I've finally found the time to reply! Sorry for being so rubbish!
Belated congratulations Mojo! So pleased for you!
Lovely to hear how everyone's doing

Snuffles, you're so close now!
We're doing well, girls are now 17 weeks old and 11lb4 and 11lb1, and Eva is heavier than Esmé for the first time! Esmé gave us a bit of a fright a few weeks ago and ended up in hospital as she wouldn't feed and was really irritable. They never got to the bottom of it, but gave her iv antibiotics and fluids as a precaution. She's showing all the signs of teething now though so wondering whether it was an extreme reaction to that. They're both smiling and babbling away now for lots of the day, and are lots of fun as well as hard work!
I had a follow up appointment withmy cconsultant yesterday, was really interesting to hear about what went wrong. Apparently my placenta was in quite a bad way when histology examined it, which accounts for Eva's distress. It also showed signs of an acute episode of twin to twin transfusion which for some reason resolved itself, so we're feeling very lucky that our girls were relatively unaffected by it as it could have been much more serious. We also talked about my risk of developing preeclampsia in another pregnancy, and apparently due to various risk factors I would have a 20% chance of it recurring. So not sure whether we'll have any more or not as that seems like a big risk, but it's something for hubby and me to discuss.