The clomid thread- if you take clomid please join and ask questions and get answers


I hope they grow by the time you go back on Friday x
thanks Lily7 :) me too! im begging they do.

where r u in ur cycle today? x
Don't give up hope Holi, hopefully next month will be your month - damn cysts!!! At least the Clomid is making some effect on them maybe they will be trying you again on 100mg?

Hi Serena and all you lovely ladies - just a quick update from me today:

Sorry if this is TMI! - So it's CD 19 and for the past 3 days I have noticed ewcm. Not an awful lot but today I checked and there was a blob of it!! It was much thicker though than what I'd previously noticed, bit cloudy but still stretched a mile and a half!

The only disappointing thing at the minute is these damn OPK's. Still giving me a -, here's photo of 12pm test today:

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I'll keep testing, might do another later and the thing is too I am thinking maybe I've missed the surge or something, I don't know!!! I know you can have this fertile mucus for a few days leading up to ovulation so getting busy everyday just in case now anyway worth a go xx
Missymoo88-Clomid will make your eggs more mature than use without it. I was getting a +opk 2 months before i started clomid, but my doctor said my ovulations were he started me on clomid. Have you had cd 21 bloods taken to see how good your ovulation was?

here are thursdays fridays and saturdays OPKS. just so u all can see. :)
hi ladies. havnt checked the thread all weekend and my god has it got busy, just caught up with u all :)

im CD 12 today, ive been using opk's all weekend. all neg! i also had a scan today. first since my HSG.
it was all bad news
after upping my dosage to 150mg (knowing that i have once OV'd on 100mg )i had my hopes up that i would def O this month
after my HSG clear out aswell

but my left ovary was basically a huge cyst and my right ovary had 3 follies but all between 7mm - 10mm so they were no good. im gutted!!!
im going back on friday for a check up on them to see if they got any bigger, but i just have no hope now.
this is my 6th round of clomid .im only allowed to do 2 more!
i can just feel my time slipping away.
im going to carry on with opks till friday just in case tho.

im going to upload my opk pictures tonight for u all to be nosey at and use as a comparison because mine look ok (not positives but still i can see 2 lines) but i obviuosly havn't O.

hope u r all doing good this cycle and hope some of u have more luck than me xxx

Aw hun sorry to hear that! It happened to my last round of clomid so I know exactly what youre going through- I had no mature follicles and a 3.5cm cyst! The cyst went down a few days later when af arrived thankfully so I was allowed to start this round of clomid but a higher dosage.

Sorry to hear youre having a rough time hun :hugs:
fx'd your follicles get BIGGER!
daopdesign - no i dont think it is as it has to be darker or the same as the control line.also that was only cd9

secrena - awh thank u. im worried my doc wont let take clomid again till my cyst goes down. how r u doing this cycle?

oh defo didnt work. can anyone help me work out how to make ur ticker appear?x
Hey holi- I wasnt allowed mine unless my cyst went down- I had a period and the cyst was pratically gone, I really hope you can take your next round hun- what cd are you?
Im doing good so far this cycle day 4 of clomid 100mg and still no side effects- just hoping this time I at least ovulate... x
im CD12 today. ive never had side effects from clomid. i sort wish i did so atleast i knew it was working
im sure you will hun ! baby dust ur way

can you tell me how u get the ticker in ur signiture . all mine shows is the link? :(

I had side effects and it didnt work :(
Oh so youre not out yet then! When af comes your cyst will probably be gone thats what happened with me...
Um I cannot remember- you should just paste it into the signature? Are you sure you copied the link properly hun- i know you have probably checked already lol?!
Oh I have seen you have done your ticker! :) yay!
i saw everyone's and was awhh i want one :) solved!!!

oh i really hope so.i really dont wna start IUI

im so down i dont even wna BD but i shud as its CD13 but ive obv's not got the follies so im guessing i aint missing much?

do u go for scans and blood tests? xx
Aw hun I really hope you get you bfp before IUI- If I dont conceive on the third round (if any dose works) then I have to have a laparoscopy (however it is spelt lol) and then discuss another form of treatment. I really hope we both dont need to consider anything else hun.
You should still bed hun they could get bigger yet :) you dont want to miss it if you ovulate and yes I have scans done got another one monday, I just hope 100mg works for me I really do!
awh i really hope it works for us both too :) whats a laprascopey lol? HA! i cant spell

all you other ladies>? how r u ? whats happening ur end :) xxx
Hello ladies!!
How is everyone doing??
I hope every one is have a good 4th of July!!!

scerena- I was worried I would miss you today!! This time difference makes it hard for us to be online at the same time lol! Today will be my 3rd day of Clomid:):) I still have had no side effects!:) I slept horrible last night, but I don't think it was from the Clomid.
Hey holli- it's a op when they put s camera in you and check you ovaries/ tubes etc and they can do things like burn cysts off and try clear tubes etc something like that anyway but I'm hoping I won't need that done lol

Prettynpink- we are going to moss eachother alot bow aren't we as it's morning for me now lol taking my last pills in about an hour... I'm glad you're doing well on the clomid hun :) I'm doing good too- so hopefully a good sign for us both!

Hope all you other Girlies are ok?- we need some updates from everyone :)

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