The ins and outs of exclusively expressing

Thanks, ladies! I did try massage and compression while pumping - and the shield kept popping off. So I stopped after 15 minutes, massaged really well, and then pumped for another 10. It got another 1/2 oz, which I wasn't thrilled with but is a good start! Hopefully this will increase over the next few days...

On a positive note, my daughter gained 1 lb 1 oz in 3 weeks! Still in the 5th percentile, but that's okay. So thrilled with her progress - and glad we didn't give in to the family/peer pressure and stop pumping.

It's a hard slog, but totally worth it.

Have you considered different size breast shields? Yours may be too small.

Also, line the breast shields with a light layer of olive oil where your nipples rub. This tip saved me!

Once bubs is a bit bigger and healthier, you don't need to wash your pumping equipment every pump. Store in a plastic zip-lock bag between pumps. I then run my equipment through the dishwasher at the end of the day, rinse in hot water, dry and use the next day. I've also got 2 sets I cycle through. Lots of ladies here have up to 5!

Drink lots of fluids and get as much rest as you can.

Once your supply establishes it becomes a billion times easier. I can't count the number of times I threatened to throw my pump off the balcony. These days, I have far less resentment.

I can't wait until LO is out of the NICU and I don't have to be so picky about my pumping equipment and bottles being PERFECTLY sterile. I just worry about him so much now but washing the pump pieces every 2.5 hours or less is really stressfully hard, and then sterilzing them at least once per day? And I have to use the hospital issued sterile bottles to pump into, and I go through those a lot! I want to be using glass because I don't like using plastic, but the snappis are plastic....

I'm not really exclusively expressing anymore, LO has been learning to breastfeed for the past two (or three?) days. He is not doing amazingly, but he does manage to latch and get a few good sucks...

I'm also not an EP'er but I do still pump 4-5 times a day so I consider myself an avid pumper. I was an EP'er in the early days. I'm pretty sure we're still welcome here :kiss:
Hey ladies! I'm back to exclusively pumping with the occasional comfort breast feed or snack. Just in the last two days pumping has gotten pretty painful. It's hard to describe but its never hurt this much. Nothing has changed as I have always pumped 6 times a day and have not changed pumps, parts, or size of shields.

Oh man. I just looked down while pumping right now and there's blood. What the heck?!!?!
Hey ladies! I'm back to exclusively pumping with the occasional comfort breast feed or snack. Just in the last two days pumping has gotten pretty painful. It's hard to describe but its never hurt this much. Nothing has changed as I have always pumped 6 times a day and have not changed pumps, parts, or size of shields.

Oh man. I just looked down while pumping right now and there's blood. What the heck?!!?!

Damn! Where's the pain? Nipples? Inside the breast?
Ok so the blood was from my areola (sp?). I just realized one thing that did change was I have two hands free pump bras. One is medium and one is large. I switched to the medium a week ago and it holds the pump on a lot tighter to my boobs. Maybe this is the problem?! I just put the large one back on and wil use it for a while. Omg it hurts bad. I also greased my nips up with olive oil. Ahhhh the pain :(
Ouch, Shan! :nope:

Emerald, I'm the same way. I sit on the internet, watch TV and/or play games on my phone while I pump. Sometimes I need to pay MORE attention - nearly overflow my bottles a couple times a week :dohh:

As much as I don't mind pumping now, I will admit that I'm very excited to be done with it all! 10 months to go...
Ok so the blood was from my areola (sp?). I just realized one thing that did change was I have two hands free pump bras. One is medium and one is large. I switched to the medium a week ago and it holds the pump on a lot tighter to my boobs. Maybe this is the problem?! I just put the large one back on and wil use it for a while. Omg it hurts bad. I also greased my nips up with olive oil. Ahhhh the pain :(

Nipple/areolar damage is the worst! :hugs: Ouch!

Sleep topless if you can to dry them out :)
San Fran Shan - I get cracked nipples that get bloody at least once a day. If they bleed enough to turn the milk color though I apply something called All Purpose Nipple Ointment on them and they are completely healed and pain-free within 6 hours. The pharmacy in my town concocts this cream up in-house....I'm wondering if it's their own special cream or you could get it at your pharmacy as well? I didn't need an appointment at the doctor's for it either - I just called, explained my situation, and they faxed in the prescription for me (saves me a $150 doctor visit!).
Ouch, Shan! :nope:

Emerald, I'm the same way. I sit on the internet, watch TV and/or play games on my phone while I pump. Sometimes I need to pay MORE attention - nearly overflow my bottles a couple times a week :dohh:

As much as I don't mind pumping now, I will admit that I'm very excited to be done with it all! 10 months to go...

I overflowed last night :haha:

Yup, I'm stopping at 6 months. Restarting when I return to uni at around 8/9 months old :D
I used to overflow every now and then ;)

For those of you sterilizing still do you have a microwave sterilizer? I had one and it was the best thing ever! It only took 2 minutes and I would hand wash my pump parts then throw them in the sterilizer and run it. I often just left them in the sterilizer until I needed them again.

I am down to one pump a day. I am thinking about stopping this weekend. I am not going to lie, I love the fact that I won't have to pump at all, but I am kind of sad each time I have to buy formula.
Thanks ladies. I will check out that cream. I greased up with my lanolin cream and it seems to help.

I also play on my phone and cruise baby and bump while pumping. Right now my babies are playing on the floor and I'm watching them wiggle around.

I don't know how long I plan to do this. But it will be soooo nice to be done!

Still bleeding a little right now. Hope it heals fast!
I play on the internet and watch TV while pumping in the day. At night I am half asleep. I actually woke up once dreaming I was pumping laying down far I have managed to keep awake during pumpings. When I pump at the hospital after feeding him, I usually chat with whoever drove me. I am not shy at all...

Pumping seems much more efficient now. I can get my nornmal expressed amount (or more) in like 15 minutes, easy. It comes out faster now. I can get up, assemble, pump, label and store, wash my pump parts, pee, and get back in bed in under 1/2 hour in the middle of the night...
Is there a certain technique to massaging? Do you do this while pumping or take a break, massage and the continue pumping?

Alaska~ Great job on make it for so long.

I massage while pumping. I just rub in a circular motion all around the breast, and gently press on areas that feel especially full. I also have a couple of stubborn ducts on the side of my left breast that refuse to empty unless I push on them. If I don't, I could pump forever and still have a big lump on that side and about 1/2-1oz lower milk yield.

Do you distract yourself while pumping? Read a book, sit on the internet.

I read a book on my Kindle while I pump. Once in a while I'll bring the pump out into the living room and watch TV. Last night my Kindle wasn't working and DH was sleeping in the living room, so I had to sit there and stare at the wall. It was torture. Felt like 2 hours instead of 20 minutes.

Hey ladies! I'm back to exclusively pumping with the occasional comfort breast feed or snack. Just in the last two days pumping has gotten pretty painful. It's hard to describe but its never hurt this much. Nothing has changed as I have always pumped 6 times a day and have not changed pumps, parts, or size of shields.

Oh man. I just looked down while pumping right now and there's blood. What the heck?!!?!

Yikes! I've had the same problem. Nothing has changed, but suddenly my breast shields hurt me while I pump. Sometimes it's like they're sucking more of my boob in, and it pinches my skin. Sometimes it's a sharp pain in my breast. Sometimes it's intense nipple pain. I almost always feel very sore and bruised for about 20 minutes after each pumping session too. I can't figure out what's going on.

I used to overflow every now and then ;)

For those of you sterilizing still do you have a microwave sterilizer? I had one and it was the best thing ever! It only took 2 minutes and I would hand wash my pump parts then throw them in the sterilizer and run it. I often just left them in the sterilizer until I needed them again.

I use the Medela microwave steamer bags. It takes 3 minutes, and it's so convenient!
I play on the internet and watch TV while pumping in the day. At night I am half asleep. I actually woke up once dreaming I was pumping laying down far I have managed to keep awake during pumpings. When I pump at the hospital after feeding him, I usually chat with whoever drove me. I am not shy at all...

Pumping seems much more efficient now. I can get my nornmal expressed amount (or more) in like 15 minutes, easy. It comes out faster now. I can get up, assemble, pump, label and store, wash my pump parts, pee, and get back in bed in under 1/2 hour in the middle of the night...

I've fallen asleep during pumps :blush: I'm woken up by the Symphony beeping and stopping at the 30min mark lol
I play on the internet and watch TV while pumping in the day. At night I am half asleep. I actually woke up once dreaming I was pumping laying down far I have managed to keep awake during pumpings. When I pump at the hospital after feeding him, I usually chat with whoever drove me. I am not shy at all...

Pumping seems much more efficient now. I can get my nornmal expressed amount (or more) in like 15 minutes, easy. It comes out faster now. I can get up, assemble, pump, label and store, wash my pump parts, pee, and get back in bed in under 1/2 hour in the middle of the night...

I've fallen asleep during pumps :blush: I'm woken up by the Symphony beeping and stopping at the 30min mark lol

I just can't believe I am dreaming about pumping all the time...

Amazingly after only a couple of nights, I wake up at my scheduled pumping times like magic.
My Symphony just decided to act like a little #*^$&! and give me an Error message and refuse to work for 10 minutes (in the middle of pumping, of course!). Thankfully, after much begging, cursing and waiting, it started working again. OH entered the room to find me lovingly stroking the pump and saying, "I appreciate you so much." :rofl: He then went on and on about how I won't let him anywhere NEAR my nipples, but I "appreciate" the pump! If only he knew! :haha:
Well I made it 36hrs this weekend between pumps! Winding down has been easier than I anticipated. I just skipped my morning pump on Saturday because I didn't even feel like I "needed" to. I was fine all day (although I should have noticed the "girls" we quite fuller than normal) then when I went to bed I laid down and BAM crazy engorgement pain! DH was kind of liking my massive rack, but I decided to go ahead and pump to "relieve" myself. I am down to only getting about 4oz in 24 hrs, so the end to my pumping journey is near!
:hi: just a quick question, when do the 2-3 hourly pumps become 4 hourly??? im exhausted :haha:
ohh and can anyone recommend a good pumping bra?

I accidentally slept through a pumping session Saturday night, and went 7 hours between pumping. I added another pumping session and got my normal amount of milk for the day, around 50 oz.

Last night, I didn't have a clean sleep bra, so I decided to sleep braless. I pumped just before bed, and got my normal 10ish oz. When I woke up for my 2:30am session, I got 4 oz on the left and only 2.5 oz on the right! I usually get about 8-9 oz at that time. I also noticed that my breasts, especially the right, felt really empty and much that it was difficult to keep the breast shields in place.

I was a little worried, but I figured I'd end up with more at my next pump, so I put a bra on and went back to bed. When I got up at 7 and pumped again, I got 8.25 oz, which isn't TOO much lower than normal (usually around 9oz), but there was a big difference between the two sides again. 4.75 oz on the left and only 3.5 oz on the right. What the heck, why am I suddenly getting so much less on the right side?

The only thing I can think of is that I sleep on my right side, could I have hurt the supply on that side by not wearing a bra to bed? It was only about 4 hours, but I doubt skipping one pumping session could have made such an impact. What do you think? This is really freaking me out.

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