The clomid thread- if you take clomid please join and ask questions and get answers

I had 2 rounds- one 50mg and this last round was 100mg... Thats what I thought they havent even gave my body time to adjust like you said it took you 6 rounds- did you ovulate on all 6?- Also oh sperm was low monthas ago then normal and now borderline- But ive heard theres so many more options rather than ivf- they just see ££££££££ Im going to ask for my op and they can let me take a few rounds of 150mg....

Yay glad to hear you got a positive :) what do you mean you dont know what day youre on did you loose count?
yup I have lost count! I gave up hope last week when it got to day 30ish! I'll work it out tomorrow!!

First three months I took 50mg, fourth and fith month 100mg and the last month when I thought what the hell just go for it I took 150mg! That seemed to work for me but I DID ovulate every month because I got AF on CD35 (ish). Maybe I didn't need to up the dose who knows but it worked. And remember I wasn't charting with opk's just kinda hoping for the best with a bit of sex in the middle ha. I heard so many stories that if after 3 months it doesn't work then count yourself out but how can that be true!

If I was you and had some left I'd wait for AF (I have some Provera if you need it :) ) and take a couple more cycles. I don't know who your doc is but 3 months is not long enough IMHO considering myself.

Oh and another thing! They took 2 samples of my OH's sperm and the first time was good the 2nd, low! We couldn't believe it but they said sometimes that happens if it has been left lying too long. Ha! Nothing wrong with him seeing as he's impregnanted me 2 times lol
Beanhunter - I am so sorry you are going through this, I hope you are ok?

Caz - I am glad you are holding on a little longer

Scerena - Its good to see you back on, I hope you are ok and I think you have made the right decision to try more clomid, have a lovely holiday

Daopdesign- I agree 2 months isn't long enough but it could be because I'm not ovulating on it and my lining is never thick enough on it but who knows I just hope they start listening to me!
That's good about your oh that he still managed to make u pregnant!

Lily- hey yeh well I'm going to see how my appointment hoes and if they say no then I'm just going to take it anyway lol! And thank you, you have me for another 2 days before I go :)
Yeah you are just right, I can't see them saying no but.
Are you seeing them through nhs or private? X
Through the nhs- but I have two lots of 100mg left so I will take it either way and buy more online if I have too, but I'm going to get them to do my operation as they wanted to do that a while back x hope ur ok? How's ur clomid journey going?x
holy positive OPK... I thought yesterdays was positive but todays is without a doubt positive. Ive also been feeling lots of sorta like cramping, tightness in my abdomen. Ovulation pain? I wonder if Im ovulating today or will tomorrow.... Do any of you get O pain and if so, is it the day you are actually Ovulating??
Oh that's good that you have them, I hope it doesn't come to it but please please be weary of ordering online (I know I sound like an overprotective mother hen) like I say, hopefully it won't come to that as a couple more goes and that bfp will come! If anyone you are friendly with gets a bfp and has clomid left over then use theirs?!? At least then you can be sure they r the real deal.

I am dine except remember do told you my af was so short and light I thought it was practically gone? Well I was wrong! After a day of practically nothing to speak of, af came back full force and is still here.....CD9!

I just want her to do one so we can get bd'ing

Sorry I don't know missangie but yay for the +opk! now go get to it! Lol

Lily- don't worry I know I won't order it online I never would I'm not sure why I even said that to be honest... Lol but hopefully it doesn't come to all that.

Oh no! Is your af still heavy????

And congrats on ur positive opk missangie :)

Hi girls, I just started my first cycle of clomid yesterday at 50 mg. I am doing CD5-9 this month. I have had naseau, dizzyness, headache and felt like I had the flu. What kinds of symptoms are you girls experiencing with clomid?? Please share them with me. :flower:
Hi girls, I just started my first cycle of clomid yesterday at 50 mg. I am doing CD5-9 this month. I have had naseau, dizzyness, headache and felt like I had the flu. What kinds of symptoms are you girls experiencing with clomid?? Please share them with me. :flower:

I had nausea after dinner and hot flashes in the middle of the night.

Scerena- welcome back! I can't believe they suggested IVF after only 2 rounds of clomid!

missangie - WOOHOO!!

beanhunter 0 :hugs: so sorry you are at the hospital! this is just part of your journey to motherhood...part of your story. be strong!

So I'm on pos OPKs but will bd tonight. woot woot! my DH has said I'm not allowed to call it "baby dancing" outloud to him, by the way. :winkwink:
I just wanted to pop in and say hello to everyone!! i haven't been able to catch up on everyone's posts yet, its been a really busy day for me..
I am pretty sure I ovulated in the middle of the night last night, I was woken up several time with pains:) Yesterday I had a big dip in my temps and today it is higher than usual, so I guess that confirms ovualtion!:) Plus my cervix is back to low and firm.
So I am officially 1dpo! Now the 2ww begins;)
Does Clomid make you have gas? Damn! Its not stinky gas ... BUT I BEEN HAVING TONS OF GAS ... Tooting all day and night ... DH has been looking at me sideways ... I tell him I cant help it!

UGH ..

Im on CD24 11DPO ..
Does Clomid make you have gas? Damn! Its not stinky gas ... BUT I BEEN HAVING TONS OF GAS ... Tooting all day and night ... DH has been looking at me sideways ... I tell him I cant help it!

UGH ..

Im on CD24 11DPO ..

I had horrible painful gas from ov day and 5 days after. So glad its gone.
Well girls I'm on CD15 and have still not ovulated. I'm testing with OPK's everyday but nothing. I was getting v.faint lines but now there is no line at all? All this time I thought I used to ovulate on or around CD13 but obviously not! I'm just worried that if I ovulate late then I must have a too-short luteal phase as I have 26 day cycles.
Hey girls! Just dropping in to tell yous I just got a smiley face on my opk! Woohoo cd10 today and I took clomid 50mg days 2-6 and if it's true what they say that you ovulate 5-10 days after last clomid pill then I am right on target, as tomorrow will be the 5th day after last day of clomid, looks like I will ovulate in the next day or two! I can't believe my body is actually doing something it is supposed to!

Sorry for rambling I am just so excited to see a smiley......just imagine what I will be like if I ever get a bfp! Lol gona carry on ding opk's until it goes away just to make sure!

Hope you are all well! Xx
prettynpink29 that is great news I wish you all the best hun pls give us a BFP end of the month!! :)

I on the otherhand haven't a clue what's going on. Had my positive smiley face on Friday yet last night my cervix felt all hard and low! What will be will be argghhhh roll on 28th appointment with FS!

update: just tested again with the CBD and it was negative so do I class today as my ovulation day?
Hi lovely ladies,

I've been having connectn problems lately, so sorry I couldnt log in these past few days!
An update abt my ttc- I got a very dark positive on both 15th (cd16) & 16th (cd17)July. Thereafter, i've been getting negative opks.
So, is 16th July considered my 1dpo?
if it is, I should be 2dpo today. Symptoms so far are cramps and tingling boobs, hehe.
Hey all!

Right I am very confused! After being told ivf- look at my opk- they went faint when I had my last scan and this one looks positive to me! I didnt see the same nurse last time and the one who I saw previously said she thinks I ovulate late and might need help releasing the egg- BUT that looks rather positive to me.... fx'd!

And happy cloud yh I know but I am back for a while :)
lily- congrats on your positive :)


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