The clomid thread- if you take clomid please join and ask questions and get answers

Missangie - I know they are really expensive, sounds like you have a good plan of avtion there. I seen my pcos on the screen when they done an internal scan, 1 ovary was completely fine and the other 1 was covered, I could have cried there and then bit instead I was doing that crazy swallowing thing to hold back the tears, let us know when you get a +opk

mrsbrown - welcome, this is a great thread, everyone is so encouraging and helpful

prettynpink - I am glad you are feeling better and good luck for your scan

afm - I woke up this morning and my pad was completely clear, went to the toilet and when I wiped....nothing! Where has af gone? Could I really have had a 1 day af? Or has it just not started yet? I am so confused as I though today was cd2 and I am to start clomid tonight! My consultant is away on holiday so I can't even ring him but he did say I was to count the first day of anything as cd1 as by the look of my uterus he didn't think I was in for much of an af and it prob wouldn't go full flow! Arrggh why can't my body just be normal!

What do you girls think? We are thinking just to still count yesterday as cd1 and start clomid today as planned.

I am just so scared of messing up!

Babydust to all xx
Lily - I totally know where you are coming from. On the third month when AF arrived it lasted for only 2 days and wasn't even like a period! Was just like spotting really but I still took the Clomid on CD2. I don't think it's an issue as my doc wasn't concerned and that's why he moved the days from 5 to 2 x
Personally I would start it was ur one day bleed a full flow/ bright red? If he sai count anything as af I would then Hun as your lining may have been really thin and not alot to shred- up to you I wouldn't like to influence ur decision but if he said anything then I would. My af only lasts like 3-5 days now (use to be alot more) only 1-2 of them days are a heavyish flow now xx
Hello Ladies,

This is actually my first post ... My LMP was June 23 - 26, 2011. My Cycle is 33 Days. I took Clomid 50Mgs. for the first time on Day 5 - 9. Im supposed to ovulate July 5 - 10. When I used the bathroom today, I found that I had some egg white-like mucous. I am really hopeful that I will get pregnant.

I will keep you guys updated as to if this clomid works.


I have a son that is 17 and 14. Had horomones checked and an HSG. My husband had an SA == all results were normal.

Please send me some Baby Dust. We have been TTC for over a year now.


Mrs. B

Welcome and good luck MrsBrown, this months sounds very promising for you!
Thanks girls, I am going to still take it as cd2 today. No it wasn't full flow but it was bright red.

So first day of clomid! And my first night of going out and having to make up an antobiotic story! X
Yh as long it wa bright red your ok :) woop you finally get started! The amount of times I've done the antibiotic story lol best one to ever use! X
I know! I am not going to like having to do it as I am a terrible liar and I am never sick! but needs must!, hope everyone is having a nice Saturday xx
Lily can you drive? That's my favourite excuse as it's not really even a lie?
Still feel ropey today with a sore throat but managed to bd last night and will tonight too. Pains have gone but temp still down and still some ewcm so don't think I've o yet but I'm so confused!
teddybearpug - thanks u hun. :) thats great news about ur scan. lets hope u dont end up having quads lol as much as it would be a blessing im sure u would be fine with 1 or 2 lol

i think it was lily who asked ? but yeh i guess i am 1DPO . awh how weird ive never been able to say that.

scerena - ha well i ended up just going for catch up casual non alco drink with a friend :) how did u find the film. my bf loved it. how r u feeling?

Mrs brown welcome :) babydust to u

hello ladies ! sorry i dont pop by very often !! im trying to keep away from forums but i just cant help myself haha !!

hope your all doing well ! af was due today! but had a lot of cramping this morning and was sure she was coming but went to the toilet and it was just a lot of lotion like white cm !! but now all the cramping has stopped..... not sure why but well see what happens !!

welcome mrs brown :flower: and im sorry if i dont say much to everyone else ! thought id apologise and explain as i have ME my brain fog is attrocious at times ! lol. didnt want you to think that i was just coming on and ignoring everyone ! xx
TeddyBearPug- I know what you mean!! But Quadtuplets would be amazing to me:) I would gladly accept 4 babies into my house if I could carry them to term without any complications (which would be not possible)!! I am on the smaller size and I know I would not have room for 4 babies!! Good Luck!! I hope atleast one is a sticky bean for you:)

Scerena- I didn’t see any of your pictures the other day, I will have to go back and look!! We both have our scans on Monday;) I am tried not to get my hopes up to, but too late for me, I already have:( I hope you get wonderful news!!!

Lily7- YAY!! Your starting clomid tomorrow:) Good Luck:)

Holi2459- 1dpo for you!! How exciting:)

SummerLily- I have heard that lotion like cm is a good thing!! Sounds promising for you:)

Beanhunter- I manages to b’d last night too, even though I really wasn’t in the mood! I don’t know much about temping, but ewcm could mean you haven’t O’d yet.

Daopdesign- What cd are you again? Your not added to the calendar!:)

afm- I am feeling better today! Today is cd10 for me:) But I am afraid that I might not make I till Monday for my ultrasound! My opks are getting darker and I have already gotten high on cbfm! On cbfm my lines are almost the same color!! I will post picture later, but I fear I will O on Sunday or Monday.. Which will only be cd11 or cd12! Is that too soon?? I guess all the pains I was having yesterday were good though..
thanks pretty! im hoping its a good sign but im not feeling anything this moth - i dont feel pregnant .... :cry: and feel like i would know if i was !
my only symptoms are the cramping i had today making me think af was coming and then the cm ! oh ,, and when looking at my breasts theres very noticable blue veins going not just through my breasts but also through my areola ! which ive never noticed before my period but then i may just be wishful thinking !!

:happydance: for the OPk's getting darker though honey ! x
Hey all well im happy just been on a shopping spree in river island thank to oh :) No change with me just going to keep doing my opk's i swear theyre getting lighter?- should I post a pic? Im going to test later today about 8.30ish...

Holi- hey hun! yeh I found the film really good and so did oh! At least you ended up having a catch up with a friend though :) dont you love the joys of non alcoholic drinks lol!

summerlily- hey :) does your af usually come like clockwork? have you tested yet? The cm looks like a good sign fx'd for you hun!

prettynpink29- yes we both have our scans how exciting :) im still getting excited even though I havent had a positive opk yet which im thinking maybe I should get my hopes down.. I hope you get good news mondy what time is your scan? oh yeh we are different time difference arent we lol! Post a pic of your opks :) sounds like you better get bd'ing!
so here are my opks from the last 3 days.. If you aren't familiar with cbfm sitcks, then you might not understand why I am so excited by this! But the way they work is they measure estrogen and LH.. So there is not control line, the first line is the estrogen line.. My estrogen line always is really dark unless I am close to ovulation.. Then it goes lite as the LH line goes darker:) When I get a peak they are the same color as the estrogen line is now:) If that makes any since lol
The bottom one is my test from this morning.

Is anyone else using cbfm??


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Hi I don't use one I was going to buy one and my fs said not to as I go and see them all the time for scans etc and my cycles are all over the place and heard they do not work properly with people like me lol. So I'm just an opk girl lol! Not quite sure how the work but good luck u seem excited :) xx
love the OPK's pretty they look great !!

scerena - since i lost all the weight my period now comes between 28 and 31 days but being the first month of clomid i suppose anything could happen!

although ive just had a horrid sharp pain above my left hip if that makes sence. went to the loo and when i wiped there was so discolouring on the tp. though i would check my cm which has been white and lotion like all day and now theres less lotiony stuff and what is it is sort of tinged light brownish. not sure what it is as i dont usually spot before a period comes, she just usually comes in full flow! maybe thats my new signs that shes on her way ! hope not its quite painful!

Hello girls, hope everyone I doing well? Im still on my phone as the laptop has been put into hiding whilst I've been revising for my next exam on Wednesday! I'm not feeling much hope that i'll pass but anyway, on cd7 today, last clomid pill was yesterday. Still getting the horrendous night sweats and hot flushes but they're manageable. For the past 2 days I have had more symptoms, my CM is wet, like really watery and lots of it and today I've been experiencing ovary pains/cramps on the right side. Same side that I got my strong follies last month.

Talking of last cycle, I never did get my day-21 blood results back from the clinic! Not much point calling them up about it now but it's a shame not to know what's going on with my body. On the plus side, my opk's arrived. I used one yesterday and it was neg so will try again tomorrow. I know it's early but I don't want to miss anything!
hey ladies, a bit random but have any of of you thought about taking a photo of your cervix? I came across that website beautiful cervix and it intrigued me to take a peak at mine! The photo basically showed what I think is a closed slit (because I had a birth it is not round) and it definitely looked closed. There was (sorry tmi) creamy white egg like cm around it so I'm pretty convinced I am not or no where ovulating as it wasn't super clear. Looks like that round did nothing but I have my FS apt 2 weeks. I'm just wondering if some of you should have a go as this can be a great indicator of ovulation instead of them sticks where you could miss the surge! x
My opks- what do you think? Theyre getting darker... do you think I might get a positive soon?


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summerlily- Aw hun, when do you think you are going to test if you dont get af?

hey welshgem- Im the same I use opks constantly hun lol! good luck in your exams :) good luck this cycle :)

daopdesign- sounds like a good idea but after 2 years of ttc I still dont know where my cervix is lol

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