The clomid thread- if you take clomid please join and ask questions and get answers

I know. He really struggled! First time that's happened to be honest and think it was the stress of having rondo it before a night shift too - hardly a turn on!
Good luck with your scan tmw. I have mixed feelings about temping. It's not invasive and it's easy and cheap I guess but I just hate having to think about it. I'm also not a strict as some people about exact same time each day, just when i wake up but it was right last month. I think opk's would drive me crazy and make me more obsessive!
Aw bless- work and ttc can be tiring especially if he is doing night shifts... Yh I might try it next cycle so I might need to get some tips off you then if you dont mind I will pm you when my next cycle is due... Opk's do drive you crazy constantly comparing them but I love poas lol! Sad I know lol!
But you aren't having a next cycle scerena as you'll be pregnant!
Would be happy to help. Am a novice tho! FF do
A free service and for the first month you get the full version which does it all for you but don't sign up til you're due on.
I signed up last month as I was going to temp but didn't end up doing it lol!
Thanks though at least i know someone that temps now :)
I doubt it Hun I wish I could be as positive as you I'm getting more negative the longer it's going in I use to b so positive and it use to hurt every month but I do need to try and be more positive!x
Hello...this is my first post on this board. I was diagnosed with pcos about 7 years ago. On 6-29-11, I had ovarian drilling surgery.I also had the dye test done and everything looks good. I am currently taking metformin 3x daily, synthroid once a day, and a prenatal vitamin. When I go back to the dr in 2 weeks for a check-up he said that I will start taking 100 mg of clomid. Plus i will come in for sonograms as needed and bloodwork too. I have only take clomid once before and it was only 25 mg. i did not respond to that dosage. But, I have read that your body responds better to the clomid after the surgery. Even though it has only been 2 weeks since my surgery, I already feel better if that makes sense. Thank you.
Welcome pjds!
I hope clomid now works for you :) I heard too after surgery you are more fertile so I'm sure you will get a bfp soon! U didn't respond to 50mg but find out tomorrow if 100mg has done it's job...
Glad to see you have joined us Girlies x
Loloshells-i want to fast forward 2 weeks. the tww is horrible! I see your 9dpo!!When do you plan on testing or are you going to wait for AF to be late?
Hello Ladies!!!!!!!:)

I just wanted to check in and say that I did something really stupid!!!! 4pm came around and OH and I decided to go to dinner to get our minds off of things and my phone died while we were out!!!!!:dohh::dohh::dohh: When we got back to the house, I plugged it in and had 1 missed call from my doctor:( We were both so mad:growlmad: My doctors said he didn't want to leave me a long message and knew that I would have question so he would call back tomorrow..
And he said I am definatly going to ovulate this month:happydance::happydance: Then he said this: You have
left ovary
two 1.8cm follicles = 18mm
one 1.6 follicle = 16mm
right ovary
one 2.3 follicle = 23mm

I had to convert cm to mm so I hope you ladies understand.. Anyways..He also said something about a small cyst:( I get those a lot though.. He said he is gonna call me back tomorrow so we can discuss everything but I should be getting my LH surge any day now:):)

So I rushed to the bathroom because I felt the urge to pee on something!! And this is what I got:happydance::happydance::happydance:
I am going to ovulate in the next 36 hours!!!!!

(sorry the picture is crappy and small, camera is charging and I will take a better one soon)

and my IC is way positive:)


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prettyinpink-yay! that is awesome!! alot of us are so close with our ovulations! can you explain to me what the 2 lines mean on the clearblue digital?
prettyinpink-yay! that is awesome!! alot of us are so close with our ovulations! can you explain to me what the 2 lines mean on the clearblue digital?

Thank you!! I am so excited that clomid worked for me:)! We are all really close which makes everything more exciting!!! The 2 lines on the cbd are the same as most opks... I thought that the LH line had to be darker to give me a smiley face! But I guess not, because I have taken 3 other brand opks and they are all positive! So I am not exactly sure :shrug:
Hi everyone! First time TTC. I have PCOS and do not ovulate. I'm going on my 8th month on Clomid. Started @ 50mg and now up to 150mg/day. I'm also on Metformin 1000/day. Past week & a half I've been nauseous, fatigue, dizzy, lightheaded, gagging, occasional cramping & diarreah and have an increased sensitivity to smell!! I took a test on 7/10 (5days before AF) and it was negative. AF is suppose to start on 7/15. Maybe I tested too early or maybe these are just some side effects from the higher dose of Clomid, I don't know. I'm so nervous and notice that it gets more and more emotionally stressful every month. This last months visit to my Obgyn was very hard on me because I got another BFN. It's finally taking it's toll on me. Especially when my sister just had a baby less than a month ago :( I'm looking for support. Thanks you guys!
hi innerelement! hopefully it is just to early to test and you get your bfp soon. Yes it is very emotionally draining ttc, but it helps having this forum to talk with others that are in the same position as you. Fx'd for you!
dont have a chance to read through everyones posts right now, I will catch up tomorrow!

I did see the prettynpink is going to O soon, YAY! Get to BDing :)

I am CD14 today and got some EWCM (not much but definitely EW) We did not BD tonight since we did last night and my OPK today is still very negative. Im hoping it will be positive soon. Our plan is to BD every other day until a pos and then BD that day and the next few days after that. All I need is that positive OPK!
Prettynpink- congrats they are big follicles! I hope you are already bd'ing lol!

Hi innerelement- I'm so sorry to hear clomid has not worked for you as of yet, I'm sure you will get your bfp soon hun, have you been ovulating at all on the clomid? Fx'd you get good news soon :)

Missangie- we have the same bd'ing plan! Let's hope it works...

Well it's 7.30 here and I'm just about to get ready, I have my scan at 10- my opk's have gotten lighter and I have had no really major ovulation symptoms just the odd ache/twinge so I'm preparing myself for bad news :/
Morning girls :flower:

prettynpink - yay!!! go get :sex:

scerena - good luck! I hope it is good news :hugs:

well cd7 for me and feel the same really

Yay! Congrats Prettynpink :happydance: DTD as much as poss! You asked about my follies when I had my scan last month; I just checked my notes and I had 3 on the righ ranging from 16mm to 20mm and 2 on the left at 14mm and 16mm.

Scerena - I'm taking a Professional Certificate of Banking. I've got another year and a half at least before I finish and then I'm hoping to go on to do my diploma. Just signed up for my next module which starts in September so I get a little break for the summer now thank god!
welshgem - ga that sounds so hard lol! good luck tho. and enjoy ur break.

prettyinpink - yay! im so feeling u getting a BFP this month. exciting! keep us posted on all ur symptoms.

scerena - good luck hun. hope it all goes ok. post asap. :D

missangie - hope all ur bd'ing is succesfull. me and the oh hardly have at all. his fault! lol

as for me had my blood test today, had to wait hour and a half to just get seen, so busy! get my results monday hopefully. i go another + OPK this morning too, whats going on? lol

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