I'm On a down tonight girlseverything just seems to be going wrong for me
just feel like rubbish, lying in bed crying my eyes out for no reason!
someone give me some strength pleeeeease x
Very very quiet on here ladies?! How's every one doing?! Af due on boxing day! Pretty much everyone around me has told me they r pregnant this month! Oh good!had the flu this week so this month is more than likely a total write off! Xx
Merry Christmas girls! I got my equivalent of coal for my pressie! Af came 1st thing Christmas morning! Ooo packg! Keep us posted Hun! Xxxxxx
Hi ladies!!!! Its been sooo long but been really busy-
I got smiley on day 15 and am now on 6DPO but I feel NADA, SQUAT.ZIP.
Im expecting AF on Jan 5th, I really hope not.
This is now my 14th month trying for #2 and its mentally draining.
Hubby went for a sperm test last week so waiting on results, hubby did not want to do it but I forced him (that was like pulling teeth)