Hello All!
Another birth announcement here! Baby Rowan was born 26th April weighing a tiny 6lb 14oz. We are so in love with him and so grateful he arrived safely after a pretty scary birth. We both came home yesterday after 4 days in hospital.
Here is my birth story;
As you know, went in to be induced on the 25th at 40 +12 days. Popped on the monitor before first pessary - baby very active FHR around 160ish, therefore not given the pessary straight away until baby calmed down. At one point Babies FHR dipped to 80, but it was believed to be him playing with his cord. To add to this, my BP was also a little on the high side (above 90 systolic). After discussion with Doc, 1st pessary given. I had me effect from this, but MW didn't expect me to.
6 hours later, baby monitored again and 2nd pessary given. Beta blocker given for my BP with little effect really. Monitor kept on at this time until around 21:00 when the Midwife came to review it. She thought there had been a couple of ? loss of contacts with Babies FHR so she informed Doc who said to continue monitoring at 23:00. Midwife reconnected CTG at 23:00 and while she was there Babies heart rate dipped to 80ish. Ordered to move positions. I had no signs of labour at this point. Had had no contractions to my knowledge. Then, Midwife scared me a little charging in with a big grey cannula and taking pre theatre bloods. I asked her if I should ring my Hubs of a c section was on the cards and she said no because your in a 6 bedder! :-o. Must say, I was a bit pissed off by this. I am a nurse. If i had a patient who I had suspected theatre, I would have responded alot differently. There were side rooms available too!
Doc came to review me due to continuing signs of baby showing signs of distress. She wanted to give me the best possible chance of a natural labour, so she tried to break my waters. She was unable to do this due to my extremely posterior cervix. The pessaries had had NO effect. Then a decision was made that for them to be able to break my waters I would need to be in stirrups on the labour suite. They also wanted me closely monitored with a one on one MW who could continuously review the CTG. I arrived on labour suite. BP now around 100 diastolic. And now 2+ protein in urine. I felt crap. I was now Allowed to ring my Hubs as he was allowed on labour suite. It was then I was given gas and air and another attempt to break my waters was started. Doc again failed. This was extremely painful I can not explain how much. I was begging for her to stop. It was then I knew I wasn't able to deliver this baby naturally if she was unable to break my waters and i was in so much pain. At this point i had been up 48 hours. I knew a c section was on the cards. After being so against one, I was begging for one. Baby was now consistently showing signs of distress. I knew it was serious.
The Doc then went to ring the Consultant on call who said to perform a Cat 1 C section. He wanted the Baby out in 30 mins. Anaesthetist arrived and I asked her if she would do it spinal due to my fear of a GA. She said she would try but for GA if she needed to.
Arrived in theatre at 05:50. Block effective by 06:00. Incision made at 06:00. Baby Rowan born at 06:07. It was found my placenta wasn't working properly (could be due to him being overdue).
= Me very very traumatised.
My birth plan was just to have gas and air! Have felt a little overwhelmed since the birth. I never felt a contraction, I feel a bit cheated. Somehow feel as if my body failed. I am blaming myself a lot. Could it have been to my cervix being so far up? Could my persistant high BP have something to do with the failing placenta? And did this effect Rowan's birth weight?
But then I have to think I have a lovely healthy little Boy. He is so gorgeous.
Typically being a nurse I was the worst patient ever. Think the anaesthetist was a little annoyed by my insistence that the spinal block was too far up and stopping me from breathing. Not who you want to piss off in that situation :-/.
Congrats Sooz and Mrs L on your arrivals. Hope your experiences were a little more positive.