Hi Ladies,
Just wanted to let you all know i'm not been accepted onto the trial

I'm absolutely devestated and just want to give up on everything now. Ali said last night
"Your AMH was 27 pmol/l which is fine for the study, however your ultrasound scan had evidence of endometriosis in both ovaries and difficult access. I understand the IVF doctors would usually recommend a long protocol to more fully suppress your endometriosis rather than the short protocol used in the current study.
Therefore unfortunately you are not eligible for the current study,
however wish you the very best of luck with this in future,
Can't believe it's all over - Dr Carby seemed so positive at the meeting, she knew about my endo too so would have expected a few end cysts and there were only two! I haven't even been advised about the next trial

It's ran true to course though - bad news all the way, always has been and always will be

Hope all you ladies do really well and get your BFP's soon. Thanks for your support xx