The clomid thread- if you take clomid please join and ask questions and get answers

Hey Everyone! Hope everyone is okay, afm - last day of Provera for me!!! x
Ooh bet ur excited! Not long till af shows and u start your clomid :)
I took my last clomid pills today! I cannot wait for you to get started! X
Oh so glad you have all your clomid took for this cycle, now on to plenty of sexy time! lol

I cannot wait either! I hope af shows up soon!

4th pill today! still no symptoms except i slept like crap last night :( oh well its all worth it in the end!! is everyone just BD'ing every other day or every day closer to the expected O time? :)
confusion about clomid and ovulation!!

hey ladies am having some major worries about my clomid and ovulation !! judgeing by my cm changes and cp changes i ovulated 26th so took 1dpo from the 27th. havent done any opks this month was just relying on my own body . but today 9dpo wiped after going to the loo and i have some EWCM !!! at 9dpo!!! ive only ever had ewcm once adn that was a looonggg time ago. but now im wandering if maybe ive not even ovulated yet at all !! but af is due in 6 days so surly if im ovulating now theres no chance in getting pregnant as my lp would be too short?
summerlily - ive had ewcm nearer to af in a few of my cycles . i got very excited and googled ewcm and it always told me it was a sign on Pregnancy. but it obvs wasnt in my case.

ive had such a crappy week so far.. obv the bad news yday at my scan and last night i got into a arguement with the bf and ended up breaking my finger. by accident i caught it in a door while shouting at him!
but i spent the night awake because i was in pain and and then spend 3 hours in a&e today waiting for an xray. i also went on my own as the bf wouldnt come with me. so gutted , and now we arent talking at all so i cant see us getting much bd'ing done this week

Really busy with work today so not having chance to read through the posts but just wanted to give you a quick update - CD 20 STILL - OPK'S and my ewcm seems to have vanished!! I don't know weather I've already ovulated or what. Not letting this get me down, my time will come! :)
Lily7- YAY!!! You will be starting clomid in no time:)

scerena- you last pill!! YAY!!! When are you going to start using opks?? Doctor told me to start cd12, but I don't think I can wait that long lol! I take my 4th pills this evening:):)

caz & bob- Good Luck to you too!!!:)

Danielle_jone- I slept like crap last night too! And the night before! We are going to b'd every other day, then when I get a +opk we will b'd for 3 days in a row:) How about you?

SummerLily- I have heard about increased EWCM when pregnant also.... I know you said you weren't using opks, but if you have one lying around, you might want to pee on it:):) Good Luck!

Holi2459- I am so sorry about your broken finger!! Ouch!!! As far as fighting with your bf, I think men just don't understand things sometimes!:)

daopdesign- O no!! I don't have any advice:( but if you did O I hope you caught your eggy:):)

As for me.... I am afraid that some of the side effects have kicked in:( Nothing to bad, but about and hour after taking clomid last night I got a headache.. Not the worst headache I have ever had, but was for sure there! And also yesterday off and on I had little twinges/throbbing on my lower left side.... hmmmm... hopefully that means my ovaries are worken!:)
Lily7- Yep loads of sexy time for me now hehe... So roll on af for you!:thumbup:

caz & bob- thanks for the goodluck :) where abouts in your cycle are you now?

Danielle- We bed pratically every other day throughout the whole cycle- but not sure wether to do every day... what do you do?

summerlily- Im not sure hun? are you not having any tests to see if you ovulate on the clomid then?

Holi- oh hun :( Im sorry to hear youve broke you finger and that you and oh have had a falling out :hugs: I hope you sort things really soon so that you can get some bd'ing done soon hun

daopdesign- Are you getting monitored? Also you just may have tested at the wrong time hun and ovulate without knowing?

prettynpink- Im going to start within the next few days as the say you should ovulate 5-10 days after your last pill! Not getting my hopes up this round though I learnt from that last round.

Update on me- Last pill taken, waiting to start using my opk's :) and prayin that I at least ovulate this cycle! TMI alert- I have had to change my underwear 3 times today they keep getting really wet- very unusual for me- not sure what this means...
Hi ladies! This thread is moving fast and I didn't check it all weekend, but it sounds like most of you are close to your next steps. Baby dust to everyone. Fx for all of you.

Afm, I started (?) af on Friday and its been normal since then. Not as bad as i thought it would be. Still taking Provera-last one tomorrow. I'm scared something more is wrong w me if I'm bleeding while on Provera instead of after. My next appt is 7/28 and hopefully time for Clomid. We'll see.
Hey hun dont be worried another lady on here I speak to also started her period whilst taking provera- I just think it depends how long you had to take it for thats all. So try not to worry im sure its normal.
So what cd do you take your first pill?x
Can I joint please?
Cd 10 today on my second clomid cycle at 100mg. Cycle 1 I ovulated as day 21 progesterone was 43 - I think target is over 30. Does that sound right?
I temp but don't do opk's and my chart is at the bottom for you to stalk and help me understand! We are planning to bd every other day til cd 13 and then every day over weekend and hope we catch the egg! O was cd14 last time.
:dust: to all
Of corse you can Hun...
I'm cd7 today- just finished my last clomid pills.
I have no advice on temping as got my thermometer but I couldn't keepbup with it so I use opk's.
Goodluck! Let's hope you get your bfp this cycle :) x
Thanks Scerena. I believe I'm on cd4 now. I won't get Clomid until the 28th provided all my blood work comes back normal. I was supposed to get it last week, but we had some unexpected bumps. Fx crossed we can get ours on the 28th!

Welcome beanhunter!
Oh fx'd for you Hun good luck! You will be able to share your clomid journey with us :) or hopefully get a bfp before x
Hi Everyone, think that is me caught up now! good luck to everyone waiting for af, waiting to take their clomid, waiting to ovulate and waiting to test! phew I think that covers everyone!

P.s. Holi, sorry to hear about your finger and the fighting with the bf, men just do not understand stuff the same way we do! I mean for us girls ttc and all things related is on our minds all day every day, men just don't get it...they say they do, but they dont! lol x
Hi ladies, forgive me but I haven't caught up with everyone's posts as I'm on my phone and it's not the easiest to navigate! I'm on my 2nd round of Clomid now with the 2nd pill taken today. As soon as I took the 1st yesterday I had a headache and was suffering with the hot flushes!

When I'm back on the pc tomorrow I will be making sure I buy opk's ready for ov.

Scerena, how's the clomid going for you? Any symptoms? Xx
Omg watching itv and there's a programme- sextuplets- she had them from CLOMID!!! so glad that I get scanned to see how many follicles I have lol x

WELSHGEM- yep going fine for me thanks No more pills now just the waiting game to see if this dose does what it's meant to, I hope you don't get anymore side effects Hun xx
Hi just thought I would share this link with you, I just ordered some- someone posted it yesterday and said the books were good, if you live in the UK you can get free books on pregnancy and planning a pregnancy.

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