my twins are healthy and growing. My friend, who did IVF, had 4 eggs, 3 took, and she ended up with 2 babies. Being pregnant with twins has not been the easiest thing ever, and I know it's only going to get harder, but I would not trade it for the world. This is not something you can ask others for advice about. You need to think about it, all the pros and cons, and discuss it with your OH. I know personally, I would have a hard time not trying to get one of those eggs to stick.

Good luck with which ever you choose, and please keep me updated!
Thanks for the replies, it feels so much better knowing that others are going through similar to me, should have joined ages ago really!

After no sleep at all I have decided to phone today and speak try and speak to my consultant, they couldn't get me in his clinic yesterday so had to see someone else, if he agrees that I am not to take anymore clomid then I will have to go with it and just wait 18 months for IVF. As for this month then I am just going to carry on TTC, I had 4 last month and BFN so would hate myself if I didn't try. I know a multiple pregnancy wouldn't be a walk in the park but after 4 years of waiting I would be over the moon.

Will keep you posted.
So, this month we took 100 mg of clomid. My O day according to FF was a few days later than usual and even my CM didn't match up. Finallt got what looked like a positive on CD 16 and low temp rise the following day. Is this normal?
Clomid can change cervical mucus. It sometimes makes it too thick as hostile for sperm, one of its downfalls. Sperm friendly lubricants can help if that's the case. You cannot rely on cm for o while on clomid. Also yes it can change when you ovulate as well as lengthen or shorten cycles. Just trust your positive, or ask for monitoring from the doc. Good luck!
I am on cd15 and after we DTD this am I am bleeding. Don't think I got hurt down there as he was not rough, but could this be a good sign of strong O or something worse? I took Clomid cd5-9 50mg. Last month my progesterone on cd21 was 38 so I know I am Oing now, but this blood...will it hurt my chances a +HPT?
Can't really answer this. I'd check with your doc. You are right that some blood can be an ovulation sign or can happen with sex as the contractions orgasm causes can let some out. Call your doc though to ease your mind :)
Clomid can change cervical mucus. It sometimes makes it too thick as hostile for sperm, one of its downfalls. Sperm friendly lubricants can help if that's the case. You cannot rely on cm for o while on clomid. Also yes it can change when you ovulate as well as lengthen or shorten cycles. Just trust your positive, or ask for monitoring from the doc. Good luck!

Ok, Thanks. Wasn't sure. We did use preseed and soft cups this month. I'm sure hoping this is it.
Good luck abbylink! Hope I can help anyone where I can as I've been through this twice now and now how stressful it is. Your miracle will happen though!!!
Thanks for the replies, it feels so much better knowing that others are going through similar to me, should have joined ages ago really!

After no sleep at all I have decided to phone today and speak try and speak to my consultant, they couldn't get me in his clinic yesterday so had to see someone else, if he agrees that I am not to take anymore clomid then I will have to go with it and just wait 18 months for IVF. As for this month then I am just going to carry on TTC, I had 4 last month and BFN so would hate myself if I didn't try. I know a multiple pregnancy wouldn't be a walk in the park but after 4 years of waiting I would be over the moon.

Will keep you posted.

I just wanted to give you some of my thoughts....

I got pregnant with my twins when my oldest was 18 months. We tried for one month and got pregnant. We were shocked to learn I was carring two babies!!!! I was 26, and was not using any type of aide, and there are no twins in our family. I now have 3 beautiful boys who are under 2.5 years of each other.

Having multiples isn't all hospitals and risks. I carried my twins for 38 weeks and they were born via (scheduled) c-section at almost 7 pounds each! They came home with me and continue to thrive! They were so happy in there (me :)), I never went on bedrest, was able to continue to care for my 2 year old, and finally had to kick them out!!

Sure, having more than one baby increases risks, but my twins are both developmentally on track, actually ahead in many areas. My oldest, who was a singleton, is Austic, and developmentally delayed. His brothers are actually ahead of him in many ways.

I believe it is all relative. Being a mom (or parent) is hard. It is hard with 1 child, and it is hard with 3. My husband and I laugh because people always look at us and say "I dont know how you do it", or "I can't complain about one being hard, you had twins", etc. We always tell them that we thought one was just as hard as two. It is all you know, and you do what you have to do, you know?

Sorry for the rant...... but I will tell you a secret. After trying for 6 months for baby #4 to complete our family.....I just stared clomid. I would be secretly estatic if I had multiples again. I would be equally thankful for one baby too, but the miracle is multiples is such an amazing thing. I feel so blessed!!
Just got back from my IUI, feeling good about it! Cervix was nice and open so it didn't hurt at all, just uncomfortable! OH's sperm count post wash was 57 million so I'm feeling wonderful about that! Now I just have to wait! :haha: This is going to be hard!

best of luck!!!

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