The First Timer Scardicats!!!!!

Hope everyone is well, just checking in - I'm still plodding along the TTC journey haha! X
Hi lovely ladies! I miss you all.... it's been so quite in here!

I think about you ladies often and hope things are going well!

I will come update a little bit later, but I did do an update in my journal

My boob healed! I've now got a scar that will always remind me of my breastfeeding journey!

Still loving being a mum and my mood and anxiety are getting better.

How's everyone doing? Any new BFPs? How's the buns in the ovens?
Yay healed boob!:holly:

My little bun keeps thinking if she moves to the top of my belly she can get out lol. Also had a doctors appointment today and I don't have GD!!:happydance:

Also had to go to the hospital to get a tetanus shot since I stepped on a rusty needle yesterday.
Aw good for you Sooz! I've been wondering how you are.

Haha Snuffles I love that smiley :haha:

We are doing well, the BLW is going just great and Felix will eat anything. We have some fab photos and I'm working on a blog about it! He's not sleeping very well at the moment, not sure why, I have given up analysing it lol. It's apparently quite common at this age as they have a developmental spurt and at night it's like they're processing everything that has happened in the day or something? He is starting to crawl, well he can drag himself along the floor with his arms but hasn't quite worked out the leg part yet :dohh::haha: He is getting so big - he's about 18lbs now! He is also saying 'Mama' a lot, he doesn't know what it means yet but I think he's figured out that if he says it, I respond quicker so he's starting to put two and two together. It's amazing :cloud9:
aw sooz that's great! I've been wondering how you've been!

Jo- that's awesome about him saying mama... I'm sure it feels so nice to hear it even though he doesn't now what it means lol
Jo that must feel amazing! I bet your heart melts! I've heard they usually say dada first so there you go! Maybe he knows he's saying it! My friend said the other day "wait til they first say I love you" - Awww!

Boob remains healed. Heidi has her second immunisations today - dreading it!
I've finally found the time to reply! Sorry for being so rubbish!

Belated congratulations Mojo! So pleased for you!

Lovely to hear how everyone's doing :) Snuffles, you're so close now!

We're doing well, girls are now 17 weeks old and 11lb4 and 11lb1, and Eva is heavier than Esmé for the first time! Esmé gave us a bit of a fright a few weeks ago and ended up in hospital as she wouldn't feed and was really irritable. They never got to the bottom of it, but gave her iv antibiotics and fluids as a precaution. She's showing all the signs of teething now though so wondering whether it was an extreme reaction to that. They're both smiling and babbling away now for lots of the day, and are lots of fun as well as hard work!

I had a follow up appointment withmy cconsultant yesterday, was really interesting to hear about what went wrong. Apparently my placenta was in quite a bad way when histology examined it, which accounts for Eva's distress. It also showed signs of an acute episode of twin to twin transfusion which for some reason resolved itself, so we're feeling very lucky that our girls were relatively unaffected by it as it could have been much more serious. We also talked about my risk of developing preeclampsia in another pregnancy, and apparently due to various risk factors I would have a 20% chance of it recurring. So not sure whether we'll have any more or not as that seems like a big risk, but it's something for hubby and me to discuss.

aw so good to hear from you banana! Gosh it's crazy how fast time flies! I'm glad to hear everything is going well with you and the girls. Thats pretty intereting about your placenta.

AFM- We've been pretty busy this month. Had my birthday, our anniversary, a wedding to go to. Hunter has now learned to roll from back to front. It's so cool to see him do it! But now we have stopped swaddling him because of him rolling so the past couple nights have been rough. Im sure we could keep swaddling him but it makes me nervous to even think about him managing to get himself over while swaddled. He's chatting away and such a happy baby. THe only issue we have right now is he's decided he doesn't want the binky ( which I know I should be happy about and I am ) but he's moved from needing the binky to soothe to either my boob or a bottle. I don't want to get in that habit! Hopefully it's just a little off thing right now and it goes away soon.
Our two have started refusing the dummy too, so frustrating! Although I guess it's good that they won't need weaning off it at some point in the future!
Hello ladies! :hi:

Just thought I'd pop in and say a quick hello while Freddie is napping for 5 minutes!

Trying/Cake Cottage/Kismet - hope you're doing well and wishing you luck! :flower:

Sooz/Luvbug/Jo/Banana/Mojo - how are the babies? Hope they are coming along nicely! Freddie can now support his own head which means he can be even nosier than he was before! :dohh: He's playing with toys now too so a lot of fun! :happydance:
(Jo - that is so adorable that Felix has started saying mama! :cloud9:)

Snuffles - hope you're pregnancy is going well, can't believe you're 30 weeks it feels like it's gone so quick (sorry if it hasn't, I used to find it so annoying when people said that to me :blush:!!)

I'm really sorry if I've missed anyone out, if I have then I hope you're well! :flower:

Honey- so nice to hear from you!! Glad everything is going well.

Banana- I know how you feel, it'll be nice because there's no weaning when they get older, but it's also nice when they take the binky to calm down a little. He's decided he'll take it every now and then and we're back to the soothie brand lol. We've switched between brands because at first he coudn't keep the soothie in his mouth, then we went to MAM brand, he wouldn't take tommie tippie... now we're back to soothie haha.

AFM- I just fall more and more in love with my little guy every day. I love being a mom. It's amazing how it has also stregthened mine and dh's relationship. We have our 4 month check up on the 16th!
Lol Honeybee you're fine, I do feel as if my pregnancy is flying by. Not that I'm complaining though:winkwink:
It's so lovely to know we're all enjoying being mamas! I love breastfeeding as well and I'm so glad I persevered with it through all my trauma. I'm now on the other side of postnatal depression and surviving! Heidi is doing grand - we're about to head out for her 3rd set if immunisations - I hate them and have cried each time she's had them!
The only thing I hate is the night sweats I get. I think it's hormonal and linked to breastfeeding but it sucks to wake up ringing wet at night!

Snuffles I cannot believe you're now 33 weeks. Have you enjoyed pregnancy so far? Do you have a birth plan at all?

I always wonder how CC is getting on.

Big hugs all. Xxxx
Just checking in ladies, glad you're all enjoying motherhood and all seem to be doing so well :)

I'm still here TTC, finding it a bit hard at the moment!
Hello everyone, I'm also still here, also still ttc :( often think of you all. Glad you are all doing well xx
You know Sooz... now that you mention it... I wake up with night sweats too and it drives me NUTS!!!

We had our 4 month check up a week ago and he weighs 14lbs 2.5 oz
My baby boy is getting so big!

I am so gald to hear everyone is doing good. Trying and cake... my finers and toes are always crossed for you!

I hope cc is doing well too.
Always rooting for you lovely girls on your TTC journey! How's the cycles going in terms of ovulatoon prediction? Hope you're not stressing too much. It must be frustrating when horrible AF shows her ugly face. Big hugs :hugs:

I'm SO glad I'm not the only one who is z sweaty Betty! I think it's to do with my crappy sleeping pattern as Heidi is up 2-3 times a night and I've never had more than 4/5hrs sleep in a row since she was born. I have really weird and sometimes scary dreams and wake up soaked! How's your baby's sleeping going girls? Heidi was so good after 6 weeks but now she's regressed and I'm zombied again. Jo - tell me there's hope!

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