The clomid thread- if you take clomid please join and ask questions and get answers

prettynpink- Aw a easter baby how sweet! I want one too lol! I will be happy if I know I have done all I can this cycle I think...

Holi- yes already bd a couple of hours ago so Im going to do it everyday now until the next scan... Im not sure how early on you can get pg symptoms but fx'd hun! Hopefully it IB :)
Well as for me ive been cramping all day on and off , browny cm this morning, only a lil tho. i feel really sick, like how u feel when u get travel sick , ive felt like since about 12pm . i so hope this is every early pg signs. but im only 3dpo i have read u can feel cramping this early??


Holi look at your signature/ticker below your post for 3DPO...sounds like mild cramping is normal for 3DPO! These are good signs, girl!
Holi, I think the symptoms you are experiencing are ovulation related. Your chances of already catching the egg and implanting (if you did in fact ovulate just 3 days ago) is near impossible. The egg takes a few days to travel to the uterus to implant, and a few days to actually complete implantation. I know this isn't what you want to hear, but hey ovulation is a good thing round these parts! :)
Thanks ladies for helping me with the craziness of IS IT + OR NOT!! I got my clearblue smiley this morning and a + on the wondfo also. (1st pic)

The second pic is my wondfo from last night, it was positive to me, but the clearblue digital was negative with the same urine. So maybe it wasn't a true positive? Well heres both pics so we can compare for the future! I guess i don't hate the wondfo after all! I'm just too impatient for it to really work!

Last night we didn't get to BD, but we did at 7:30 this morning. Do ya'll think that is ok? I'm going to try him again tonight but i doubt he will be able to perform because he had a difficult time this morning! Do you think if we BD again tomorrow, i might still have a chance?

scerena-Good news at your ultrasound!! i'm glad you haven't missed your window yet! That happened to 2 cycles ago, my follicles were too small on a friday and i had to go back in on monday and they were right where they needed to be! So i'm sure you will get that niced size folly! Glad you and your OH are talking again! Men can be real jackasses!


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happycloud - yeh i saw that this morning , but i think loloshells is right its too early to be implantation

scerena - oh good, i wish my bf would try and commit to that but we havnt bd'd in like 3-4days . he just doesnt even seem bothered

Hi girls. I'm feeling a little better. Still sore but not in tears again so that's an improvement. Think it's prob just o pains but both sides? Will see what my temp is in the am but will prob bd tomorrow. Just couldn't tonight cos of the pain and the fact we'd done the last 3 in a row. :blush: Do you think that'll be enough?
Teddybearpug- they sure can be! Glad u got your positives :) and yh she thinks they're still growing so fx'd :)

Holi- aw are you and oh ok now? You have already ovulated though haven't ya hun? If so it's not that bad then?

Beanhunter- I reacon that should be fine :) glad u are feeling a bit better
Scerena- I agree, I will have done everything I can this cycle too! I go for a ultrasound first thing in the morning!!! So I will be posting as soon as I get back:) I am a little worried now though, what if they don’t find any…. Hmmmmm. I shouldn’t think like that rite? But I can’t help myself!

TeddyBearPug- YAY for your positives!!!! So exciting! You did it this morning and that is when you got the positives, rite?? If so then you are fine! I would do it tomorrow just in case:) Do you think you can post a picture of just the stick for the clearblue digital?? I want to see your lines:)

Holi2459- I am sorry about your bf! Men can be such jerks sometimes! Stay strong and good luck:)

Beanhunter- good luck! I am glad that your pain has gotten better!!

afm- I am nervous about my ultrasound tomorrow morning!! I hope there is atleast one little eggy!! :wacko: If not I am going to be soooooo sad because I have gotten too excited for this cycle.. If I get a positive opk in the morning, does that mean that I shouldn't get the ultrasound?? It is internal, so of course they will use some kind of lube, will it kill the sperm??? AHHHH!!! need someone to calm me down:blush:
afm- I am nervous about my ultrasound tomorrow morning!! I hope there is atleast one little eggy!! :wacko: If not I am going to be soooooo sad because I have gotten too excited for this cycle.. If I get a positive opk in the morning, does that mean that I shouldn't get the ultrasound?? It is internal, so of course they will use some kind of lube, will it kill the sperm??? AHHHH!!! need someone to calm me down:blush:

Do you have preseed? Take it with you and ask them to use it instead of ky jelly.
prettyinpink- heres the pic of my stick. I took it this morning and i cant remember if it was darker or not? Good luck with your ultrasound tomorrow! You know, i've never thought about them not using the right kind of lubricating jelly! Hm, you will have to let me know what kind they use! But i'm sure it is sperm friendly, it kinda defeats the purpose doesn't it?!
Are you having ovulation pains?


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loloshells- I didn't think about that!!! I will bring it with me just in case they don't have anything that is sperm friendly! Thanks!!:)

TeddyBearPug- thanks for posting that picture!!:) I would think it defeats the purpose if they don't use sperm friendly... But I guess I have never really thought about it till now! Yes, I am having ovulation pains on my left side.. They are pretty strong.. But opks are still negative so hoping it I don't get my surge tomorrow! Cause then I will wonder if the ultrasound is gonna mess me up! lol
Hey girls how are you all doing? I haven't posted here in ages but I have been keeping an eye on you all! I've a good feeling we're gonna see some BFPs here soon!!

It looks like my first shot at clomid hasn't worked for me (50mg cd2-6). I'm cd16 today, and whilst I had some ewcm yesterday and a tiny bit on Sunday my temp hasn't shifted at all :-( And if I was going to ov it should've happened about now don't you think? I'm hoping the ewcm at least means my body was trying to ov.

I'm not using opks this cycle cos I worried my high LH would give false positives, but might try some less-sensitive ones next cycle.

So looks like I'll be back to the docs for more provera then start my 100mg clomid.

I do wish I was being scanned like a few of you ladies. Not knowing what's happening in there really messes with your head!
Morning all!
Im still waiting to ovulate and nervous about my next scan in a couple of days... been getting achey type of feeling so not sure if thats my eggys trying to grow or something but no major symptoms of anything else to be honest...
How's everyone else today?

prettynpink- Im sure they will find at least one nice follicle hun :) fx'd tightly for you! I wondered the same thing last night after my scan... Im taking my conceive plus next time and asking them... Let us know as soon as you have had your scan! what cd are you on 13?

Justwantababy- Aw hun :hugs: I know exactly how you feel as I failed to ovulate last cycle on 50mg :( I really hope 100mg will work for you its so disappointing isnt it, if you want to talk im here for you hun

morning girls :hi: woke up i feel like shit feel ruff i haven't had a drink hope i Sweet it out at the gym 5dpo wooppp x x x
Aw what's wrong y do u feel rough? 5dpo- eeeeeek how many dpo are you going to start testing lol? X
prettyandpink - how was ur scan ?? see any eggys?

scerena - oh we r ok he just doesnt seem to, like, invloved, he doesnt ask me anything, doesnt realise we need to bd quite alot, he never makes the effort its always me, when we bd'd when i was O'ing i honestly felt like i was raping him lol sounds funny but he made no effort, no noise, didnt kiss me. and when i confronted him about it he said well i did it coz u wanted to and we needed to but i was so tired. its just so up upsetting. but yeh ive already O'd so i guessit doesnt matter too much now if we dont bd but i feel like we shud just incase.

Justwantababy - dont worry about this cycle not working, i know how empty u feel knowing it hasn't but ive done 5 rounds of clomid where i never O'd on 50mg and 100mg. but nowmy first on 150mg and i have so now i feel so much hope. hopefully u will O with 100mg :)

teddybear - hope u get ur + soon :) xx
Hey holi :)
Aw sorry to hear that hun I think for men they don't see how important a few days are I think they must think we are fertile all the time lol!
But us Girlies make sure we get it done even if we have to just take control sometimes hehe!
I think I'm starting to get flu- is there any cough medicine safe to take when trying to conceive?
scerena - yeh i just hoped on board and rode that ship to babyville LOL

oh no i hope u arent getting flu. :( i honestly wouldnt know about medicines :S sorry hun

Hi all.
Feeling back to normal today and the pain has gone :happydance:
Temps also went up this am (cd17) so hoping it was all o pain. It was absolutely awful though. Think we will bd tonight just to make sure though and will keep temping. Going to try (note try) not to symptom spot and won't test til 14dpo at least and the :bfn: really get me down.

Justwantababy - give it a few more days. I think I o cd16 this cycle - see my chart in my signature so I don't think your out yet. Yesterday I thought I was but feel more positive today. It is tough though :hugs:
Hello Ladies!!!
You ladies must all be ahead, time wise, of me! It is only 7:30 here! My scan is at 10:30:) I am really nervous and trying not to think about it! But also excited to know if clomid worked for me or not.. I am going to bring my preseed just in case there stuff isn’t sperm friendly.. I am having my scan done at a different place then usual, so I hope that the tech will at least tell me if there is something there or not….. hmmmm….

Justwantababy- I am sorry that 50mg didn’t work for you:( But I heard that it doesn’t work for a lot of woman and then they have success on 100mg.. I don’t have much experience to offer you, this is my first cycle on 100mg (I skipped 50mg). But good luck!!! And how do you know that you have high LH levels?? Is there a blood test for that??

Scerena- Having achy pain is good!!!:) This is gonna be your month, I can feel it!!:)
I hope they find at least one follicle in me. Since I started using opks so early, I can line them up and see the progression and they keep getting darker.. So I know there’s got to be something going on in there… Just not sure if they are gonna be big enough:( But yes! This is cd13 for me! Is it cd14 for you rite??

Caz & bob- YAY!! When are you going to start testing:)

Holi2459- I still have a few hours till my scan! But I will let you all know:)

Beanhunter- I am glad your pain is gone!!! And your temp going up means you ovulated:) YAY!!! 1dpo for you!!

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