The ins and outs of exclusively expressing

Joining up to this thread. My baby is in the NICU and I am exclusively pumping for him after EMCS. I still feel like I have no supply and I am barely getting enough. So far I am keeping up enough to feed him, but barely - and they keep increasing his feeds. I thought I would have some colostrum for a couple of days and then BAM my actual milk would come in - ya know? Some sessions I get plenty, but others I don't even get enough to feed him once. (They feed him 26mL every 3 hours). I keep hoping and praying that I will wake up with those engorged boobs everyone tells you about just so full of milk you HAVE to express just to take the pressure off, but no such luck for me.

Anyway I hope I have time to read this, something may help me.

ETA: I am currently renting a Medela Symphony, which is what I used in the hospital and have access to if I want to pump actually in the NICU with him (which I did last night and will do again today). I will be receiving a Lucina Melodi Advanced Breast Pump from my insurance.
Hi misspriss, congratulations on your new baby! My twins were in the NICU for 4 weeks, and I pumped for them from day 1. My milk didn't come in until day 4, how old is your baby? I got the best results when I pumped every 3 hours around the clock, and as much as I could when I was actually with the babies. I got a lot more when I could see them/hold them while I pumped.

Good luck!
Hi misspriss, congratulations on your new baby! My twins were in the NICU for 4 weeks, and I pumped for them from day 1. My milk didn't come in until day 4, how old is your baby? I got the best results when I pumped every 3 hours around the clock, and as much as I could when I was actually with the babies. I got a lot more when I could see them/hold them while I pumped.

Good luck!

LO was born Thursday March 28th. I was still highly medicated until Friday when I started pumping. I may have done some hand expression in the afternoon Thursday, but I'm not sure. Thursday was kind of a blur to me.

So I am on day...5. I get more when I pump after visiting him or in the room with him, but then the next time I pump I will get nothing. I still don't feel like my milk has come in, I feel like I fight for every tiny drop - I feel like there should be more! I try and pump every 2 -3 hours. Every 2 hours is the goal but it usually ends up being 2.5 but no more than 3 hours between pumping. I try to get up at least every 4 hours during the night and pump, but I didn't start doing that until the night before last.

I even bought a electronic ice-less cooler so I don't have to worry about cooling my BM when I pump out and about (every 2 hours is OFTEN). It works great.

I am trying the whole marathon-pump thing or whatever right now. I pumped 20 minutes, waited 15, pumping 10, waiting 5, pumping 5....I am in the second pumping session (10 minutes) and I have gotten a total of maybe 30mL from the right breast and maybe 20-25mL from the left.

Yesterday though I got almost a full 65mL (the amount the pumping bottles will hold) from one breast. That felt great. The next session I got less than half of that.
I think having both having a premie and having a c-section can delay your milk some too. I had a c-section at 39weeks on a Friday, my milk had started to come in on Sunday, but I didn't get the "engorged" feeling until Wed. Keep up the good work! Every little bit of BM will help you little baby :)
Does anyone else have this problem? My babies seem to be able to SENSE when I'm pumping. They can be fast asleep and as soon as the pump turns on, they're awake and screaming. Every time! Surely it's not just me?!

During one pumping session yesterday I got up SIX times to calm them down. Now, I've been pumping for 7 minutes and already gotten up twice, and they're crying again! :dohh:
One of my girls is like this. Thank god for the hands free bra! It's not the most comfortable thing but it sure does save me.

AF arrived full force today. Could it be that af came so early because I'm not actually breast feeding? Not even 6 weeks postpartum! :growlmad:
One of my girls is like this. Thank god for the hands free bra! It's not the most comfortable thing but it sure does save me.

AF arrived full force today. Could it be that af came so early because I'm not actually breast feeding? Not even 6 weeks postpartum! :growlmad:

No, not necessarily. I EP'ed for 4 weeks and now pump and BF but no AF. So it might just be your hormones. My Mum EBF'ed and got hers right on time, 4 weeks after delivering me and then every 28 days like clockwork.
Does anyone else have this problem? My babies seem to be able to SENSE when I'm pumping. They can be fast asleep and as soon as the pump turns on, they're awake and screaming. Every time! Surely it's not just me?!

During one pumping session yesterday I got up SIX times to calm them down. Now, I've been pumping for 7 minutes and already gotten up twice, and they're crying again! :dohh:

LOL it is not just pumping, it happens when I try to get in the shower, wash dishes, cook dinner. But if I have absolutely nothing to do he will sleep great!
One of my girls is like this. Thank god for the hands free bra! It's not the most comfortable thing but it sure does save me.

AF arrived full force today. Could it be that af came so early because I'm not actually breast feeding? Not even 6 weeks postpartum! :growlmad:

I don't think it is the pumping either. I EP'd for 5.5 months and never got AF (although I am pretty sure I O'd last week so she should be here this weekend). I only BF for a week.
Shelby, I have the opposite problem. My daughter can't fall asleep at night w/o the loud, rhythmic click of my pump. Not sure what we'll do once I stop pumping!

Quick question about the length of pumping sessions. It seems that no matter how long I wait between pumps, most of my milk comes out in the first 10 minutes of pumping. After that it's just 1-2 drops every few suctions, which continues indefinitely. Anyone else have this? I usually pump for 20 minutes - I'm afraid 10 minute sessions will hurt my supply. Is this smart or a waste of time? I get exactly 24 ounces a day and daughter is taking 20-22 ounces. Would love to produce more but am already using fenugreek, oatmeal and almonds. Not really comfortable with prescription medication.

What a great thread! I have been pumping since my daughter's early arrival 7 weeks ago. She had blood sugar and weight gain issues, and was too sleepy to nurse. I've had almost no support and everyone thinks I should just give up since nursing didn't work - including my LC. So grateful I found this info!
I pump for about 15 minutes per session, and like you, most of the milk comes out in the first 10 minutes. I spend the final 5 minutes massaging and doing breast compressions to squeeze out every last drop. If I don't do compressions, I get significantly less milk and still feel full after pumping. If I have gone more than 4 hours between pumpings, I usually have to pump for 20 minutes or more to empty.

If I were you, I'd continue pumping for 15-20 minutes, and when you start getting nothing but a drop here and there, try some breast compressions to urge it out faster.
I used to pump for 15 minutes, but I didn't get a whole lot. If I am home I will just go 20-30 minutes, the milk never stops. I swear I have to go 30-35 minutes to get it to fully stop.

Since I still feel like I don't have my full supply, I will pump and pump and pump to keep it coming.
I usually pump for 30 minutes. I have a Symphony so use the letdown phase multiple times, plus massaging and squeezing.
Thanks, ladies! I did try massage and compression while pumping - and the shield kept popping off. So I stopped after 15 minutes, massaged really well, and then pumped for another 10. It got another 1/2 oz, which I wasn't thrilled with but is a good start! Hopefully this will increase over the next few days...

On a positive note, my daughter gained 1 lb 1 oz in 3 weeks! Still in the 5th percentile, but that's okay. So thrilled with her progress - and glad we didn't give in to the family/peer pressure and stop pumping.
Thanks, ladies! I did try massage and compression while pumping - and the shield kept popping off. So I stopped after 15 minutes, massaged really well, and then pumped for another 10. It got another 1/2 oz, which I wasn't thrilled with but is a good start! Hopefully this will increase over the next few days...

On a positive note, my daughter gained 1 lb 1 oz in 3 weeks! Still in the 5th percentile, but that's okay. So thrilled with her progress - and glad we didn't give in to the family/peer pressure and stop pumping.

It's a hard slog, but totally worth it.

Have you considered different size breast shields? Yours may be too small.

Also, line the breast shields with a light layer of olive oil where your nipples rub. This tip saved me!

Once bubs is a bit bigger and healthier, you don't need to wash your pumping equipment every pump. Store in a plastic zip-lock bag between pumps. I then run my equipment through the dishwasher at the end of the day, rinse in hot water, dry and use the next day. I've also got 2 sets I cycle through. Lots of ladies here have up to 5!

Drink lots of fluids and get as much rest as you can.

Once your supply establishes it becomes a billion times easier. I can't count the number of times I threatened to throw my pump off the balcony. These days, I have far less resentment.
Thanks, ladies! I did try massage and compression while pumping - and the shield kept popping off. So I stopped after 15 minutes, massaged really well, and then pumped for another 10. It got another 1/2 oz, which I wasn't thrilled with but is a good start! Hopefully this will increase over the next few days...

On a positive note, my daughter gained 1 lb 1 oz in 3 weeks! Still in the 5th percentile, but that's okay. So thrilled with her progress - and glad we didn't give in to the family/peer pressure and stop pumping.

It's a hard slog, but totally worth it.

Have you considered different size breast shields? Yours may be too small.

Also, line the breast shields with a light layer of olive oil where your nipples rub. This tip saved me!

Once bubs is a bit bigger and healthier, you don't need to wash your pumping equipment every pump. Store in a plastic zip-lock bag between pumps. I then run my equipment through the dishwasher at the end of the day, rinse in hot water, dry and use the next day. I've also got 2 sets I cycle through. Lots of ladies here have up to 5!

Drink lots of fluids and get as much rest as you can.

Once your supply establishes it becomes a billion times easier. I can't count the number of times I threatened to throw my pump off the balcony. These days, I have far less resentment.

I can't wait until LO is out of the NICU and I don't have to be so picky about my pumping equipment and bottles being PERFECTLY sterile. I just worry about him so much now but washing the pump pieces every 2.5 hours or less is really stressfully hard, and then sterilzing them at least once per day? And I have to use the hospital issued sterile bottles to pump into, and I go through those a lot! I want to be using glass because I don't like using plastic, but the snappis are plastic....

I'm not really exclusively expressing anymore, LO has been learning to breastfeed for the past two (or three?) days. He is not doing amazingly, but he does manage to latch and get a few good sucks...
Can I share something uber exciting? Lilly is almost 11 months old and I'm finally beginning to liberate myself from the pump. I just dropped from pumping 8x per day to 4-5x per day! I'm going to get her to at least 12 months.....and then, and then I'll be FREEEEEEEE!!!!

I never thought I'd make it as far as I have!
Is there a certain technique to massaging? Do you do this while pumping or take a break, massage and the continue pumping?

Alaska~ Great job on make it for so long.
Can I share something uber exciting? Lilly is almost 11 months old and I'm finally beginning to liberate myself from the pump. I just dropped from pumping 8x per day to 4-5x per day! I'm going to get her to at least 12 months.....and then, and then I'll be FREEEEEEEE!!!!

I never thought I'd make it as far as I have!

I actually squealed in excitement for you! That's so exciting and such an awesome effort. It's amazing - so many women give up BF'ing let alone pumping. Honestly, us pumpers (and more-so you being an EP'er), are a rare breed.

1.5 months to go. You'll be FREE!
Is there a certain technique to massaging? Do you do this while pumping or take a break, massage and the continue pumping?

Alaska~ Great job on make it for so long.

I massage while pumping.

Do you distract yourself while pumping? Read a book, sit on the internet. When you feel a let down (nipples tingling) then start massaging in a round motion. Erm, how to describe? Cup underneath your breasts and sort of gently wring them out :D If that makes sense? Squeeze them together. You'll find angles that all of a sudden make the milk rush out. Just use what is best for you.

If it helps, the first weeks are the worst. It's super easy to pump these days. In the early days I sat there staring at my breasts. Grabbing. I loathed them. Now I barely pay attention.

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