The Disabled Mummy's Group

lol good luck Nanaki!!! You'll have to tell us what works, if anything!

I will!! Bought a pack of Strawberry/Raspberry Tea... Got to try that tonight! :) xxx

:thumbup: hope it works!!

Steph, eeeep, sorry about all of your pain... Have you tried anything like massage or acupuncture? I had my second session of acupuncture today and it went pretty well, but I've not had as strong a reaction as the first time unfortunately, maybe because it was only for half the time. Next week will hopefully be a longer session :)

Also I got my EPIOC (electric wheelchair) yesterday and have already been playing around with it loads!!! I've been out 4 times in it already, once on my OWN (cannot remember the last time I went out anywhere on my own, but I took myself to my acupuncture appointment and back again!! So proud hehe) So hopefully my arms and legs will be less painful now that I don't have to try to self-propel or struggle with crutches, and my OH is delighted that he doesn't have to push me around everywhere!

Love to you all :kiss:

I drank the strawberry/raspberry tea, it is not that bad after all.. But after last night I started on that, I feel funny, feel ill and back ache, and my tongue has gone funny for some reasons! Hope thats starting of something xxxx
Oooooh Nanaki, exciting stuff!! Let us know how it goes!!

Abble sweetie, any news from you?? Did you get any apology from your mother yet? I am thinking of you sweetheart, hope you're doing ok, and little Tyler :hugs:

How is everyone else? Angel, not heard from you in a while, all ok?

Happy dust to everyone :) :dust:

Shadow xxx
Well i havent been on this group for a while, in a way i feel as though i dont qualify to be here. Well thought id update you on me anyway. Life's going crap, i dont know what to do anymore im having so many fits now 7-8 a week and havnt got an appointment with neurologist until near xmas and cant get in with him any sooner and my doctor cant do anything. I feel as though connor would be better off with someone else, i cant look after him properly im terrified of having a fit and dropping him. Im not coping at all with me having so many fits im so shattered after each one because it really takes it out of me and connor always choses these times to scream and i just want to sleep and i no i cant because i have to see to him so i just feel worse.

Sorry for going on
:( :huhs: :hugs: Aw Jemma, so sorry you're having a rough time honey! That sounds very difficult indeed, and I imagine the stress and worry of it all can't help either, does that bring on fits as well? Do you have much family help sweetie? I know it must feel so difficult to be able to take care of Connor properly, but you are his mummy honey, and every little thing you do for him is so important. Nobody can do that job as well as you, even if you do have extra difficulties :hugs: :hugs: All I can say to you is that you've come so far to help Connor to grow into a happy little man so far (I can see he's happy and healthy from your lovely sig!) Each day that you get through brings you a step closer to Connor being more independent and not relying on you quite so much, I'm sure you're doing a fab job no matter what you may think :winkwink:

I know it must be hard though honey, which is why it's important that you have plenty of support in place: If not from family, then maybe from friends or some kind of home help thing? I'm afraid I don't know much about that sort of thing, but I'm sure you could find out whether there's any help available for you. But in the meantime, you absolutely "qualify" to be here, please do keep talking and hopefully it will help to get it all out of your system every now and then. But just look at how far you've come and how much you've already achieved for Connor :)

Ack, Vince screaming, got to go.

Big love though :hugs:

Shadow xxx
Well i havent been on this group for a while, in a way i feel as though i dont qualify to be here. Well thought id update you on me anyway. Life's going crap, i dont know what to do anymore im having so many fits now 7-8 a week and havnt got an appointment with neurologist until near xmas and cant get in with him any sooner and my doctor cant do anything. I feel as though connor would be better off with someone else, i cant look after him properly im terrified of having a fit and dropping him. Im not coping at all with me having so many fits im so shattered after each one because it really takes it out of me and connor always choses these times to scream and i just want to sleep and i no i cant because i have to see to him so i just feel worse.

Sorry for going on

Oh hun your not going on at all !!! huuuge hugs !!

It must be very hard and i acannot imagon - the one thing that comes to mind is to call your nuro's secretary and tell them your desperate perhaps you already have - if it was me i would call again - sending you hugs xx

i so wish we were all closer - we could do shifts for each other when we are having a bad time xxxx
Hello girls thought i would pop on to let you all know im still around, and getting through day to day things.
no apology from my mum but then you know i just let it go over my head for arguments sake.
im feeling a bit better today, and im losing weight which is helping me feel better, i went from being a small size 12 to being a size 18 after pregnancy + it upset me sooo much i know my little boy was sooooo worth it and more but it took me from the age of 11 to get to a size 12 at age sixteen because when iwas 11 i hardly ever got out of my chair and i was soo fat because i just ate + ate, so as a child age 11 i was in adult size 16 clothes :cry:, but i just wish i was able to lose weight easier, my wheelchair stops most exercise, but i do swim as much as i can.
How does anyone else that has trouble with mobility exercise and lose weight?
hope you are all ok?
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooh dont get me started on weight loss - swimming is my exercise !!

saying that i am sat here with popcorn !! oooops x
Abble, good to hear from you, glad you're getting through things somewhat, well done girl :hugs:
Weight? Ugh, don't get me started... :nope: I've said I'm gonna try to get my weight down (bmi is 27 right now, I'm usually about 23, but I'd be happy to get it down to about 24/25 if I can) and my mum says she'll come round and we can try to do some exercisey type things together but tbh I have no idea how well I will manage it. I've got so much pain lately, I don't know how much I'll be able to do, and my hips and knees have felt so loose lately too, I'm having to be very very careful how I position myself to avoid big nasty dislocations! But yes, I do want to try to lose a bit of the weight now, so I'm hoping that I can start to go swimming properly again soon, maybe I will try to take myself there with my EPIOC and leave Vince with his dad for a bit once or twice a week... Swimming is definitely the best way for me to get fit, I have developed my own kind of swimming stroke that seems to put very little strain on shoulders and knees (which are the most "delicate" joints when I'm in the water) so that's cool :)

Hope everyone and little ones are OK, and those who haven't "popped" yet are feeling ok and taking good care of those bumps!!

Shadow xxxx
Im feeling abit happier today although i have a poorly baby who just keeps screaming so my dads took him for an hour because it had got to stage were i was just crying with him. I took him doctors friday and they referred him to a peadiatrician as an emergency so hoping for an appointment this week.

Some good news though, rang my epilepsy nurse and she's going to speak to neurologist and get me an earlier appointment, so thats abit of good news at least. How is everyone else??
Hiya all... Hope all of you are well so far?

I have an appointment tomorrow at Burton Hospital for a growth scan and see my consultant, because last month scan to show that the baby is measured big, if it is still big i might be given an option to be induced or C-section depends on the scan really. BUTTTTTT I cant believe my due date is coming up next friday! :yay: xxxxx
hello :) thought i had better join in after being invited yonks ago ..

i have ME andstill have spd and other pain and mobility issues and my daughter is coming up to 13 weeks old. it has been difficult for a few reasons but she is the best thing that has ever happened to me

i am 40, this is my first child, i had a natural birth and third stage and breast feed exclusively.

pic of my daughter :D


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she is scrummy congrats !!! and High 5 on BFeeding bubs !!

There are a few of us on here so feel free to come and scream and shout when needed or ask for suggestions and or if you have any for making a thing easier etc.

I am somewhat of an SPD specialist so do ask if you want any info !! mine was soo bad i eneded up haveing major surgery when my wee man was 18 months old !!
she is scrummy congrats !!! and High 5 on BFeeding bubs !!

There are a few of us on here so feel free to come and scream and shout when needed or ask for suggestions and or if you have any for making a thing easier etc.

I am somewhat of an SPD specialist so do ask if you want any info !! mine was soo bad i eneded up haveing major surgery when my wee man was 18 months old !!

hello and thank you :D

yea the spd is still a big problem and i am still waiting to see a physio :wacko:
i am on strong codeine and ibuprofen ( was on morphine but came off that at 7 months preggers so that my baby would not be addicted . i came off it by reducing and had no medical support so i was cold turkeying but i have managed to stay off of it.)

i was a nightmare for my midwives because of my disability issues ( they had no clue what to do with me really and didn't really understand ) and also because i am very much a natural birth advocate etc and was utterly determined to have one despite age and health probs. it was at the birth that my pelvis finally gave up the ghost lol but i got the natural birth on gas and air and did up to transition alone at home.

my daughter is called rosie rowan gaia and is a little git :D feisty, strong willed, determined, stubborn.. wonder where she gets that from :dohh:

i am hoping to avoid surgery for spd as i understand the success rates are low? i am also a single parent so am not sure i could afford more immobility recovering. as it is i have a personal assistant part time and that is a constant battle with social services who keep wanting to cut my help hours and who i had to fight with to get any help at all.

i manage like many on here do.. and find lifting hard. i use the slinged sheet thing to lift rosie from her cot and at the mo sleep on the sofa. stairs hurt but i can manage them alone, not with her tho yet. bathing her is a nightmare and HURTS ! in a few months i will be able to use a bath chair support for her which will help a lot. it is difficult sometimes and i am knackered but she is so much fun and a very healthy child so i am blessed :D
Hey I am home from the hospital aftre had my baby son, Billy Clayton! The birth announcement is up in that section! :D xxxx
Hi ladies can i join you?
I have epilepsy, back problems and liver damage from pregnancy and i also have pnd.
My epilepsy is starting to cause worse side effects on me to the point i lost the sight in my left eye yesterday after a fit for over 5 hours and my recovery time is getting longer now.
:wave: Hi girls, sorry I've not been around much, I'm trying to limit the time I spend stuck to the computer lately :blush: It's not doing my hands any good!!

OMG Nanaki congrats on your little boy!!! I'm so happy for you honey, can't wait to see some pics :D

Welcome to newbies, and Soliloquise, your little girl is super scrummy :) Well done you for exclusively BF!! I hope your SPD can be helped somehow honey :hugs: xxx

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