The First Timer Scardicats!!!!!

Banana - how are you doing lovely? Got your head round it any more yet :haha:

Annaki - ooh that looks lovely. We're not getting a pushchair, at least to begin with, I really don't think we'll need one with our lifestyle/location but we'll see how it goes. It doesn't stop me eyeing up/stroking prams and pushchairs in Mothercare like a weirdo though :dohh:

Kismet - I agree there is too much pressure on mums to breastfeed and it sort of targets the wrong people. Most mums know breast is best and if they don't/can't feed it's for a good reason and all the propaganda is doing is making them feel guilty. It's also not publicised how damn hard it is. I thought it might be slightly painful and maybe a bit of a pain as you're tied to baby but until I started reading here/knew more people in real life with babies I had no idea just how hard it is to do it at all! I think women feel like failures when they struggle and perhaps given more support/warning that that might happen would persevere. As it is they're vulnerable, exhausted and feeling like crap so is it any wonder they don't have the strength or the energy to keep trying? Sorry went on for ages there!!

Sooz - I hope you're feeling a bit better. We've been freaking out about money lately too but in different ways. My parents were poor but happy together and I had a great childhood, whereas my OH's parents were poor and unhappy, weren't good together, dad was an alcoholic etc, so we see it totally differently and it can cause some friction between us. I say we'll manage whatever happens, he says he worries that money concerns can cause wider problems etc etc. It's such a scary time for so many reasons so give yourself a break. You'll make it work. I'll be thinking of you today, I hope it goes fantastically. Keep us updated!

AFM - we're home alone again after a week of my friend staying here, hence my absence for a bit. It was lovely to see her but exhausting! She's not exactly the shy and retiring type, shall we say :haha: I had no idea how much it would take out of me to just sit and talk all day every day for a week! I mostly just sit here doing my work, or sit here watching the telly, and occasionally talk to OH. But it's mucked up my sleeping patterns no end so am knackered and also have a cold AND thrush :cry: feeling rather sorry for myself today!
HI ladies! How you all doing today? Im sitting typing this at home with the heating on and a cup of tea it’s absolutely freezing outside and heavy rain! So depressing!!

Banana - CONGRATULATIONS honey!! Amazing news :happydance: im so happy for you!! Your scan photo is lovely you must be on cloud 9. Has the news sunk in yet or are you still in disbelief??

Annaki – how exciting buying the pram!! I have been having a wee look around the prams in mothercare but felt really overwhelmed so walked away lol!!

Sooz – good luck at your scan today I hope all goes well for you :winkwink:

Kismet –I agree that breastfeeding is being “pushed” on people. When I was a student nurse out with the midwife she used to bitch about some of the mums who hadn’t tried or had given up. Ironically, that’s now the practice im at so im hoping she wont be my midwife as I will not stand for her crap!! A couple of my friends who became mummies this year have been made to feel terrible for not continuing with breastfeeding. Its just not right!! :nope:

JO4NN4 – Hope you feel better soon! Sounds like your friend has exhausted you :hugs:

Hope everyone else doing well and you ladies who are in tww or ovulating huge amounts of :dust::dust: coming your way!!

AFM: I still feel like im dreaming tbh it doesnt seem real. Im really tired and experiencing terrible indigestion/heartburn/nausea no matter what I eat but apart from that - I feel normal! Have done many tests just to make sure lol xx
Mojo - you're story is so lovely. I took a pic of my positive tests on my phone so I could look at them at work sad! Lol. I'm so pleased for you. Have you booked your first m/w and scan appt?

Jo - so glad I'm not alone. The worries came on so suddenly as I've been so chilled about everything. We'll have to sell our flat sometime soon so we can get a bigger place and cheaper place on the outskirts of town. The whole process is terrifying as we've never sold a property before! You sound so level headed that I think you'd work it out no matter what.

Annaki - so jealous of your house! Thanks for the reassurance. I'm a natural worrier and always think of the worst case scenario.

AFM - I have a very active little baby who was leaping about and waving its arms! I'm measuring 13 weeks today which brings me due 24/4/12! I'm so relieved as I was so scared and had horrible dreams last night. All looks well with baby so I just need to keep him/her cooking for another 6 months! "Bob the blob" is no longer blob shaped but baby I guess it's bob the
Just to let you know I'm hoovering and rooting for all you guys but will be lurking for a while, trying to keep head above water but struggling slightly. Xx
Banana- hope you're doing well lovely! I still can't believe you're having twins! That's so exciting haha. I'm sure you're still in shock too. But I'm sure you guys will do wonderfully. Do you have family close?

Sooz- I can't wait to hear about how your scan went today!!!!

Mojo- I still have times where I'm like holy crap I"m pregnant! haha

Jo- get some rest darling!

Kismet- I hope you're feeling better soon!

AFM- I'm pretty sure I popped out over the weekend. Holy moly haha. I'll take a bump pic on Friday ( I'm trying to keep it on Fridays so I don't forget haha ). I'm down to two pairs of jeans and one pair of work pants I can't button. Gotta figure something out haha. I'm gonna have to get then belly band thing soon.
I forgot to update in here. Well my levels are now at zero yay, so now we're just waiting for two AFs and then it's back to baby making:happydance:
Sooz – so glad all went well at your scan!! How exciting! :happydance: You’re not sad at all – I have done the same! Got a pic of my digi and my FRERS on my phone lol. AND.... when at work at the weekend I did about 4 pregnancy tests that we had on the ward lol!! My first scan is at 7w5d then I will be d/c from the fertility clinic. Got first midwife app beg of Nov and 12 scan end of Nov. By the time I have my 12 week scan you will be nearing your 20 week scan!!

Kismet – hope your feeling better soon hun!! Big :hugs:

Trying – Big :hugs:!! I hope your ok hun. Stay strong xxx

Luvbug – Cant wait til im nearer your stage and my belly starts showing! Cannot wait to buy maternity clothes!! :happydance:

Snuffles – sooo glad your levels came back down. 2 cycles will be over before you know it and I wish you all the luck in the world for the next time!!

AFM - I feel completely normal today, just getting on with some housework. Hope your all having a fab day xx
Mojo - you need to get a ticker! It's good that you've not had horrific MS so far. Fingers crossed you feel well with this pregnancy!:thumbup:

Snuffles - excellent news about your levels. You've got an awesome attitude and we'll all be rooting for you come TTC time! I'm so glad you never needed any nasty invasive treatment. Stay positive and focused :hugs:

Kismet - how you feeling? Poor you - winter sucks for bugs. Any sign of AF? Lack of spotting sounded like a good thing!

Trying - hope you're OK. Keep us posted with things. I know you'll be near testing time so best of luck and got everything crossed for you.

Jo - Thrush SUCKS. I hope you've got it sorted. When I had oral thrush it made feeling pukey SO much worse. Just saw that you'll be 32 weeks soon. I used to work in SCBU and the 32week babies were SOOOO cute. Perfectly formed and sturdy - just wee! You're so nearly there! Eep! The money thing is so lame, one minute I'm fine and the next I panic. I want to be able to chill on maternity leave but I also want us to move and get a house rather and squish into our flat which we are paying a big mortgage on. I've managed to save some money over the past months but I feel no matter how much I save it won't be enough. I'm also crapping it about selling the flat and moving while pregnant or with a newborn! Argh!:nope: To be honest I just want to sit and blub my heart out about it all :cry:

As you can see by my ticker things have been brought forward. I'm now 13.5 weeks as my scan showed! I have quite a sturdy bump now and my tights are cutting me in two! I'm going to Inverness next week to see my gran so I think I'll pop into mamas and papas for some maternity tights!

Have a lovely weekend everyone. :hugs::kiss:
Mojo - Ahhh nice ticker! You're a sweetpea :cloud9:

Snuffles - such great news about your tests.

Luvbug - can't wait to see the little bump!

Sooz - We're having a pretty tough time money wise at the moment too, it's a really long and boring story but it's pretty shite. Luckily we've bought everything we need for baby so we should struggle on until things are sorted. As for moving, you'll manage. When I got my bfp I was terrified that it meant I'd have to move 600 miles at 10 weeks pregnant - as you know, this was basically our only reason for delaying TTC - and I won't lie, it was pretty awful but we managed and you just get on with it. It makes time go by faster too! Please don't worry :hugs: that's the thing with this whole pregnancy/motherhood malarkey, you'll find strength and energy where you were convinced you had none as it's about someone else now.

AFM - I'm feeling much better thanks, thrush has gone and a bit of hanky panky is back on the menu before I get too big for all that which I'm very glad about :haha: I'll be 32 weeks on Sunday, it's really good to hear your comments about 32 week babies Sooz so thanks for that! I had twin cousins who were born prematurely who were around 3.5lb and according to my pregnancy book that's what baby is now. My cousins were tiny and it was a bit scary to see them but they were fine and never considered to be in any danger so it's been like a goal in my head IYKWIM? We're finally getting things ready in the nursery as it's not a guest room any more so I'll be sure to post photos when we've finished. It's slow going though as I'm still working and exhausted by the time I get any free time :(
Sorry for being MIA for a few days, been so tired that I've just got home and slept - but it's half term now, woo hoo! Jo and Mojo, I wouldn't say I've quite got my head round it but it's slowly sinking in! Still having the odd moment of panic but mostly excited! Luvbug, my parents live a couple of hours away and DH's are slightly further, so not that close but they plan on being around as much as possible (particularly to begin with!).

Mojo, congrats on being a sweetpea :happydance: I remember 6 weeks feeling like a real milestone. Glad you're feeling a bit better too, the nausea and heartburn suck!

Kismet, so pleased your next cycle has begun :hugs: Sorry about the cramps and feeling rubbish,sending lots of get well hugs your way :hugs:

Trying, we're rooting for you too :hugs: Hope you're having a lovely holiday and relaxing as much as possible :hugs:

Luvbug, can we see a bump pic?! So exciting!

Snuffles, so pleased to hear such positive news :thumbup: It won't be long now 'til you can get things going again :hugs:

Sooz, yay for having your dates brought forward :happydance: Sorry to hear about the money worries. We're going to be very tight for money too, we could have just about managed with 1 but now with twins it's going to be very tight indeed! But we're just trying to stay positive, as things always work out in the end one way or another! As for moving during pregnancy or with a new baby, I have a friend who left one house when 8 and a half months pregnant and moved into her new one when her little boy was 1 month old. Although she said it wasn't ideal, everyone helped them so much because of the situation and it wasn't anywhere near as bad as expected. You'll get there one way or another :hugs:

Jo4nn4, sorry to hear about the thrush, but glad you're a bit better - enjoy the :sex: ! So exciting that you're getting to sort out the nursery - eek! :happydance:
Hope you're all doing well ladies??

AFM I've had a lovely week in Spain celebrating our first anniversary. Didn't get our longed for anniversary bfp though :cry: so quite gutted about that. Onto cycle 5 :(
Glad to hear you had a lovely time, Trying - and happy anniversary! :thumbup: It's ours tomorrow! So sorry you didn't get your BFP though hun :hugs::hugs: How are you feeling? You will get there, but I know how disappointing each BFN is :nope: LOADS of dust coming your way for next cycle xxx
Hello ladies!! How you all doing? Hope you had a lovely weekend!!

Trying - Happy Anniversary! Glad you had a nice week you must be depressed being back in this rubbish weather! It feels like winter out there. Could you not have brought the weather back with you? lol! Im sorry this wasnt your cycle hun! Big :hugs:. Sending you loads of :dust::dust::dust: for this cycle!!

Banana - Happy Anniversary for tomorrow hope you have a lovely day xx

AFM I have just finished a set of night shifts this morning so im having a lazy day xx
Kismet and Trying - so sorry these cycles haven't brought those precious BFPs. Your attitudes are great - I know it must be dissapointing :hugs: I wish I could give you your BFPs (in a non-creepy way...). Do you have any plans to do anything different these next cycles? Periods are such a stupid invention huh. In fact being a girl is over-all frustrating and gross at times!

Banana - Happy anniversary for tomorrow. We all must be Autumn weddings as it's ours next week! How weird! Hope you've got something lovely planned (and feel up to it x).

Jo - how's the nursery going? Hows your thoughts about birth also going? I know the midwives will be all about reflecting on birth. Are you going to classes?

Mojo - hope it was a duvet day for you today xx

AFM - we were involved in a car accident last night with a drunk driver. He drove straight towards us, swerved at the last minute, clipped the car and ploughed into a bunch of parked cars. He then drove off. I got so upset and my OH was so angry. Feeling really shaken and teary today. Still stressing to the max about the money stuff and moving house with a newborn. I just wish my brain would give me some peace :nope: It didn't help when my dad said "you should've moved house before you got pregnant". That just got me more upset as I'm angry enough at myself as it is. When your ttc you don't know whether it will happen or not and when so moving wasn't really on our thought list. I don't know how I'll cope and feeling very sorry for myself at the mo'. My OH is SO laid back and he's just like "it'll all be fine", "we'll work it out", "you won't have to lift a finger if we move" etc etc. Doesn't help really. Hugs ladies and thanks for letting me vent....sorry to be tedious.:hugs:
I'm sorry you were in a car accident Sooz, but I'm glad you're okay:hugs:

AFM- Just waiting on AF:roll:
Not long 'til it's baby time again snuffles - you'll make your angel proud :hugs: hope you're doing ok missy xx
I'm good, except I had a cry fit last night because I asked OH why he thinks the baby didn't work out and he said because we live with psychos. Great so my child ended up being ectopic because we live with psychos yeah that didn't go over well.

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