So much to catch up on! I only have a few mins though as it's all rather busy our end...because we finally have our little girls home

We got home yesterday morning, 1 and a half weeks before the 5 weeks we were told would be our minimum stay in neonatal - so we're feeling very proud of them and their speedy progress! We had a really rough night last night as their routine was completely thrown by the chaos of being discharged yesterday, but they've been much more settled today so hoping we're back on track. We had a bit of a set back just before leaving as they found a small hole in Eva's heart, but apparently it's really common with prem babies and often heals itself, so they'll just keep a close eye on it for the next month or two. Feeding wise, after a week of really hard work in hospital we're now mainly breastfeeding, with the odd formula bottle feed to top them up as I think my supply is just a bit too low to fully satisfy them at the moment (plus they get very tired from breastfeeding, whereas apparently bottle feeding uses up a bit less energy). Esmé has been putting on lots of weight so that's fab. Eva hasn't made the same fast progress, but she's not losing weight, so at the moment they're happy for her to be at home as long as we focus on fattening her up!
Annaki, best of luck for the induction!
Luvbug, congratulations!
Snuffles, thanks for keeping us updated and glad things are going well for you
Sooz, sorry you're feeling so rubbish

I really hated the last few weeks of my pregnancy and felt so miserable and scared, but it really does get better once your little one is here. And despite knowing very little about babies hubby and I have managed to muddle through, so if we can you definitely can

You'll be a fab mummy, and we're all here to support you

Trying, lovely to hear from you and lots of hugs and positive thoughts coming your way
CC, still thinking of you and hope things are going ok lovely lady
Mini, hope your scan is soon to give you some reassurance
Mojo, glad your 3d scan went well - it must be amazing to see your baby in so much detail at that stage!
Jo, I love hearing about what Felix is up to - it's like a little insight into what the months ahead hold for the girls and I!
Hope I've remembered everyone! Love to all xxx