The clomid thread- if you take clomid please join and ask questions and get answers

Holi-Why are on earth are you still peeing on the opk's?! lol! thats enough to drive anyone crazy! are you sure what you thought 4 days ago was a real positive? people do say that you can get a +opk when you are pregnant, but i would think 4dpo is too early....but you never know! Fx'd for you!
Hello Ladies!!!
Justwantababy- I am sorry that 50mg didn’t work for you:( But I heard that it doesn’t work for a lot of woman and then they have success on 100mg.. I don’t have much experience to offer you, this is my first cycle on 100mg (I skipped 50mg). But good luck!!! And how do you know that you have high LH levels?? Is there a blood test for that??

I know I wish I'd just taken 100mg....I had enough tablets to, just blindly followed docs orders! Looks like your doc had the right idea.

Yep I've had 2 blood tests which show high LH. I've got a day 22 blood test booked next Mon....obviously my progesterone won't be high since I've not ov'd, but I might ask if they'll test all my sex hormones so I can see if the clomid has had ant affect. Much as I love the idea of opks giving you more control, I reckon I could get pretty obsessed! Haven't peed on a stick in AGES....def getting the urge! xxx
teddy - well 5 days ago i had a scan and she told me i did O. as i had a patch on the scan she said was liquid which u only get when u O. and i had been getting strong opks before that scan.
but im just a poas addict and me and the oh arent bd'ing so i just wanted to double check .

i did another opk this morning and that was even more positive! ill upload a picture when im home from work this eve

Hmmmm it's weird you are still getting positive opk's... Maybe they might be too sensitive for you? But still hopefully it's a good sign :) c
I just registered to this site as I'm feeling down today.
As I read all the post I feel better to see that I'm not alone and people are helping each other in this journey.

I been on TTC for 2 years.
I did IUI(twice) in 2009 bot no success
2010 I decided to take a break on TTC

I started using clomid
Cycle 1 - May 2011 on 50 mg day 2-6
Cycle 2 - June 2011 on 100 mg day 2-6

I got my period today and I will start clomid for Cycle 3 tomorrow
Hey honey welcome!
You are certainly not alone thts why I wanted to make this thread as I felt quite alone- there are a lovely bunch of girls on this thread and we will help and support you as much as we can.
Me and oh have been ttc for 2 yrs now too- feels so long doesn't it I loose hope alot!
Did you not ovulate on 50mg?- as I see you're now on 100mg? I didnt ovulate on 100mg...
Sorry to hear af come but at least you can start a fresh cycle now and try again, hopefully this is you're month honey!
hi honey.

im on my 6th clomid cycle now, no O with 50mg or 100mg. i have O this month and am in my 2week wait

weve trying ttc for almost 2 years, 6-9 months just by being on on birth control but i didnt have any periods so obviuosly no O..

hopefully 100mg will work for u :) xxx keep us posted on ur clomid SE.

scerena - i honestly have no idea. im hoping im pg and they r just picking up on my surge of new hormones. but i am worried i am Oing. but i really cant see why i would be when she said she saw all the signs of classic ovulation when i had my scan on friday. im getting my bloods done tmz so im hoping the doc will see a good result and gimme a call to let me know. whens ur next scan hun? what CD r u? xx
Is it possible to ovulate again do you know? I wonder if it's possible? Hmmm prob not... I'm not sure Hun bit I hope it has good results at the end of it for you :) yeh your bloods should be able to tell you more eeeek I'm excited for you fx'd so tightly for you!

I'm cd15 now My next scan is tomorrow but I'm
not too hopeful anymore :/
Ah Don't loss hope yet :) have u been feeling any O painsnor twinges ?

Oh I'm looking into it so much , I really should stop x doesn't help me and oh finally decided on a girl name we both liked last night , weve never agrees before lol so now Im so excited xx
Oh really :) what's the name????
I Think we are all guilty of looking into it too much I always do it lol!

Um ive been feeling twinges that's about it really and was a little achey but it's prob all in my head lol!
Hey honey welcome!
You are certainly not alone thts why I wanted to make this thread as I felt quite alone- there are a lovely bunch of girls on this thread and we will help and support you as much as we can.
Me and oh have been ttc for 2 yrs now too- feels so long doesn't it I loose hope alot!
Did you not ovulate on 50mg?- as I see you're now on 100mg? I didnt ovulate on 100mg...
Sorry to hear af come but at least you can start a fresh cycle now and try again, hopefully this is you're month honey!

Thanks Screna,

My first cycle I did not determine if I ovolate,
Cycle 2 i got the smiley on OPK so I feel that everthing is fine but sadly not.

Sometimes I feel very frustrated everytime it did not happen.
So glad to find this forum as I can't easly talk about this with my friends as they can't relate with me.
scerena - lil girl name is Amelle - his surname is Gayati so we thought it went quite well. i really like elle/ella and he hates it but this is the closest i would get to it so i agreed lol i really like Luca for a boy xx do u have any ideas?
so i was looking into positive opks after O and i found this...

OPK's as HPT's:
using an ovulation test to confirm pregnancy

Overall-- yes, it can be done. Ovulation predictor tests (known as OPK's because they are normally sold in a set of tests known as a "kit," thus the K) will show a positive result when a woman is pregnant, as well as when she's ovulating.

Specifically-- while it works most of the time, there are good reasons to avoid using an OPK as an HPT for diagnostic purposes. If you want to pee on any stick that will stand still after you know you're pregnant, just for fun, have at it. But I would not recommend using an OPK in place of an HPT overall.

Reasoning-- OPK's detect LH (luteinizing hormone) which is the hormone associated with ovulation. Pregnancy tests detect hCG, the hormone associated with pregnancy. LH and hCG are, at a molecular level, nearly identical.

eekkk!! :) xx
:hi: girls well been the gym came back made a sandwich for dinner a tuner and onion one may fav well couldn't eat it it knocked me sick so had to make a cheese one hope its a nice bfp coming my way 6dpo x x x
Honey- it does get frustrating alot just wish we could all get our chance to be a mum like right now! Hopefully we all will soon :)

Holi- what cute names! I haven't got any yet I use to have loads... Sounds promising about the opk's fingers crossed

Caz & bob- ooooh sick is a good sign maybe... Fx'd tightly for you! How many dpo are you going to start testing?
Prettynpink- where are you? I'm dying to know how your scan went :)
scerena going to test over the weekend hun probuly sunday i am 6dpo today x x x
Ok Ladies I am updating!!!

I just got back from my ultrasound and the tech was really nice and talked to me the whole time, but she wouldn't give me any details:( The only thing she would tell me was that I had 3 follicles on my left ovary and 1 on my right.. She wouldn't tell me the size or the thickness of my endometrium! So now I have to wait for the doctor to call.. But 3 follicles on my left side explains why I have been having pain on that side, rite?? I am going crazy wanting to know all the details!!! I know my doctor will call me sometime today and the tech said she was gonna send the results rite away.. So now I am just anxiously waiting to see how big my follicles are!!!
caz & bob- Make sure you post the result as soon as you test :)

prettynpink- Oh thst sucks mine tells me as she is scanning! But at least you will get your results today... :) and 3 follicles on one side is good I hope theyre good sizes hun good luck! Oh yeh what was you external scan for?
awh well thats good news prettyinpink :) at least someone has been happen fx'd for you that they are big enough. :D

as for me i did another opk this morning and when i got home from work as well as a HPT (i know dont shout at me but im just soo addicted to poas) but here are the pics...

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that is my opk from my FMU

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and that is my opk from like an hour ago on top and the purple one below it is a HPT, its an obvious negative(as im only 5dpo) but i was just curious and i havnt got my hopes up about it, what do u guys think? xx

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