The First Timer Scardicats!!!!!

Snuffles- yikes. Ya that comment was very unnecessary!

Sooz- oh my gosh that's terrible about the car accident! Are you feeling ok!? I know it's easier said than done, but don't let your dad's comments upset you. Parents make comments like that without thinking it'll upset us. I'm sure he means well, he just didn't say it right. I've known people... my coworker in fact... she is due next month on the 19th and they're moving this weekend. You're not the only person to move while pregnant. I'm sure it'll all go fine. Try not to stress too much... it's not good for you or baby.

Banana- How are you feeling?

Trying and Kismet.... I have everything crossed for you two! I really hope this turns out to be your month!

mojo- hope you're doing well. My DH just started a full time night shift job... he only works three nights a week, but it'll take some getting used to!

CC- Hope you're doing well! Miss hearing from you!

AFM- Nothing new really. Just on my lunch break at work. I posted a belly pic on my journal. I realized that I don't look as big in the pic as I feel haha. But I still have something there! I also bought a pregnancy journal. I like writing on here, but I want something I can keep on paper. Just chugging along I feel. I have my 16 week check up in two weeks. That's what I'll be looking forward to the next two weeks haha.

Hope all you lovely ladies had a wonderful weekend and are doing well!!!
Ooh you've been chatty today ladies :haha:

Kismet - I hope you feel better soon! I have my fingers crossed so tight for you this cycle. I'll be thinking of you and your DH. I hope the increased LP means if you can continue with your TTC plans then it won't be long for you!

Banana - I hope you're doing really well, how did the car hunting go? Are you waiting until 12 weeks to tell people other than parents or is it public already? And happy anniversary for tomorrow! Do you have anything planned?

Trying - so many :hugs: to you, I know you must be so disappointed. Will visit your journal next for a proper update.

Mojo - woop lazy days! Night shifts in early pregnancy must be rough. I hope you're feeling more rested now!

Sooz - God I'm so sorry to hear about your accident! I'm so glad you're OK and hope you're not too shaken up. Please try not to worry about potentially moving house, you'll be OK. I'm sorry your dad was insensitive but I'm sure he meant nothing by it. Mine has had plenty to say about us moving to the middle of nowhere whilst pregnant, AND being due in the dead of winter, in the mountains, 80 miles away from the hospital. Not in a nasty way, just that it was poor timing on our part. Well it was, and not what we would have planned, but as you say you never know how things are going to turn out and you'll manage. Honestly, you'll be fine. Practically speaking, all you need to unpack when you move somewhere new is the kitchen really (and the TV :haha:). Everything else can stay in boxes until you need it/you have chance to do it. We only just unpacked our last couple of boxes last week and we've been here just over 5 months (can you believe that?!)

Snuffles - wow, what a weird thing for your OH to say. I hope he just said it without thinking as he's hurting about your loss. Still not helpful though :hugs:

Luvbug - Ah 16 week appointment coming up! Does it feel like more or less time than that? It seems really quick to me but I know that's not usually the case with your own pregnancy :haha:

AFM - saw the midwife today and had to show her my piles. I was mortified, I know she's seen it all before and will see much more of me before this pregnancy's over but I was still so embarrassed! Baby is doing good, head down so hopefully will stay that way. My fundal height is 2cm over but has been the whole way through so she's not worried about that, but my blood pressure is a little high so she's going to check that again next week. We made an appointment for a breastfeeding class thing which will be just me so she'll come to the house with a DVD and some props (?!) and 3 labour classes which are for me and OH, and another local lady and her OH. Pregnant ladies are pretty rare round here :haha: That takes me right up to 37 weeks, aaaahhh! I managed to varnish a chest of drawers for baby's room today but that's about it progress-wise so far. The weather forecast is nice this week though so I might say sod the work and crack on with washing baby's things. I'm SO excited :happydance:
jo- I don't know haha I'm mixed on it. Some days it seems so far away. But other days it's like holy moly already in two weeks. Lol. I have felt like these past 16 weeks have gone by so fast!
So glad to hear that your apt went so well :)
Sooz, your car accident sounded awful - so glad you're safe and sound :hugs::hugs:

Snuffles, hope things are going ok. Any sign of AF yet?

Kismet, has your OH had his review yet? I'm thinking of you guys :hugs:

Luvbug, your belly pic is gorgeous! Such a cute little bump :thumbup:

Jo4nn4, so many exciting things happening for you :happydance: Less exciting news about the piles though :haha: Don't worry, I'm sure midwives see much worse!

AFM, in answer to everyone's questions...I'm feeling a bit rubbish again unfortunately, had two better days at the beginning of the week, but really sicky and exhausted again now. In a way it's reassuring to have the symptoms though I guess - although I can't wait for 12 weeks and for them hopefully to lessen! We had a lovely fancy meal with my parents for our anniversary (and theirs too, funnily enough!) on Monday, which was great. I felt a bit better then too, so was able to enjoy it! We've had a busy week, a wedding in Dorset at the weekend, then a few days in the Lake District with my parents, and a day trip to York to see a friend too! We've also found a second hand estate car we really like, so hoping to look at that on Friday! Got our 12 week scan on Friday too (although I'll only be 10 weeks and 4 days), so we'll be telling more people then - so far it's only been family and really close friends. I'm starting to get a bit of a belly now though, so it's definitely time to spill the beans! :haha:

Loads of love to everyone :hugs: xxx
Congrats on AF, Snuffles :happydance: So pleased your fresh start can begin :hugs:

Kismet, lots of positive thoughts coming your way for today - and I also hope you've managed to get some sleep! :hugs: I'm not sure about the heating pad question I'm afraid :shrug:
It's so quiet on here at the moment :nope: Hope everyone's ok :hugs:

Had my '12 week' (actually 10 weeks and a bit!) scan yesterday. Everything was fine, but they couldn't do the downs testing stuff as there's more than one baby, so I have to go to fetal medicine to have another scan at 12 weeks. My due date was put back 1 day, but they said I'll realistically deliver before 36 weeks anyway so it makes little difference! Was a relief to know everything is fine, it all feels a little too good to be true at times. I have my first appointment with the twins and multiples team next week, and already have a 16 week growth scan and my 20 week scan booked in - eek! Oh, and they still think they're identical twins - double eek!
Wow this week has gone so quick!

Banana - ahhh does that mean the official announcing can begin?! How exciting to have booked in a lot of the rest of your scans and appointments too. I'm sure now you'll have more appointments to go to as well as delivering early your pregnancy will fly by! I have now booked in all of the rest of my appointments before d-day - eeek! Will you be finding out the sex of your twins do you think?

Snuffles - Hope AF has buggered off again by now :happydance:

Luvbug - another week closer to your appointment now!

Kismet - did you go ahead with using your heating pad in the end? I hope you're getting plenty of sleep either way.

AFM - 33 weeks tomorrow, ahhh! Everyone said pregnancy goes really fast after you hit 20 weeks, well for me that was bull, it's only started to speed up now I have an appointment basically every week for one thing or another. I have my whooping cough/flu jab coffee morning thing AND a breastfeeding class on Monday. We've had a pretty crappy few days tbh, I'm not sure if I've mentioned here before but my OH lost his dad when he was 10. Obviously I suspected becoming a dad himself would bring up some memories/issues but it seemed to really hit him for the first time the other night. Of course he's still excited, in fact more excited than ever about meeting the baby and he talks about it all the time but he's heartbroken that baby will never meet its grandpa. He's also worried as he had no real example that he won't know how to be a good dad. He doesn't talk much so all I can really offer is lots of cuddles! I've suggested putting lots of photos in baby's room of all the family, including his dad, so he's not a stranger and he likes that idea. I also suggested if baby is a boy using his dad's name in there somewhere but he's not so keen on that one. Any bright ideas on how to make this a little less hard for him?
Jo I have replied on your journal :)

Banana how flaming exciting!!! It's all going on for you now :)

AFM- have had a very very difficult week since coming back from work (have wrote about it in my journal so won't repeat) but today is all about thinking about what the plan is for this month and trying to find some excitement back again for ttc.

Hope everyone else is doing okay? Please pop on and let us know xx
Jo4nn4, yep, we've started spreading the word :happydance: Going to try and keep it off Facebook for the next couple of weeks, but we're not too worried if anyone puts anything on there. So exciting! We are planning on finding out the sex, can't wait! Hubby's hoping for boys, and I'm hoping for girls, but we'll obviously be delighted with either! Will be strange though, as we don't plan on having anymore, so whatever we have is all we'll ever know! How exciting that all your appointments are booked in - not long now!! Your poor OH though, that sounds really tough :nope: I think what you've already done sounds perfect, I particularly like the idea of having his picture in the nursery. Lots of :hugs: for you both.

Trying, just had a look at your journal, so sorry about your week :nope: Hope you have a really relaxing day today though, and get your plans straight in your head :hugs: I say stay in your PJs and have a really chilled and indulgent day , and just let your mind rest a little :hugs:
Ugh, really at my wits end :nope: not been able to keep any food down today, proper projectile vomiting :nope: Made the mistake of looking on the internet, and lots of people talk about things getting worse at 10/11 weeks for a while. Don't know what I'll do about work on Monday if this carries on :cry:
Banana.... eeekkk it's just so exciting to think about the fact that you're having twins! It's exciting every time you mention something about it haha. That's so exciting about being able to tell people! I can't wait to see another scan pic of your babies! But that's terrible about you not feeling very good. I hope you feel better soon.

JO- I replied in your journal too, but I also like the idea of pictures. I am sure your hubby will be a wonderful father. His father will be looking down on him and guiding him in the right way.

Trying- so sorry you're having a hard time. I hope things get better.

AFM- DH and I dtd for the first time last night since I've been pregnant. I feel really bad for making him wait for so long. I just really wasn't feeling it before and I was nervous. Even though I know it won't hurt the baby, I was just really nervous. But, I'm glad the first time is done and over with and now I know haha. Other then that, there's not too much to report. just chugging along. I swear I can slightly feel little things in my tummy. I don't think it's gas, it's interesting. It's usually when I'm laying in bed. I guess I'll know in a couple of weeks if its baby that I'm feeling. I know it's super early... but who knows. One week from Monday is my 16 week apt. Super exciting. I don't think I get to see baby though. But hearing it's heartbeat will be just fine :)

I hope all you ladies are doing wonderful. It's been pretty quite in here!
Oh Banana, I hope you feel much better soon. Hopefully it won't be much longer; you'll be in 2nd tri before you know it.

Luvbug - I'm sure you are feeling baby. How exciting :happydance:

Kismet - that's a really good idea, thank you. Incidentally he was really into fishing! The middle name thing is a bit more complicated - he did have one but used a different one that he made up just to wind up his own father - he was a very difficult man :haha: so the one he actually used is like a 'joke' middle name :dohh: I have my FX for you about all your issues at the moment. You're coping so well :hugs:

I hope all of our absentee/lurking ladies are doing really well, check in if you get chance, it's been a while :hugs:

AFM - 33 weeks today! It's so exciting to know that within 9 weeks at the absolute maximum my baby will be here! I'm spending the day sorting Christmas cards and presents so we're all ready to go come the time. It's just hard as the baby may not be here before Christmas Day so I don't even know whether to leave a gap for baby's name too :dohh: Either way it will be here not long after at least so I'm looking forward to a mug of mulled wine (or 3) over the festive period. I promise I won't rub it in too much though when I'm tipsy and gorging myself on pate and brie :haha:

EDIT: Ah just noticed my sig after posting - I'm a different fruit again! Wow these last three weeks as a squash have sped by. Now I'm a honeydew. Crikey!
Luvbug,glad you managed to DTD! We haven't yet (I was nervous earlier on, and now I just feel too dreadful!), but I'm really keen to once the sickness goes! So exciting that you're feeling movement too, eeek! :happydance:

Kismet, I've tried antacids but they're not working really :nope: I won't be going into work tomorrow as I feel really awful, so will go to the docs and see if they can suggest anything. Only actually been sick once so far today, so better than yesterday - although I almost spewed all over our stairs which would have been...messy! Really sorry you still haven't heard about DH, it must be so frustrating :hugs: I still have everything crossed for you :hugs: And as for the FS appointment, I'm sure only good things will come from it - hopefully it'll be good news, but if there is a problem they can start helping you with it. Again, everything is crossed :hugs:

Jo4nn4,yay for honeydew :happydance: I'm so jealous you'll be drinking mulled wine at Christmas, you'll have to have a glass for me! I found a recipe for non-alcoholic mulled wine which I will have to try this year! And don't even get me thinking about pate/goats cheese/brie etc :haha:
Hi Ladies!
Sorry for my absence, since about 7 weeks I've just been really ill. Got signed off work for a week at 9 weeks as I was getting horrible headaches, sickness and slightly hivh blood pressure. Its only really been this week I've started to feel better, still not 100% but I'm at least enjoying sime food! Had our 12 week scan last week and everything is fine and baby is due on 11th May 2013 :)

Banana - congratulations on twins how adorable!! Sorry you're feeling so rough, I wish I could give you some advice about what to eat but I know that you probably feel so sick you don't wanna think about food! All I can say helped me was eating a biscuit before I got up but even then I had days where I couldn't keep anything down regardless of what it was! Have you gone off food?

Trying - sorry you're having such a tough time. Fingers tightly crossed for you for this cycle!

Kismet - I really hope you get good news soon hun and hope your fs appt goes well

Sooz - hows it all going? Anymore thoughts on the move? I know it must be stressful but don't worry alone, one thing I've found sibce being pregnant is people are so understanding, its lovely. Or come on here and vent but don't bottle it up, its not good for you or baby :)

Luvbug - can't believe how far gone you are already! Does it feel like its gone quick? How exciting if you are feeling baby! I'm sure you are - mothers intuition :)

Snuffles - I'm so sorry you've had such a hard time, you're attitude is inspiring though, you're a very strong lady! Hope your move goes well (think I saw you were moving?)

Jo - oh my in 9 weeks you'll have a baby!! A beautiful Christmas baby!! Are you having any braxton hicks? I haven't properly caught up but I hope the other ladies have helped re your OH, such a sensitive and meaningful subject. I'm sure he must be nervous about the baby coming and its suddenly seeming real now so bringing all these emotions up, if that makes sense!

Sorry if I've missed anyone out and I'm on my phone so sorry for any spelling mistakes etc!
Honey- wow you did quite a long post from your phone haha. You have way more patience than I do on my phone! I'm glad you're starting to feel better! Hopefully it won't carry on with you throughout the whole pregnancy. Yes! I can't believe I'm already 15 weeks! It has gone soooooo fast. I guess that's good because most people say that the first tri goes so slow. But not mine... I feel like it just flew by!

Snuffles.... honey said it right... you have such a good attitude about this whole thing.

Banana- Yes.... I was way too nervous too... and I'm not sure why. I know it won't hurt the baby but I just couldn't get myself to do it. Finally... I was feeling really bad keeping DH waiting for so long. And bless him he's been so patient and understanding. And I wanted to of course. DH said I tricked him because I got him to go to bed early then pounced him haha.

Jo- yay for a Christmas baby! I can't wait for it to come!

Hope all you other ladies are doing well. DH just left for work a little bit ago. So it's bed time for me! I'm really glad he got this full time job, I just miss sleeping with him - it's only 3 days a week, but still lol. I love my cuddle time. Have a wonderful day/night ladies.

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