The clomid thread- if you take clomid please join and ask questions and get answers

Beanhunter and Holi-so sorry to hear your bad news. I hope everything works out for you soon.
Scerena-I hope you come back!

missangie-congrats on your +opk!

angel_mummy-so sorry for your losses and welcome to the thread.

9babiesgone-hello! i cant help you , just wanted to say hi. What is erpc?

Turboturtle-I dont think you always get a line on the opk? Sometimes i don't. So, maybe your surge is coming? I always get a progression in my lines leading up to O. I hope it comes soon!!

Aliciatm-Hello and welcome! I cant really answer your questions because i dont know all the numbers to go with clomid :( I try not to get hung up on the numbers. But clomid has the highest success rate i think and is the cheapest of all fertility meds...big positive! I have been using opks's just fine and haven't had a problem with them because of clomid so i'm sure your fine there. I dont temp, so idk! What days and mg are you going to take?

daopdesign-congrats on your +opk!! get busy! lol! I've heard you can get a +opk and not actually ovulate. Something about your body gives the LH surge and something happens preventing the O...but dont worry about what could go wrong and focus on your going to ovulate and have a chance this month!!

Well ladies, today is 3dpo. time is dragging sooooo slow!! I'm really losing hope that i will get pregnant. I guess its a bad day. I am so frustrated that this is my 4th month on clomid...i have ovulated all 4 times...and still no bfp. Its very frustrating.
thanks hi back!!
Good Afternoon Ladies,
Holi and Beanhunter- I am so sorry for your bad news:( I hope that you guys will come back and visit and give us updates! Take care!!! :hugs:

Lily- Hi!! Today is cd8 for you rite?? I hope everything is going good so far!

Happycloud- Today your on cd13, rite?? You better get your opks out!!!:)

Welshgem- How are you doing??

Missangie- YAY!!!!!! Positive opk:) You better get busy!!!

Angel_mummy- Welcome to the thread!!! And I am so sorry for your loss!! Good Luck!

9babiesgone- Welcome!! What day are you going to take clomid?

Turboturtle80- I have been looking for you!!!! Finally your back on! The 28th will come in no time:) And that is the same day that I have my appt as well!! What brand opks are you using?? I posted my ultrasound results if you want to take a look:)

Alicia- CONGRATS on getting clomid!!! Did you have an appt today?? Tell me about it! And welcome to the thread! This was my first month on clomid, and I used cbfm, but it didn’t give me a peak.. But Wed evening I got my positive on cbd and IC’s. It will not mess up your temps, and it can mess with opks for the first 3 days after your last pill.. When are you suppose to take them?? If you want some encouragement, look back at the threads and see what clomid did for me!! I had an ultrasound:)

Daopdesign- YAY!!!! I am not sure about your question though.. Can you post a picture of your tests stick?? I got my smiley face on wed evening:)

Teddybearpug- I am sorry you are so frustrated!! Don't give up hope though!!! I will send a prayer your way:)

I am on my 3rd day of taking clomid!!
im gonna be taking 50 mg

and yeah i took my chart into his office for my appt today and he said well looks like you havent been ovulating so im gonna prescribe you clomid and see if that helps. and then we will go from there
Hi to all the newbies!

I am so sorry to hear of the bad news on our thread, stay strong girls

sorry I am not replying individually but am just on quickly on my phone, going to bed shortly then I will have a proper catch up tomorrow

when you come back on Lily, let us know how you are doing!!!
Oh hi miss angie, I am still lurking on my phone! Lol

I am cd8 and still bleeding?!? Remember the dr told me he didn't think I would have much of an af, well cd1 was fri 8th and it was really light and by the Monday was practically gone then Tuesday until now it has been full force, after all this time of not having af and willing her to come, now I want her to leave so I can start bd'ing,I started opk's today ( mainly because I just wanted to poas!)

Af better hurry up and leave already, I have my scan on Wednesday and we just want to get bd'ing

How are you ? Xx
Hiya! Welcome newbies!
I am indeed CD 13. the OPKs (the little cheap stick kind...I don't really know the acronyms for the different kinds you guys have mentioned) haven't been positive so far...two lines, but the lower one is still lighter than the top "control" one. No fertile quality cm yet either...the same as it ALWAYS is. Using preseed to help. and avoiding dairy right now too.
I decided not to go on vacation with my brother and his family. Just not worth risking a late O on cd 15 or later.
I have NO IDEA if this first round of clomid will make me ovulate or not! We'll see. FX'd for us all!
I think we all need to hear about someone's BFP really soon!! Who's it going to be??

Oh hi miss angie, I am still lurking on my phone! Lol

I am cd8 and still bleeding?!? Remember the dr told me he didn't think I would have much of an af, well cd1 was fri 8th and it was really light and by the Monday was practically gone then Tuesday until now it has been full force, after all this time of not having af and willing her to come, now I want her to leave so I can start bd'ing,I started opk's today ( mainly because I just wanted to poas!)

Af better hurry up and leave already, I have my scan on Wednesday and we just want to get bd'ing

How are you ? Xx

haha I know what you mean, we want AF to just come and go quickly! Hopefully you will be able to get to BDing soon!!!! I am CD16 and just got a pos OPK early afternoon. Usually I take them in the evening, I am curious if it will still be pos this evening or not. and if not, I sure am glad I randomly did one early today!! I am also having some cramping this evening and have watery CM and some EWCM so all signs point to ovulation, hoping we can get lucky our first round of clomid!!
Oh that is brilliant news missangie, so happy for you, go get bd'ing!!! I am so excited for you, yeah I hope she clears off soon! I am having slight pains too but tbh I don't know if it is from clomid or just this everlasting af! I usually only have af for about 4 days, I hope we are lucky with our first goes and get to be bump buddies! Fx

happycloud, looks like ovulation is literally around the corner for you, good luck!

I agree I think we need some bfp's on this thread!

Hiya! Welcome newbies!
I am indeed CD 13. the OPKs (the little cheap stick kind...I don't really know the acronyms for the different kinds you guys have mentioned) haven't been positive so far...two lines, but the lower one is still lighter than the top "control" one. No fertile quality cm yet either...the same as it ALWAYS is. Using preseed to help. and avoiding dairy right now too.
I decided not to go on vacation with my brother and his family. Just not worth risking a late O on cd 15 or later.
I have NO IDEA if this first round of clomid will make me ovulate or not! We'll see. FX'd for us all!
I think we all need to hear about someone's BFP really soon!! Who's it going to be??


i hope you get your +opk soon! my cm really hasn't changed much on clomid...i haven't had alot even before clomid, but i have some. I hope there are several of us to get bfp's this month! please please please! lol!
:hi: girls i got a tesco cheapey do you think i should test in a min or wait till Monday or Tuesday 9dpo and i have held my wee for 3 hours weather her is shit so just chilling all day x x x
Thanks to all for the welcome!

Here's where I'm at: Day 2 of norithisterone, taking it 10 days so until the 24th. Expecting AF to arrive sometime between the 21st and 30th of July. Start Clomid 50mg from CD3-7 then down to some serious baby making!

It's going to be a real struggle for me, if and when I do conceive I am going to have to go for an operation around the 12 week mark for an abdominal suture to be put in place which does carry a risk of miscarriage. You get vaginal sutures, cervical ones and when your cervix is very incompetent then you need an abdominal suture. So yes I'm pretty scared about that - getting our BFP and then possibly m/c :(

But for now lots of baby dust for all who are dtd or awaiting +OPK :)

(woohoo I think I've learned some of the abbreviations haha!)
Thanks to all for the welcome!

Here's where I'm at: Day 2 of norithisterone, taking it 10 days so until the 24th. Expecting AF to arrive sometime between the 21st and 30th of July. Start Clomid 50mg from CD3-7 then down to some serious baby making!

It's going to be a real struggle for me, if and when I do conceive I am going to have to go for an operation around the 12 week mark for an abdominal suture to be put in place which does carry a risk of miscarriage. You get vaginal sutures, cervical ones and when your cervix is very incompetent then you need an abdominal suture. So yes I'm pretty scared about that - getting our BFP and then possibly m/c :(

But for now lots of baby dust for all who are dtd or awaiting +OPK :)

(woohoo I think I've learned some of the abbreviations haha!)

sounds like you have a long road ahead of you :hugs: i hope you get your bfp soon!
I am starting to think i might have developed a cyst on my left ovary! :dohh: According to my last ultrasound, i didn't have any follicles on that side. From ovulation day on i have had this pulling/stretching feeling coming from mostly my left ovary, some on my right ovary (which i had 4 follicles)

I'm just curious as to what a cyst really feels like? Anyone?
Hi girls, if I have missed this question Im sorry, I tried to scan through all 94 pages of this thread! lol. I am going to start clomid next cycle. My progesterone results were very low 0.7. Im wondering if ovulation alone will increase those, or if that is considered low even when not ovulating? Im wondering if I need progesterone too?
Hi girls!
Im so sorry I havent been on for a few days- Just been trying to get my head around things... I cant leave this thread :(
Im going to ask my fs for a higher dose of clomid and give me a couple more goes on it s they havent even gave my body long to adjust to it and I know there are ways they can help my oh, ivf is something i really dont want to have to go through yet until I have tried everything else.

On a brighter note- oh surrised me last night and told me that we are off to greece on tuesday :) Im so excited!- will be nice to take my mind off thiings for a week...

Anyway I havent had a chance to read through all the posts but how is everyone getting on? UPDATES PLEASE :)
Teddybearpug- the pain from my cyst feels heavy and is also in my groin or hip. It's there all the time and I can't get comfy.

Scerena - holiday sounds fab and your oh sounds like a gem.

Unfortunately my pain got worse today and ive been admitted to hospital. The pain is horrid and I need morphine to control it. If it's no better tomorrow then I'll prob have to go to theatre. I'm scared. What if by some miracle I'm pregnant and have to have an operation? I can't believe this is happening. I'm never going to be a mum.
He is beanhunter :)
Oh no just read whats been happening to you :( I really hope you are ok... :hugs:
Oh hun you will be a mum one day I know it seems hard to believe right now and I totally know how you feel about just wanting to be a mum and everything just keeps going wrong.
I hope things improve and you dont need a op hun and if you need to talk or anything feel free to pm me
get well soon hun :flower:
Hi scerena, what a shame this is happening to you but I can't understand for the life of me why your FS is recommending IVF after only 3 rounds! That doesn't make any sense unless there is another serious underlying issue. It took me 6 rounds to conceive DS so if I was you I'd up to 100mg or 150mg if that's what you were taking and give it a go for another 2 months at least.

As you've probably read I got my first positive opk last night and I can't work out what day I'm on! Oh well, time will tell not gonna get myself all worked up, my time and yours will come x

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