The clomid thread- if you take clomid please join and ask questions and get answers

Yea ... This gas has been going and going and going .. again .. its not the STINKY kind .. but its still like .. toot after toot after toot ..

Well .. I dont know when I should test ... I dont want to test too early so .. Ill just wait until one week after that AF is supposed to come ... this way ... I will know for sure.


My OB/GYN said she is doing an ultrasound on me (internal) on the 20th (Wednesday) to make sure I dont have any cysts... is there any way she would be able to tell if im pregnant too? I mean, shes already up in there right? Or would it be too soon.
Hey girls! Just dropping in to tell yous I just got a smiley face on my opk! Woohoo cd10 today and I took clomid 50mg days 2-6 and if it's true what they say that you ovulate 5-10 days after last clomid pill then I am right on target, as tomorrow will be the 5th day after last day of clomid, looks like I will ovulate in the next day or two! I can't believe my body is actually doing something it is supposed to!

Sorry for rambling I am just so excited to see a smiley......just imagine what I will be like if I ever get a bfp! Lol gona carry on ding opk's until it goes away just to make sure!

Hope you are all well! Xx

YAY!! Great news! Im CD18 and temps were low today so I havent ovulated yet. Im thinking I must today with my pos OPKs yesterday and the day before. (yesterday was for sure pos and the day before I thought was but maybe it was just close.. I should have done a digi!) Looks like we may get to be in the TWW together and hopefully become bump buddies soon ;-)
Hi Ladies!
Just thought id say hello!
Im on my 2nd month of clomid now,just finished my last tablet so now we do the deed and hope and pray!!

Please please can this be our month!!!

Well hubby and I did all we could .. lol and now I am IMPATIENTLY waiting for the results! A little background on me as I am new here... :)

I have one son who is almost 5 and we have been "not preventing" almost since having him. I have PCOS and don't think I ovulate on my own. Dr put me on Prometrium to induce a cycle since I don't have them regularly on my own and then Clomid for days 3-7. I detected my O on 7/5 with the CB digital ovulation predictor and we did our "thing" that night and then skipped a day and then BD again...

This morning I got what I BELIEVE may be a VERY faint positive on a First Response Early test... Then I took a CB digital and it said "not pregnant"... I am going out of my mind... What do you guys think???? Obviously I will test again in a day or two... but have any of you been pregnant after a VERY faint + on one test and a - on the CB digital? I am hearing the digital is not as sensitive.... EEEEEEEK!
digital isnt as sensitive it ususally wont say pregnant until 15-16 dpo or later. i would wait a day and retest with frer. goodluck
Alicia you're on my thread :) yay haven't spoken to you in ages how is things going???
Hope your ok?
Alicia you're on my thread :) yay haven't spoken to you in ages how is things going???
Hope your ok?

im doing good. uhm my bbt thermometer quit working have to order another one tomorrow :(, waiting to ovulate. this is my last natural cycle before starting clomid next cycle. 50 mg cd 5-9. im only on cd 13 so. idk. looks like my cbfm should give me a peak in the next week or so. when i was ovulating i ovulated around cd 18 so.. just waiting it out how are you doing?
Aw hope u ovulate soon :) I think I'm ovulating now! So they finally gave u clomid yay finally doing something about it!!

I'm good had a bit of bad news thurs they said me n Hubby have to have ivf as clomid ain't making me ovulate... BUT I had a positive opk today!- I am so going to have it out with them on my next appointment I want a laparoscopy like they said I should have and then more rounds of clomid!- I am not doing ivf they're trying to make money out of me! I posted my opk today on this thread can you please have a look for me tell me what u think?
it looks positive i would get to bding today tomorrow then take a day break the day after bd 2 more times. do you temp or use anything else besides opks?
No I've got a bbt but I never use it I'm restless most the time lol and yh we bd last nite and this morning and I'm nt gna bed tomorrow but will on tues before we jet off on the plane hehe! But I don't knw hw long it's been positive for as haven't done one for a couple if days
Really hopes clomid works for you, you really deserve it!
How long has everyone been ttc? We have actively been ttc for 16 cycles and NTNP for years before that.
Still in hospital. Pain a little better today but was horrendous overnight so they are wondering if the cyst has burst. Plan for repeat USS in the morning. All the pain killers have made me sick so on iv fluids too. Want to go home now.
Beanhunter- I am so sorry that you are in the hospital!:( I have had several cysts rupture, so I know how that feels.. It is horrible pain!!! Do they think that clomid caused the cyst? I hope you get good news on your ultrasound tomorrow:hugs:

Scerena- Your back!!!!:):) I have missed you!!! And I see you got a positive opk today :happydance: You opk looks positive to me!!!! And how exciting about your trip!! Good way to keep your mind off of things.

Missangie- congrats on the positive opk!!! We are all so close in our cycles:)

Wannabeprego- hello!! Welcome to the thread! This is my first cycle of clomid at 100mg. I am 2dpo today.\

TeddyBearPug- We have been TTC since Feb.. So this is our 5th month.. Not that long, I know, but I have all the odds stacked against me:/

Happycloud- I also had horrible hot flashes in the middle of the night! Worst I have ever felt before! Congrats on being cd14! You have got to be close to ovulation:)

MrsBrown- I didn’t cause me to have gas! LOL But I have seen many other ladies complain of that! You are 12dpo today?? When are you testing:)

Welshgem- I don’t know much about LPs, but your cycles are so short, only 26days really?? Good Luck!!

Lily7- YAY for your positive opk!! It is so exciting to see that smiley:)

Daopdesign- Thank you! I hope I get a BFP!! It’s all I want rite now! More than anything!!! Of course I am sure that everyone feels that way:) If you had a positive opk yesterday?? I would count tomorrow as 1po and today is ovulation day for you:)

Mszila- Congrats on your positive opks!! I am 2dpo today also:)

Flower01- Hello! And welcome to the thread!

Xanders_mommy- Hello and Welcome!! Can you post a picture of your FRER test:)

Alicia- Are you excited to start clomid?? Hopefully you won't have too and you will get your BFP this month!!:)

Sorry If I missed anyone!! This thread is always on the go:haha:

Today is 2dpo for me:) My temp is still high this morning, so all I need is one more high temp tomorrow to officially confirm ovulation:happydance::happydance:
Hey yh I'm back :) missed ya too! Hopefully I ovulate! Yh nice trip away to take my mind off things cannot wait!
How things going with you Hun?

Teddybearpug- me and oh have been ttc for 2 years and NTNP for a while before really

Beanhunter- I hope u get better soon hun
prettynpink= im a little nervous in all honesty. i havent Od yet and i hope i O soon. idk what to think lol. i just know this is my last Natural Cycle :( sorta sad if i get a :bfn: but then again my baby will all be worth it :)
Scerena- I am doing good, just nervous/anxious/scared LOL. I have a feeling I am gonna be really disappointed:( I had horrible cramping and pains during ovulation! I have never felt them like that before.. And I still feel pretty sore. I just hope I caught on of the eggys:) So when are you leaving? When will you be back?

Alicia- What cd are you on again?? We have a calendar with all of our cd1 dates on it.. Give me your date and I will have TurboTurtle80 add you and pm you the link (its private). I was nervous to start clomid too, but it will be worth it in the end:) I don’t know if you have bad pain with endo, but I do and it gets unbarable sometimes. Surprisingly, since I started clomid the pain has lessen and this month I have felt the best that I have in a very long time.
its cd 13 for me today :) and yeah its weird for a few months ive had hardly any cramps what so ever!
Hi girls, if I have missed this question Im sorry, I tried to scan through all 94 pages of this thread! lol. I am going to start clomid next cycle. My progesterone results were very low 0.7. Im wondering if ovulation alone will increase those, or if that is considered low even when not ovulating? Im wondering if I need progesterone too?

Hi Lanet....I'm in the same boat as you but I don't think it's that surprising for prog to be that low if you are not ov'ing. Were all your other bloods normal?

It's the corpus luteum which produces progesterone after you ov. I started clomid last month (50mg cd2-6) but unfortunately haven't ov'd. I'll try 100mg next month, and hopefully I'll ovulate and my cd21 bloods will show a good progesterone level. If I have ovulated and progesterone is still low then we'll cross that bridge then.

Are you being monitored while you're on clomid? What dose are you starting on?

Hi prettynpink I'm leaving tuesday (it's now Monday morning in th uk) so you have me for about 24 hours lol! Then I will be back the following wednesday!- so going to miss chattin with you Girlies :( I hope u have caught an eggy too hun I've already prepared myself for the bfn this month!- please bring us our first bfp!
Prettynpink - Yeah 26 days although sometimes fluctuates by a day or two. The longest cycle I've had in the year that I've been recording them has been 29 days so hopefully my cycle is a longer one this month which will lengthen my LP. I tested with an OPK again last night and had a much darker line although still not a positive yet so I'm hoping today is my day. I should have poas this morning but completely forgot.

Teddybearpug - OH and I have been NTNP for about 2 years and then actively TTC for the past year xx

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