The First Timer Scardicats!!!!!

Banana and mini Congratulations I am really pleased for you both. I will right more I promise. I'm still in Malaysia and sorry to say we lost our little one yesterday at 9 weeks 2 days. I'm just waiting now to get home but it will be late sunday before we arrive back in the UK. Love to you all XXX

Oh shXt! :cry: :hugs: :cry: :hugs: :cry: :hugs: :cry: :hugs: :cry: :hugs: :cry: :hugs: :cry: :hugs: :cry: :hugs: :cry: :hugs: :cry: :hugs: :cry: :hugs: :cry: :hugs: :cry: :hugs: :cry: :hugs: :cry: :hugs: :cry: :hugs: :cry: :hugs: :cry: :hugs:

I was getting a little worried when I didn't see you around for a bit. I'm so sorry this happened, and so far away from home, too! I hope you're doing okay -- at least as okay as you can be. How is DH coping? Please PM me if there's anything I can do. :hugs: Sending big hugs and comforting, healing vibes. Take care of yourself, CC! :hugs: :hug: :hugs:
CC I'm so sorry honey. I know all too well how you must be feeling at the moment. Have a safe journey home and let us know when you're back. I know there's nothing we can say to make any of this better but we're all here for you. Make sure DH doesn't leave you on your own, you'll need him more now than ever before.
I know its early but this will happen again for you. Don't give up! Big hugs and thinking of you lots.
Oh no :cry: God CC I'm so sorry. And to happen so far from home too! I hope you've had easy access to medical care and that your journey home is quick and stress free. I know there's nothing I can say to make things any easier but you know we're all here for you :hugs: Look after yourselves sweetheart.
I've had a security breech on another site that could potentially link back to me here. I have to go through and delete a lot of my content. Please don't be alarmed! It's not BNB and I'm not leaving. Just cleaning house. One. Post. At. A. Time. :dohh:
Oh no cc. That's just terrible news. I wish we were all closer so that we could give you tons of :hugs:

Please take care of yourself and know that we're always here for you whenever you need to talk.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
So sorry to hear of your news CC. Take care and have a safe journey home xx
Oh no CC I'm so sorry hun! I know it's not much to offer but really big hugs to you and DH x
CC: I'm so sorry to bug you about this while you're going through a loss, but would you mind removing me from the first entry? Thanks! :hugs:

Thinking of you and hoping you're doing okay. :hugs:
So many hugs and best wishes coming your way CC, I'm so sorry this has happened :nope::hugs: I hope you get home safely, and can begin to properly work through things once you're home - it must be so hard being away at a time like this. Lots of love and gentle hugs :hugs:
Thanks for all the lovely messages girls :hugs: I'm having trouble attaching a photo, but promise I'll get onto that when I get discharged from hospital (hopefully tomorrow).

The girls were good weights for their gestation - they were 4lb3 and 4lb4. That stood them in really good stead, as although they have issues due to being so premature their weights aren't disastrous at all. So hopefully the fattening up will go quite quickly! Apparently once they get to a certain point, I can be readmitted to hospital and we all go into something called transitional care, where the girls will be with me on a ward but there are medical staff around to support the girls should they need it, and make sure we're all ready to go home when the time comes. I find that idea really reassuring, as at the moment we are relying so heavily on all the monitoring to let us know that they're ok that I think it would be terrifying to suddenly just have that taken away without any preparation and confidence building.

I'm starting to feel much more mobile today, I have had a lot of issues getting moving after the c-section as the pre-eclampsia left me really poorly and not able to move around as much as they'd ideally like. But my blood pressure is finally starting to come down now, which is good, and they're hoping my kidney function should be much more normal by tomorrow, when I'll be reviewed by the docs. So all of that is making me feel much more normal, which means I can concentrate on getting moving again! I'm still walking like a little old granny at the moment though, and am having to use a wheelchair some of the time as the endless walks down to the NICU are exhausting!

We're really lucky that the hospital is only a 5 or 10 minute drive from the house, so not bad at all. It'll just be a case of getting into a routine and working out how long I spend there each day once I'm discharged. I think the first few days will be tough, but it should be much better once we get things figured out.

Thanks for the reassurance about expressing, Jo :hugs: I'm now managing to express about 40ml every 3 hours, so not too bad, and it's improving every day. Still not producing anywhere near enough to feed both of them for every feed, but I keep telling myself that every little counts!

We've started being able to do kangaroo care with the girls too, where you have skin to skin cuddles with the baby, which helps them to regulate their temperature and helps me to produce more milk as it kick starts the hormones. That's been so lovely, and yesterday I got to cuddle both at the same time - was so lovely to see them back together where they belong.

Right, I'm off to go and get ready and see the girls as the ward rounds have just finished so I'm free for a few hours!

Love to everyone xxxxx
Banana - wow those are great weights! Good for you/them! I just thought I'd give you a few of my ideas about expressing, I'm sure you're doing just fine and sorry if I tread on any toes by offering unsolicited advice, I'm no expert. But much as my OH and my mum were great support I'd never known anyone who'd actually done it so practical tips were few and far between. I know my situation was different with Felix being full term and only one hungry mouth to feed but I hope something in amongst my waffling helps.

So, spoiler for Banana:

- Firstly, you're doing so well to still be going a week on. It will be grueling but another couple of weeks of pumping every 3-4 hours will likely establish a good supply and then you'll be laughing. Unfortunately you can't start to skip those middle of the night pumpings just yet but soon enough you can skip one and get a reasonable night's sleep. It will be easier once you go home as you can put your feet up, relax and pump in front of the telly. I found it really difficult in the hospital with constant rounds for both me and Felix, menu requests, offers of tea, blood pressure checks, etc etc.
- The midwives may suggest you don't 'overpump' in case you get engorged. I ignored this one completely. Pump as much as you can and if you're lucky enough to get any to spare you can pop it in the freezer. I did have a couple of days of engorgement much further down the line but they were so worth it to have the peace of mind of a little spare milk just in case.
- If your pump has a speed setting, use it. Start off with short, quick sucks and slowly turn the dial up to long, slow sucks, and when you finish reverse the process so you end with the short, quick sucks again. This is designed to mimic a baby and is the most efficient way of getting lots out and boosting your supply. You may have been told this, sorry if so - but a lady on my ward was in your exact situation and the midwife who explained the pumping stuff to her never mentioned it and her supply dried up after about a week. There may well have been other factors but I felt she wasn't given a fair go by not being told that iykwim?
- At first I alternated boobs - I did 3 minutes on each boob, three times. Once things were a bit more established I could just empty each boob in turn but this seemed to help get the last drop out when there wasn't much in there in the early days. Also massage your boobs as you feel/see the flow start to slow down, there'll be more in there. Sometimes I felt like I was practically wringing mine out :haha: But by being totally empty you're telling your body it needs to make more. For the same reason, I'd suggest pumping for a further few minutes after any milk stops coming out as then your body 'thinks' a hungry baby is still chomping away.
- You can't drink enough, just drink, drink, drink. Try your best to get plenty to eat and also anything oaty is meant to help with supply. I had trouble a few weeks in where it started to diminish and after eating two bowls of porridge a day (and maybe lots of hobnobs :haha:) I noticed a definite and almost immediate increase.
- The skin to skin sounds great but when you can't do that, look at a photo of them or take something they've worn home with you you so can cuddle up to it and smell them. It is admittedly a poor substitute but can help to stimulate the same hormones.
- Finally, ignore all this and stop if you need to. Or pump a little bit, as you say anything is better than nothing. You have a lot on your plate and you're doing amazingly to be doing this at all. You're doing those little girls of yours proud :thumbup:
Goodness. What a week the Scardicats have had. I'm sorry its been such a mix of emotions.

First of all I have to congratulate you banana for being the ultimate queue skipper(!) and for giving birth to your gorgeous girls. I'm so pleased your journey is going smoothly with NICU. Your wee lassies are in the best hands and are perfectly formed and just in need of a little extra cooking in the unit. I can understand that you must be desperate to get them home and I know you won't fully settle until they do. What an awesome achievement though so remember how much of an awesome job you're doing. The girls are lucky to have a great mum and enjoy every moment.

CC - I can't even put into words how devistated I was to hear your news. I'm do sorry you were so far from home and so sorry there's nothing more we can do here for you. I can't begin to try and understand how you feel but I've been thinking about you. Stay in touch with us here but I hope you've got loads of love and support around you.

Mini egg - congrats and I've got everything crossed for a sticky miniegg for you! I know you'll be v anxious but we're all here for you.

Jo - hope Felix continues to give you snuggles, love and fun - even through the exhaustion. You're so great to have here for advice and it gives us hope that we CAN do it. You are such a good mum.

I really hope all you girls cooking your wee haggis's are getting on ok. I'm waiting for more announcements!

I'm also hoping for more BFPs from those trying to hatch an egg. Keep us posted on your TTC journeys, any appts or just shout if you need advice!

I've started mat leave now and my pains are better! I'm feeling a bit lost at times and I am really scared still about birth and parenthood (in typical Scardicat style). I look at other women doing an awesome job and worry that I'll never be like them. *sigh*
Sooz - thanks so much for your kind words, your compliment made me well up and I really needed it today. We're all ill and Felix was awake every half an hour all night last night. I was so tired and frustrated that I shouted at him in the early hours of the morning and I've been feeling like a prize shit all day :cry:

Are you enjoying your maternity leave? Got anything planned or just vegging out? Baby will be here before you know it! Do you have any ideas for names?
Don't worry Jo - I yelled at and smacked the cat this morning then burst into tears. Not that I expect a baby to randomly attack me but I just couldn't help thinking "oh my god if you're doing that to the cat...". My SIL says you have those moments where you just have to say something angrily and walk away. We're only human and when pushed with exhaustion and frustration we all have our limits. Doesn't mean you love Lil Felix any less - we haven't met you and we know that!

I'm feeling a bit lost on leave at the moment. I've been so used to working that I'm not sure what to do with myself and I feel so guilty about being off - I know that sounds so stupid. The nursery is done. My husband has tons of boxes in our hallway that only he can move so that's a bit of an obstacle course at the mo. I'm meeting people for cups of tea from tomorrow onwards. I'm really scared of getting depressed though. It's always my ultimate fear as I don't cope with loneliness well. We've got our name picked which I can't wait to share with you once she's born - I just hope she suits it when she makes her appearance!

Big hugs all :hugs:
Banana - cant wait to see a Picture of your little ones!

Sooz - I was initially a little bored when I first started Mat leave. I am finally now starting to enjoy it the closer to due date I get.

Had my 39 week apt today (39+4). Baby on the verge of being engaged but BP still up so off for monitoring I went again! Was hooked up to a really smart monitor which told me I had had 2 contractions which I never felt. Not really noticed when I have had BH so was nice to know! BP came down fine after an hour but have to have it rechecked Friday.

Due date is Saturday - So spicy curry Friday and long walk Saturday planned. If that don't work, have a sweep booked at 41 weeks :))))
It's been very very quiet on here!

Just thought I'd repost this from another board as I think it's a fab offer and I have just bought it myself!

Here it is;

Apr 7th, 2013 | 14:13 PM
Hi ladies,

Thought I'd share this offer with you - was going to hold off on getting a pump for a while, but was a bargain so have just ordered one!

If you sign up to Amazon Family (it's free and they send you loads of offers each week), they give you £10 off your first order of £50 or more. There is also a code at the moment for £25 off the Medela Swing Breastpump, so it comes to £54.99 instead of £89.99. It has fab reviews and you also get 3 months free prime delivery when you sign up to Amazon Family, so free next day delivery for 3 months - just make sure you cancel the prime subscription before the 3 months is up

I have been eyeing this pump up for ages but couldn't justify the price! It's £129.99 in some stores so £54.99 is a right steal!
Thanks Sooz :hugs: I found the loneliness in the first weeks quite difficult but then we are so far from family and friends. Will you be having visitors in the first few weeks?

Annaki, great offer! I have the Amazon family thing and have saved a fortune. We have the Prime thing anyway so have kept it for longer than the trial period. Also I see you're 39+5 today - I went into labour at 10pm on 39+5 and gave birth the following day. Hope you're not waiting much longer!

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