The inbetweenies!!

I manage to do it when G is awake but she pulled her thumb away one time and I cut the skin and my god she screamed (understandably), I try talking her through it now as I do it and she watches kind of fascinated but as soon as she gets too wiggly I just stop so sometimes I only get 6 or so done at a time and have to go back for the others!!
James always objects to his nails being cut. When he was smaller I used to do it when he was asleep, but now I try to do it when Tom's home to hold him and I can just concentrate on clipping. I always talk to him as I do it and keep hoping one day he'll get used to it - but that hasn't happened yet.

Has anyone else got a fussy eater? James is fussy usually - he likes toast, baked beans, sausage, cheese, fruit, yoghurts & biscuits but not much else, but he's just had a really nasty cold and is barely eating anything. Any suggestions?
I've done it from the beginning consistantly so Alex doesn't bother anymore. Sorry, I have no advice :(
Georgie isn't too fussy with foods but on the days when she has been (teething, over tired, poorly etc) I've just given her the stuff I know she will eat (weetabix, yogurts etc) because it doesn't tend to last long, how long has he not been eating much? Is he still drinking?

Re nappies, G is moving about loads more now, crawling, climbing etc and usually wears huggies superdry, I think she needs some "active" ones, any recommendations? X
He hasn't eaten much since Thursday last week, and has been refusing his usual favourites. Today he's done a bit better though so hopefully he's on the mend.

As for nappies I think it depends on your little one's shape. Sainsburys Explore nappies fit James well (he's long and skinny), & we also use Pampers ActiveFit when they're on offer.
God, yeah cutting James nails (another James :) ) is a nightmare and the bane of my week usually. He cuts himself all the time so I really need to keep on top of it more but it's no good when he's wriggling and crying. Dh seems to have more success - but then he seems to have more success with most things at the moment!

As for fussy eating, James can have days where he eats very little and weaning in general (BLW) has been a bit stressful so no advice here I'm afraid.

We cloth nappy so no advice there either :)

Everyone enjoying the sun? We had a playdate in the park this afternoon and James loved being on his trike :)
My obsessive planning for his first birthday party continues this evening... :D
oh my I have a toddler now.

T is pretty good with nail cutting I just have to do it fast haha
Ladies, sorry I have another question... My DD gets very frustrated when she can't have something (wires, our phones in her mouth etc) or uf she can't get where she wants to be and let's out an almighty scream accompanied by clench fists and stiff body etc, is this normal? And will it pass? (please say yes!) at the moment I deal with it by sternly telling her "no" or completely ignoring it as it seems if you make a fuss she does it again but we dont know if it's something all babies do and just a phase or if we have an early tantrummer on our hands!!

Thank you! X
James will have full mini tantrums sometimes when he doesn't get his way. Think it's normal. I say a firm no and ignore as much of the tantrum as possible, but also try and distract him so that his toys seem more appealing than my phone/wires/plug sockets etc.
Thanks kath, all sounds normal then, she does it when I change her bum too it's like she's got better things to be doing and I'm wasting her time! X
Jacob is exactly the same!! I say a firm "NO" either ignore him or move him away depending on what mischief he is getting up to!

No advice on eating kath! Jacob's pretty good but has off days when he's cutting more teeth.

I can't remember if I've all ready mentioned this as I have the memory of a sieve lately!! How many of us have braved putting lo in their own room? I still haven't done it and still feel nowhere near ready!!
I did months ago Sian -decided I needed him out of my room before I went back to work and he sleeps much better in his own room. Did really miss him to start with though...
Georgie went in her own room at 8 weeks, cot at 10. None of us were sleeping with her in our room so we tried that and we had a sensor monitor which would go off if it detected her not moving/breathing. To be honest she was such a terrible sleeper those early months I spent most of my time in her room either feeding or trying to get her to sleep. Now, even if we wanted her to she wouldn't sleep in our bed or anything, she likes her own space and freedom and to sleep on her front with her bum in the air! Haha
I just can't bring myself to do it girls!! :wacko:
I know I have to at some point and hubby keeps on at me about it but I just can't! I get really anxious about it!x
Not me. I still co-sleep with T for half the night. Contemplating CC though as he's still like a newborn sleeping wise and it's really draining me now.
Not me. I still co-sleep with T for half the night. Contemplating CC though as he's still like a newborn sleeping wise and it's really draining me now.

Jacob likes to co sleep if he wakes up around 5-6am so only for an hr or so and to be honest I love the cuddles :) prob more than him :haha:

Does Thomas still have milk in the nites when he wakes or does he just wake up?x
Not me. I still co-sleep with T for half the night. Contemplating CC though as he's still like a newborn sleeping wise and it's really draining me now.

Jacob likes to co sleep if he wakes up around 5-6am so only for an hr or so and to be honest I love the cuddles :) prob more than him :haha:

Does Thomas still have milk in the nites when he wakes or does he just wake up?x

He'll usually want milk around 1am but he's awake loooong before that.
Not me. I still co-sleep with T for half the night. Contemplating CC though as he's still like a newborn sleeping wise and it's really draining me now.

Jacob likes to co sleep if he wakes up around 5-6am so only for an hr or so and to be honest I love the cuddles :) prob more than him :haha:

Does Thomas still have milk in the nites when he wakes or does he just wake up?x

He'll usually want milk around 1am but he's awake loooong before that.

What time does he go to bed? Jacob will not go to sleep any earlier than 9-30/ 10ish!
Isabella will go to sleep in her own room but with the ear infection she had, and now teething, I've had to bring her in with me for an hour or so. Most of that time she is sitting up in the bed talking. It's actually a nightmare the now!!
But to answer your question, she has been in her own room from about 3 weeks old.

T goes to bed around 8. Sleeps until about 9 then is up until 2am!!!

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