The clomid thread- if you take clomid please join and ask questions and get answers

Ha holi u really do make me laugh!

Prettynpink- yes I'm ahead of you it's 4ish here, good luck at your scan eeeek I'm excited for you! Make sure you post on here straight away an let us know how you get on! I'm sure they will find at least one follicle Hun as I had the same progress on the opk's too and still getting darker :) just hope you have loads of mature ones! And hope mine have grown lol! I don't think it's my month but I'm happy just to ovulate a bfp would be amazing though but what will be will be... Update us as soon as you can Hun

Beanhunter- I'm glad you are feeling better now the two for you :) fx'd tightly for you!
well ladies........... Here is my update!!
They just called and moved my appt to tomorrow morning at 8am!!! I am sooooooo mad! But there was an emergency and I got kicked to the curb!!! I am still so mad! The receptionist told me that this other womans case is an emergency and mine is really not even necessary! Then she had the nerve to tell me that they shouldn't even be doing an ultrasound because clomid will aromatically force me to ovulate!!! WOW! She doesn't even know what the hell she is talking about! I already drank all this water for nothing! Thanks for ruining my day ultrasound place:growlmad::growlmad::growlmad: My last words to her were f**k you!! :finger: She was very rude!!
So I switch my appointment to another location at 8am tomorrow morning.. They are suppose to call me if they get any cancellations this afternoon, but I doubt that will happen! So hopefully tomorrow morning they will still be able to see something:/ My opks are still not quite positive today, so I am guessing I will get my surge wed or thurs!
Man what a day!!!! I am going shopping:)
Aw prettynpink I bet u are so mad I would be! Stupid receptionist lady should go back to school she obviously hasn't a clue about clomid so shouldn't be the receptionist really! Hopefully tomorrow morning you will get some good news :) and your follicles might even be bigger by tomorrow! Fx'd for tomorrow then hun
Scerena- Thank you!! I am worried about tomorrow being too close to me actually ovulating.. I don't know why that bothers me, but it really does! lol But I guess not, because you are having another scan on Thursday rite??
Yes a scan won't effect it Hun otherwise I'm sure they wouldn't do them... Yes I've got another scan on thurs and she reasons I should hopefully ovulate weds or thurs so I'm sure it's fine x
justwantababy-dont give up yet. It is still early in your cycel! you might ovulate a little later. fx'd for you!

prettyinpink-sorry your ultrasound got moved. People who don't know what they are talking about shouldn't even express their opinions! the receptionist doesnt know what she is talking about! i hope your appt goes great tomorrow!

i'm still getting ovulation pains today! so weird! we can't BD until tonight so i hope i still have time! Ovulation should be happening very soon!
Teddybearpug- you should have enough time hopefully :) just get bd'ing as soon as oh comes through the door!

I'm worried I'm not going to ovulate now- my opk's were getting dark almost positive and then my follicles were looking goodish and now my opk I just done looks lighter :/ I'm so worried now :(
Scerena- You are rite!! I honestly can’t see how an ultrasound would hurt me any.. Just stressing over doing everything rite this cycle.. I am sure you feel the same way. Your opk was lighter?? You mean lighter today then yesterday? Maybe your pee was diluted, what time did you take it?

Teddybearpug- thanks! I agree, she shouldn’t of given me here opinion at all! I didn’t even ask for it! I will update first thing when I get back in the morning:)

Well I made my day turned around by going shopping!!:) I love to shop! and to top it off, OH surprised me on his lunch break with flowers and a some :sex::):) haha:blush:

And I just want to add that my cervix has moved:) It is so high that i can't feel it! Yesterday it was medium and open but today no where in site!:)
Took it about 7 I dunno not doing anymore now just going to wait until my scan, u excited a put tomorrow?x
Yea, I took one this morning, but think I am gonna skip the evening because I am just want to see what the scan says tomorrow too.. I think my eyes are going crazy because mine are so closely positive now..
Yea, I am excited about tomorrow, but worried too! Did you have to have a full bladder for your ultrasounds??
prettyinpink - so sorry about ur scan being moved i can imagine the frustration. but yeh u may even get better results keep us posted.

scerena - u have a another scan thursday?! cool i got my blood testthen too :) does anyone know how long they waitied for results after they did there bloodtests?

also... i just did a opk as im poas addict , but it actually came out really +
im so confused, as im like 4dpo.
ill post a pic in a min
Wow Holi! I am stalking for a picture!!:) I wonder why it would be positive 4dpo... hmmmmm


oppss sorry for caps x
Holi- u might be pregnant maybe? U never know... Well nearly pregnant lol
And yh another scan thurs- my opk looks like yours!

prettynpink- no I had to have a empty bladder... Gl for tomoz I'm excited for you!
Holi- Your opk does look positive!! I am not sure why though..

scerena- that is what I don't understand! Why do I have to have a full bladder?? I called and asked and the nurse said its because they will do an internal and external one.. And for the external one you have to have a full bladder, then you empty it for the internal one!! Does that seem rite??
I know sorry I could be totally wrong I haven't a clue ignore what I said- I only said that as it happened to a lady on here bit youre only 4dpo so it's too early yet isn't it...

Prettynpink- I'm not sure but sounds right what the external scan for? I only have internal ones which are a empty bladder- I know external scans you should have a full bladder
ha scerena dont worry ive been telling ym self im preggers all day lol looking for every lil sympton. ive just had the ' dont get ur hopes up grilling ' from the oh lol

pretty - well ive had an external scan before (now for clomid for when i was beoing dignosed with pcos ) and i needed a full bladder for that, but when ive had my internals my doc never mentioned anything about empting my bladder or having it full x
Yeh it's hard not to get ur hopes up isn't it I slyly do it every month lol gd luck hun :)

I'm off to bed now I'll chat to you all tomorrow
Hey girls. Thanks for all your lovely support :hugs:

Prettynpink - when I had my scans for pcos they did external first for which I needed a full bladder, then they let me go pee so I was more comfortable while they did the internal scan. I was a bit worried about the internal one hut it was fine. Such a pain your scan was moved but nearly here now!


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