The Inbetweeners! due date after Christmas but before New Years

Want2bemommy...I hear ya there! Sounds like things are going smoothly :) When I sleep at night, I sleep on my stomach and then it feels like I am laying on something hard, but otherwise just bloated and fat feeling ;)

Things are getting stressful today :( I have been waiting for OB to call regarding my second progesterone level that I had drawn on Thursday. Hadn't heard from them, even after leaving 2 msgs. So, I drove over to the lab, picked up my results, and whatta ya progesterone level is DROPPING :(
It was 15.92 (ten days before that it was 18.19). I have only been using a natural progesterone cream since doctor wasn't going to supplement me last time unless it was under 14. So I freaked out, went over to my OB office and told them I had the results and why didn't anyone get back to me sooner. The lab said they faxed the results to them Friday morning. OB office denied ever receiving them (even though the lab told me they have an account with them and the office can log in anytime and check results).
My doctor was not in today so the nurse called him. He said he wants me to start taking progesterone supplements now. Ok, so now I can only hope it isn't too late! They were ready to send me out the door and I suggested they do another lab draw soon so we can see where this is headed. It feels like I am pulling teeth to get them to do anything :wacko: I also had to ask to come for another scan, since I am not due back until June 13th, and I will be a wreck by then if I don't know how things are going. so, They are having me come in on Friday for a "quick scan", and I have to get a recheck, on Thursday, for progesterone level. In the meantime, I will start vaginal progesterone gel tonight and take it once per night every night.
This is all very stressful and now every day I am going to wonder if baby's heart is still beating :( Last MC baby stopped thrived just over 8 weeks, but I didn't know anything was wrong until 10weeks. :cry:
Please pray things are going to be ok this time around. Thanks ladies :hugs:
O huni, wat a roller coaster! Stupid docs I agree like u sed it's like pulling teeth!
I'm glad u kept on to them, and have ur gel now
I'm sure it's not to late and ill keep u in my thoughts, hurry up scan! X
Iwill pray for you and bean, I hope everything goes ok for you!! :hugs: I can see how you would be super frustrated, they are the doctors they should know whats best for preventing whats happening and it seems like you have to tell them whats best for them to do anything. Good luck hun :hug:
4boys1girl- will be prayin for you and just keep nagging your doctors and demand it!!! Or find a new doctor... I would be sooooo frustrated!!!
4boys1girl - that is so frustrating! I hope the medicine starts working very quickly! Come on Friday! I will be praying or you and baby!
getting a new level dawn today. from what I have read though, the vaginal progesterone isn't "systemic" it stays local to the uterine area. So, I am not sure if the lab result will reflect if it is working or not :/ I just think I will focus on making sure my scan is good on Friday. As long as baby is still "beating", I will feel relieved. COME ON FRIDAY!
By the way, has anyone heard that too many scans early pregnancy is bad for baby?
I dont think there is evidence that scans hurt the baby... When my frind was pregnant with twins she had an ultrasound almost every week for 2 months since one was smaller and she has two healthy boys now.
WANT2BEMOMMY...just out of curiosity...did you have an hcg level drawn at any point before you knew you were having twins? I am only asking because my doctor never mentioned anything to me about my level, but I picked up a copy of my labs the other day, and I am just noticing that at 5wks 6days, my hcg level was 65,515! This seems high to me. We only saw one in my scans so far, but was just curious to compare to yors, or anyone elses levels, if they ha them checked. Let me know :)
Had bloodwork today going for another scan tomorrow. hoping for a healthy heartbeat :)
My dr doesn't run hcg on healthy pregnancies so I don't know but I just looked at a chart and from 5 weeks its something like up to 10000 is normal, but at 6-61/2 weeks anything up to 60000 is normal- so maybe it just made that huge leap? But I know some twins you can't detect so early. I'm intrigued- keep us posted!
4boys1girl- thinking of u and ur scan today :)
4boys1girl -- thinking about you and your scan today! Hope everything goes/went alright!

I am relieved to report that things are ok :) Baby is still a week behind, but growing steadily. Progesterone levels dropped again, but not drastically. And I had only been on the supplement for 2 doses when labs were drawn. Baby's heartrate was 181, they are saying i may be due January 5th (my birthday), since baby measures smaller. I didn't question the hcg level because we had another drawn and that one is within range for gestation. I did read that high hcg levels can indicate a girl, so I will add that to my guessing game...along with all heartrates and chinese gender chart, all point to girl :) Either way, I am just glad things are progressing! I was scared sitting there waiting for scan to get started. i kept havin visions of them telling me there was no heartbeat. I have to stop torturing myself. From this point forward I will try to stress LESS. I will stay on progesterone for a few more weeks and try and relax. I go back in 2 weeks. They also have me scheduled for 12 week NT test on June 28th. So at least I have some dates to look forward to and get to see the little one again.

I have been feeling quite ill lalety. Hoping the next 3 weeks go pretty quickl and smoothly and looking forward to moving on to 2nd tri...and feeling better again. How are you ladies all feeling?

Thanks so much for thinking/praying for us ;) We needed it, and it seems to be working.
Awe yay i am soooo glad that lil bean is doing ok :)

Been feeling extremely exhausted and nausous all the time :/ but i keep reminding myself its for a good reason ;)

I have another scan this next thursday- its just a usual check up for bloodwork and the whole process of them asking about my family and my DH's family history, but since they have an ultrasound in the office they said they will do a quick reassurance one :).

I too cant wait till the second trimester to escape he nausea but also to get to the "safer zone" hope all is well :)
:happydance: great news 4 boys1 girl! I am so happy to hear baby is doing well!! :hugs:

How is everyone's morning sickness? I need mine to let up....throwing up everyday-extreme nausea. I really hope it ends soon! I am looking forward to the second trimester for so many reasons and its not too far off now :happydance:

Being in China my best friend calculated all my lunar dates for the baby and baby is predicted a boy. I am so happy to have a baby I don't mind at all what baby is! My husband doesn't have a preference one way or another!

We are all so close to second's starting to go by quickly!
I'm late to the party but hello, ladies! :wave: I was trying to figure out where I fit b/c my due date based on lmp was Jan 4 but my ovulation chart indicated Jan 2 and my first scan at 8 weeks put me at Dec 30! Who knows what they'll put me at next time I go in, lol.

This is my first pregnancy, and so far, it's been fairly uneventful (uneventful is probably good though, right?) I often forget I'm pregnant except my bloat bump is getting really uncomfortable within my normal clothes and my boobs have definitely gotten bigger with a little soreness along the way. However, I seem to have escaped most other symptoms, which I know I should be very happy about but generally just makes me nervous that things aren't progressing. So I was really relieved to see the little bean and hear the heartbeat during my appointment last week!!!

I admit I tend to be a bit of a lurker because things have been so crazy (we're in the midst of buying a house and I just switched jobs) recently that I don't always have time to catch up on the conversations :blush: but I'm very happy to find you all and hope I can check in as we go!
Gacelita: don't worry, I don't really fit here either lol. My due date with twins is jan 6, but I know I won't make it that long, so I'm hoping I at least make it to December! The lovely ladies here don't care if you are an inbetweener or not :)
Yay welcome gacelita !!! Due dates are just estimates anyway :) who know when our lil beans will actually come hehe! Glad to have you :)

Kalabear- sounds like u n me are in the same boat with the vomiting!!! It definitely is the sucky part of first tri...i want to be excited to finally be prego but feel so sick all the time. I was thinking i just have to mke it to the 2nd tri- and then my mom tells me she was sick and vomiting her ENTIRE pregnancy with me...EEK!!! -im lraying thats not the case for me... She only gained 15 pounds with me and icame out a premie and small for gestation. :/

Want2bemommy- hows ur two lil ones doing? Can u feel yoursef growing already?
I feel funny when I bend over- so I think it's my uterus lol. Other than bloat I don't think I e got a bump yet- I'm sure it'll be here before you know it! I went out looking for maternity shorts today, my regular shorts are getting snug. From what I hear, I won't get much of a break between the bloat and bump so might as well start getting comfy :)
I feel funny when I bend over- so I think it's my uterus lol. Other than bloat I don't think I e got a bump yet- I'm sure it'll be here before you know it! I went out looking for maternity shorts today, my regular shorts are getting snug. From what I hear, I won't get much of a break between the bloat and bump so might as well start getting comfy :)

"COmfy" is my middle name, lol. I know what you mean though. I have already started wearing maternity things (but only because I have them- I didn't shop for them). Don't really have a "bump" yet, but my regular clothes are too tight and with my stomach probs lately, I have to be comfortable. The maternity shorts are nice with a soft cotton stretch waistband, so I feel like I am in yoga pants, or sweats, but I am not :) Have NOT moved into maternity tops though, they are just way too "maternity" looking.

My face is breaking out like a teenage girl!! Does anyone else have this? It hasn't happened with my others, so I am wondering if it's the extra progesterone that I am taking.

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