Hi all! Had my level 2 scan today
Anatomically, baby looks great and she has the cutest little face.
She was moving around and I was telling the doc about how I don't always feel her so much, of course they were like "it's still early". Then, since I left the office, she hasn't stopped moving, lol. Feeling her quite a bit stronger today and that is reassuring!
Doctor mentioned that the only thing that "stands out" to him, in the ultrasound, is the placenta. He said it is abnormally large (and it looks like a mountain not a pancake). This can sometimes have an effect on the growth of the baby (size, not anatomical). Of course I am now worried, They want me back in 6 weeks for another growth check and we'll go from there.
Even though "Dr GOOGLE" is NOT my friend, I can't stay away from it!! So now I have read up on enlarged placentas and have myself worried sick! I go back to my regular dr in a week and a half and so I will discuss it further with him, but I feel like 6 weeks is a long way away for a recheck
If baby isn't growing properly I want to know sooner.
Complications of enlarged placenta can be placenta previa, low birth weight, intra-uterine growth ******ation, can indicate maternal diabetes or anemia, can be cause for early induction if baby isn't thriving. Apparently the enlargement can mean less nutrients and oxygen to baby.
OR, it can mean NOTHING AT ALL.
But me ... being the "fear the worst" person that I am ... i am worried. I was hoping that hitting the "halfway mark" in pregnancy and having level 2 would ease my worries altogether, but now I have more to think about. UGH.