Thanks, ladies! I did try massage and compression while pumping - and the shield kept popping off. So I stopped after 15 minutes, massaged really well, and then pumped for another 10. It got another 1/2 oz, which I wasn't thrilled with but is a good start! Hopefully this will increase over the next few days...
On a positive note, my daughter gained 1 lb 1 oz in 3 weeks! Still in the 5th percentile, but that's okay. So thrilled with her progress - and glad we didn't give in to the family/peer pressure and stop pumping.
It's a hard slog, but totally worth it.
Have you considered different size breast shields? Yours may be too small.
Also, line the breast shields with a light layer of olive oil where your nipples rub. This tip saved me!
Once bubs is a bit bigger and healthier, you don't need to wash your pumping equipment every pump. Store in a plastic zip-lock bag between pumps. I then run my equipment through the dishwasher at the end of the day, rinse in hot water, dry and use the next day. I've also got 2 sets I cycle through. Lots of ladies here have up to 5!
Drink lots of fluids and get as much rest as you can.
Once your supply establishes it becomes a billion times easier. I can't count the number of times I threatened to throw my pump off the balcony. These days, I have far less resentment.
I can't wait until LO is out of the NICU and I don't have to be so picky about my pumping equipment and bottles being PERFECTLY sterile. I just worry about him so much now but washing the pump pieces every 2.5 hours or less is really stressfully hard, and then sterilzing them at least once per day? And I have to use the hospital issued sterile bottles to pump into, and I go through those a lot! I want to be using glass because I don't like using plastic, but the snappis are plastic....
I'm not really exclusively expressing anymore, LO has been learning to breastfeed for the past two (or three?) days. He is not doing amazingly, but he does manage to latch and get a few good sucks...
I'm also not an EP'er but I do still pump 4-5 times a day so I consider myself an avid pumper. I was an EP'er in the early days. I'm pretty sure we're still welcome here