The First Timer Scardicats!!!!!

Hi Ladies,

Firstly please understand that I am genuinely pleased for all of you guys and all of the new arrivals, also for snuffles for feeling that first kick and mini on that heart beat and JO WOW planning number 2.

Trying and Kismet, I really really hope you catch up soon, special big hugs for you :hugs:

But I can't hang around here any more it hurts too much. I'm not doing all that well (not helped by a phone call from my MW wanting to know why i didn't turn up for my scan) and being here is just making it worse.

If anyone would like to take over the tread and keep the front page up to date send me a PM, I will check in every now and then (but wont be coming onto the treads) and I will ask the admins to sign it over.

Love to you all and your little ones, Take Care:hugs:

CC I am sending you so so many hugs and love :hugs::hugs: no words can make things better but you are in my thoughts xx
Jo - I am sure that would be more than fine, it's more a first time ttc, mama thread now anyway so I wouldn't like to think it would matter. Plus you are thinking of ttc! Lol
CC: I'm so sorry you're having a tough time! :hugs: :hug: :hugs: And what a horrible call to get from the MW on top of it all! :nope: :hugs:

I completely understand why you want to hand off the thread and I absolutely support your decision. :hug:

Are you leaving BnB, or just the Scardicats? If you're leaving BnB entirely, we must make arrangements to stay in touch! :hugs:
Snuffles and Mini: I'm so happy to hear about your pregnancy progress! :hugs:

To all of have welcomed their little ones: CONGRATULATIONS!!! It's such a blessing to see so many of you start your families. :thumbup: :hugs:

Jo: I think you'd make a great thread admin! :thumbup: :hugs:

AFM: Things are going fine here. I'm in TWW and trying not to SS! :wacko:
CC I'm so sorry you feel like that. I hope it gets easier for you and you join us again soon. Big hugs!
Although I posted a positive comment the other day about my scan, today I feel so sad as I've been having brown discharge since the evening of my scan. I'm fearing the worst and couldn't stop crying last night. I just can't go through it again.
Aw cc- It's completely understandable that things are hard. As the others have asked, are you leaving BnB all together or just the scardicats? We will all be thinking about you, and really appreciate every ounce of support you have given to us. I will be thinking of you and hope to hear from you again sometime. Please please please take care of yourself and I will be sending positive thoughts your way.

Jo- I think I more so feel guilty because DH was so adimate about breast feeding that I don't want him to be disappointed ( silly I know ). But he has already told me multiple times that he didn't realize that it was so much work and that it would be so stressful. But, I've been slowly coming to terms with it because it's what I need to do to make my little guy healthy.

Mini- :hugs: I will be thinking about you- I hope everything is ok.
Admin could you please change this tread to allow JO4NN4 to edit the first post please. Thank you.
Hey lovely ladies. Just to keep you updated. I went for a scan at the EPAU on Tuesday and everything looked fine and she couldn't see anything wrong. I'm just praying its just one of those weird things that happens and everything carries on as normal.

I've attached a photo of my lil jelly bean!!! Measuring 9 weeks!!


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Mini-Oh look at what a little cutie you have there already! I'm glad that everything looks good :)

AFM-I had another doctor's appointment today. They told me that my Harmony test results were normal and then we heard baby's heartbeat. I have my 20 week US scheduled for May 29th!:happydance: I'm so excited! I'm hoping baby will cooperate and let us know what they are :)
So....Heidi's Story....

On my due date I went to my favourite tea-house and enjoyed a chai latte with my mum in law. I took my usual daily focal migraine which made me feel like hell (these were increasing the closer to my due date I got). I had a hallumi cheese kebab for tea and generally felt lame that I had reached my day with no signs of arrival. Although my Braxtons had been getting stronger I didn't "feel" like anything was changing. My close friend is currently a midwifery student in the local birthing unit. She text me at 7pm saying "come in if you're in labour or not 'cos the unit is empty!". I text back saying I was miserable and not close to labouring. She text back saying "get stimulating those nipples!". I joked with my OH and sat on my birthing ball while pretending to tweak my nipples and giggling.......
An hour later I started contractions. They were 8mins apart and started pretty strong. I text my mate who thought I was taking the piss. We also phoned my mum to come in who I had called 2hrs previous and moaned about how fed up I was. When she arrived at the flat she said "you're such a dark horse!". For some really weird reason, while labouring, I wanted to watch Creature Comforts (The Aardman cartoon series!). Within hours of the contractions starting I could talk in between them anymore. I was getting double contractions and chucking myself around the room as I couldn't get comfy. My OH and mum took on the decision to take me into the unit when they realised contractions for between 3-5mins apart. When I arrived at the unit (after a car journey hating every red light!!) I walked in and met my friend, threw my arms around her and sobbed. It was like seeing Jesus! I felt she was illuminated when I arrived. The relief to see a familiar face when I was in agony. She then became my midwife and took me into a cosy birthing room with pool, bars, sofa and dim lights. I dreaded examination in the fear I wasn't far on and I'd get sent home. I then found out I was 8cm! I got into the birth pool and laboured there for a few hours. My friend/midwife burned aromatherapy oils and I used some gas and air (which made me giggle!). I then got the urge to push so I went with my body. My waters at this point went and they were clear. I pushed with all my body had to give for 1.5 hrs with no effect. Examination showed she was so close to vertex but wasn't coming down at all. Eventually my friend and get mentor suggested I got out the pool and tried pushing on the bed. When I stood up, meconium went everywhere. At this point my perfect birth went a bit wonky! Her heart rate dropped and took a while to come up. They then said protocol states that meconium meant I had to be transferred to labour ward and out of the birthing centre. So I continued to push all the way up the corridors to labour ward. When I got there they said because I was knackered and because baby was showing signs of being knackered I'd need an assisted delivery. So I was offered ventouse with epidural or with local anaesthetic and I was told I'd need an epesiotomy. I took the local which was injections really high into my vagina and my little snip (ouch!). Once the cap was on her head it took minimal hauling and pushing and she popped out! She was floppy initially and was taken away to be resuscitated but came back pretty quickly. My OH was sobbing buckets and so was my mum! My placenta came away a few mins later and I only needed 2 tiny stitches. In total from start to birth my labour was 8hrs. I actually consider it a really positive experience as it was perfect until the last 40mins!
Classic moments were asking the doctor not to leave my nethers like a "car accident" when she was stitching me. Apologising for keeping the nightshift staff up! Saying I wanted to stop labour and "finish it off tomorrow"!

Sorry it's taken so long. I've been pretty unwell with mastitis and I was pretty weak and anaemic after birth. You all seem pretty grand and huge congrats to all the new Scardicat mummies.

CC - I totally understand why you feel the way you do. I think I would feel similar. I didn't want to post loads of gooey messages about Heidi as I knew that some of you are having a tough time. We'll miss your company and you've always been so lovely and caring. It's been lovely meeting you here and sharing stories/woes etc. thanks for starting this thread. Best of luck on the rest of your journey and pop back anytime and you'll be welcome. Hope you get this note.

Hope those on the TTC journey remain positive and strong. We're all in it together - mums and mums-to-be (TTC or pregnant).
Mini - so glad everything is OK :happydance:

Sooz - I was just thinking about you today. Thank you for posting your birth story, I really enjoyed reading it. I'm sorry to hear you ended up with an assisted delivery but it sounds like you did so great - getting to 8cm on your own! Wow! - and I'm so glad that it was such a positive experience for you. How have you been finding mummyhood so far?

Annaki, hope you're getting on well too, and Luvbug of course although I get to see your wonderful progress on Facebook and your journal.

Honeybee, I wonder if you're still pregnant?! I know we've not seen you in a while but if you ever get round to reading this I'd love to hear how you and bubs are.

Hope everyone else is doing great, it's been quiet around here lately.

AFM - still plodding on, struggling a bit with anxiety and stuff at the moment and having cognitive behavioural therapy. We're doing great though and Felix is happy and healthy. He is now 15lb, very nearly sitting up by himself and seems to be starting to try to crawl. Very early, mostly feeble attempts but he's heading in the right direction. Scary stuff :haha:
Jo - anxiety is also something I am struggling with just now and I start counselling next week. I totally relate and I don't think anyone really knows what it feels like unless they've had it. I love being a mum but it terrifies me too and sometimes gets me down for loads of reasons. For me depression and anxiety go hand in hand. I cannot believe how tired I am and it scares me to think I'll not get more than 3hrs sleep in the trot for so long. I've always loved my bed and now I dread nights =(

Big hugs to all - right enough Honeybee - hope you're ok x
Same here. The latest bout involves lots of horrible, graphic dreams about stuff happening to me/OH/Felix which means despite Felix sleeping well I am not. I'm coping though and the CBT is really helping. If there's anything I can do or you want to rant, vent or complain please feel free to PM me. Do you have anyone IRL to talk to about it all? Other than the counselling I mean?

I remember the feeling about dreading nights. And I know it doesn't feel like it right now but it will go so fast. I remember people saying that to me and thinking they were crazy when I was literally counting down the hours every day and thinking 'we've survived another one!' - but you will get through it and look back at it as such a short time in your life. You've done three weeks, it only gets easier from here I promise :flower:
Sooz thanks for posting your birth story its nice to hear what a positive experience you had and finding out you were 8cm on first examination must have been like music to your ears. Im really hoping to use the birthing centre will find out next week if im allowed due to my liver problems. Fingers Xd. How did you find the aftercare in the ward? Im really dreading having to stay in xx
Mojo I didn't realise you were local! The birthing centre is amazing and I really hope you get to use it. The aftercare wasn't too bad but I just feel there aren't enough midwives. I buzzed a couple of times for help and the midwife kept getting called away from me by other women and members of staff. They are lovely but they're so stressed and over-stretched. It's pretty noisy during the night and I was so annoyed that the lights didn't go out 'til 1am so Heidi was wide awake 'cos it was so bright. Don't worry though - I actually appreciated being in hospital after and not at home as there was no way I was ready to go home. It was good to know the midwives were there and I was feeling so shakey afterwards. It's also nice having visitors limited so you can rest. Visiting is 2-4:30 and I think 6-8? Your partner can come in at 8am-10pm. Stay positive x
Hello ladies!

Sorry I haven't written in so long, I've still been keeping up to date with you all though.

To all the ladies TTC :dust: to you all and fingers crossed!

Snuffles/Mojo/Miniegg - hope your pregnancies are still going well and you're all doing ok!

Sooz/Annaki/Luvbug/Banana - Congratulations :flower: I hope you and your babies are all doing well. Everyone has chosen beautiful names!

J04NN4 - hope you and baby Felix are doing well, can't believe how old he is now!

CC - just wanted to say I hope everything goes well for you, you'll definitely be missed but I can completely understand your decision :hugs:

I hope I haven't missed anyone out and sorry if I have!!

AFM - Baby Freddie was born at 4.21am on Friday 10th May weighing 8lb 6oz. If I'm honest I found the whole birth very traumatic so will try and keep my birth story short and maybe one day I'll feel up to writing it properly!

Basically my contractions started 10 minutes apart on Monday 29th April, as they continued I went into the labour ward on Tuesday morning but they never picked up so was sent home. They continued to be between 5-10 minutes all day Tuesday so early hours of Wednesday morning I was back on the labour ward but again they hadn't picked up enough so I was put on the antenatal ward from 7am-7pm but they remained between 5-10 minutes apart so I was sent home. By the time I went to my scheduled midwife appointment on Thursday morning they were every 5 minutes, I was exhausted as I was in too much pain to sleep and I was desperate. The labour ward had said my waters were "bulging" and I had been 4cm dilated since Monday. The midwife tried to break my waters with her fingers (which she wasn't supposed to but she could tell how desperate I was!) however unfortunately she couldn't. By Thursday afternoon the contractions were a lot stronger and I was in a lot of pain so off we went to labour ward again! Luckily this time they agreed to give me till 8pm then they would break my waters and if I didn't progress they would put me on a drip and if I hadn't progressed by 4am (12 hours after arriving) then I would have to have a c-section. Sure enough they did break my waters, when the doctor checked me he said my contractions were coming but they weren't strong enough so they put me on a drip, by midnight I'd managed to get to 5cm. Being on the drip made my contractions very strong, painful and close together. By about 3.45am I was finally ready to push however after pushing for a while the doctor discovered the baby's head was "deflexed" so was chin up and hadn't tucked it to his chest so everytime I pushed it was just pushing his head up so he couldn't descend down, this meant the doctor had to physically "flick" his chin back down. Finally baby Freddie was then born after 40 minutes of pushing! Unfortunately even though I managed to get through the whole labour with just gas and air and diamorphine I had a third degree tear so had to have an epidural and go to theatre to be stitched up.
All in all it definitely wasn't the labour I had planned and I'd be lying if I said it hasn't affected me but obviously my baby boy was completely worth it and I am so in love with him it's unreal :cloud9:

Just as I've finished this Freddie has woken up so I'm off to change and feed him!

Aw Honey congratulations! I had a third degree tear as well.... I'm still sore 3 weeks ( almost a month ) later.

Hope all you ladies are doing well! I wish I could check here more and update more, there just aren't enough hours in the day to do everything right now haha. My house is a mess and it's driving me nuts!

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