The last 10 stalkers - Questions


♥ Brookes Mummy ♥
Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
Stolen from Facebook but thought it's be fun to do on here ...

Go to your profile and list the lat 10 stalkers on your profile. Then, answer the twenty questions pertaining the ten names. Copy & paste and lets see how long we can keep it going


1. What is the real name of 1?

2. What would you do if you ever met 6?

3. Would 3 and 8 make a good couple?

4. Describe 9 in three words

5. Do you think 2 is attractive?

6. When was the last time you talked to 10 on here?

7. Would you ever date 4?

8. Where is 5 from?

9. What is the best thing about 7?

10. What would you like to tell 3 right now?

11. Decribe 6 with a smiley?

12. What is the family status of 10?

13. Name a thread 4 started?

14. What was your first impression of 1?

15. When did 8 join BnB?

16. Have you met 6 in real life?

17. Would you give 9 a hug?

18. Do you know a secret about 2?

19. Describe the relationship between 4 and 9.

20. What is your best memory of 5 on BnB?
1.Alexas Mommy

1. What is the real name of 1?

2. What would you do if you ever met 6?
Ummm not sure, i dont know them

3. Would 3 and 8 make a good couple?
Probably since one is male one is female :rofl:

4. Describe 9 in three words
Brunette, Student & Mummy

5. Do you think 2 is attractive?
Havent seen a picture

6. When was the last time you talked to 10 on here?
I dont think i ever have

7. Would you ever date 4?
Probably not :rofl:

8. Where is 5 from?

9. What is the best thing about 7?
That she's pregnant?

10. What would you like to tell 3 right now?
Nothing, we havent spoken before ... maybe hello lol

11. Decribe 6 with a smiley?

12. What is the family status of 10?

13. Name a thread 4 started?
Chip's 20 week scan photos

14. What was your first impression of 1?
She's sweet

15. When did 8 join BnB?
Oct 2008

16. Have you met 6 in real life?

17. Would you give 9 a hug?
Ummm if they needed one i guess lol

18. Do you know a secret about 2?

19. Describe the relationship between 4 and 9.
Theyre both women

20. What is your best memory of 5 on BnB?
When she had her baby

Blimey that was harder than i thought :rofl::rofl:
1. babystar
2. buttercup3
3. danapeter36
4. Eiroze
5. jen1604
6. kristy87
7. Rach276+
8. RadioDJ
9. sophxx
10. Sparky0207

1. What is the real name of 1? I dont know, i cant find it anywhere lol.
2. What would you do if you ever met 6? Say hello, and be very shy.
3. Would 3 and 8 make a good couple? No, they're both women lol.
4. Describe 9 in three words: Pretty, Clever (must be, she's studying law!), Patient (TTC)
5. Do you think 2 is attractive? Don't know, haven't seen a picture
6. When was the last time you talked to 10 on here? June 3rd
7. Would you ever date 4? Nope - woman
8. Where is 5 from? Not sure, but in the same county as me!
9. What is the best thing about 7? She has lovely eyes and a gorgeous baby boy
10. What would you like to tell 3 right now? I'm sorry for being a crap text buddy! :(
11. Decribe 6 with a smiley? :loopy: - looks like a right laugh in her profile picture
12. What is the family status of 10? Mummy to Lucy WTT #2
13. Name a thread 4 started? I'm such a freakin' idiot
14. What was your first impression of 1? I thought she was very strong, what with the illnesses she has and managing to look after 2 children AND carry another one. I struggle just being pregnant and i'm perfectly healthy. So :hugs: to her for being a strong woman
15. When did 8 join BnB? May 18th, 2009
16. Have you met 6 in real life? Nope
17. Would you give 9 a hug? If she needed one
18. Do you know a secret about 2? Nope
19. Describe the relationship between 4 and 9. I dont think they know each other
20. What is your best memory of 5 on BnB? She is the one who planned the nearest meet to me! Wohooo!
2.Dippy Yvanne
6.Mervs Mum+

1. What is the real name of 1? Christine?

2. What would you do if you ever met 6? Give her and Hebe a massive hug and prob make sure we had a baby and child free night to go get drunk :rofl:

3. Would 3 and 8 make a good couple? lol if they were that way inclined

4. Describe 9 in three words great friend, we share the same thoughts, willing to help me with my career choices.. (i appreciate that)

5. Do you think 2 is attractive? shes a hot piece of ass... especially in that dress :lol:

6. When was the last time you talked to 10 on here? tonight about our babies sleep routine

7. Would you ever date 4? of course :) if i ever went to scotland :lol:

8. Where is 5 from? not sure :shrug:

9. What is the best thing about 7? dont know

10. What would you like to tell 3 right now? that i appreciate her calling me a hottie :p

11. Decribe 6 with a smiley? :pizza:

12. What is the family status of 10? proud mummy to little daisy

13. Name a thread 4 started? her one about IVF starting soon!
14. What was your first impression of 1? loved her... she took interest in my pregnancy and helped me through it :hugs:
15. When did 8 join BnB?

16. Have you met 6 in real life? nope :(
17. Would you give 9 a hug?

18. Do you know a secret about 2? lol nope!
19. Describe the relationship between 4 and 9. dunno :shrug:

20. What is your best memory of 5 on BnB? I dont know her :blush: i dont think!
The last 10 visitor(s) to this page were: boo x

1. What is the real name of 1?
I have NO idea!

2. What would you do if you ever met 6?
Have a stroke of her Bump :)

3. Would 3 and 8 make a good couple?
Yehh! Rach would make a good couple with anyone! lol

4. Describe 9 in three words
Sandy, 28, Urmm A mum :)

5. Do you think 2 is attractive?
Yep EVERYone on here are beautiful!

6. When was the last time you talked to 10 on here?

7. Would you ever date 4?
Never spoke to them lol

8. Where is 5 from?
I have no clue.

9. What is the best thing about 7?
That they love it?

10. What would you like to tell 3 right now?
Im Hannah.. errr Donno lol

11. Decribe 6 with a smiley?
12. What is the family status of 10?

13. Name a thread 4 started?
14. What was your first impression of 1?
That thats my nick name from my dad!!

15. When did 8 join BnB?
Dec 3rd 2007
16. Have you met 6 in real life?
17. Would you give 9 a hug?
18. Do you know a secret about 2?
No :(
19. Describe the relationship between 4 and 9.
Im not sure..
20. What is your best memory of 5 on BnB?
I dont think i have one..

The one time in my last 10 i know like 2 people lol!!
1. amyclaire
2. AnnaBanana9+
3. Arcanegirl
4. butrfly
5. buttercup3
6. Hevz+
7. Jemima
8. kateqpr+
9. lauzliddle
10. sam#3

1. What is the real name of 1? Amy? :lol:

2. What would you do if you ever met 6? I have met her several times and I usually demand that she get me something nice to eat from her kitchen! :lol:

3. Would 3 and 8 make a good couple? Nah!

4. Describe 9 in three words Fellow Boobie Mama

5. Do you think 2 is attractive? Yes! Very!

6. When was the last time you talked to 10 on here? Erm yesterday I think...

7. Would you ever date 4? If I can go and live in Jakarta YES!

8. Where is 5 from? :shrug:

9. What is the best thing about 7? Her gorgeous Poppaloulapoop!

10. What would you like to tell 3 right now? Roll on friday! ;)

11. Decribe 6 with a smiley?

12. What is the family status of 10? Mama of 3 :D

13. Name a thread 4 started? Help with BFing...

14. What was your first impression of 1? :shrug:

15. When did 8 join BnB? 14/11/07

16. Have you met 6 in real life? Yes! Several times! :happydance:

17. Would you give 9 a hug? Deffo :D

18. Do you know a secret about 2? I know things about her even SHE doesnt know....

19. Describe the relationship between 4 and 9. BFing sisters

20. What is your best memory of 5 on BnB? The first time I clapped eyes on just now! :lol:
I'm not sure how this will work as I dont know anybody but here goes!

1) Heidi
2) Jade--x
3) jenny_wren
4) lauzliddle
5) leedsforever
6) Lottie86
7) lozzy21
8) LucyEmma
9) tasha41
10) Vickie

1. What is the real name of 1? Heidi, I'd guess

2. What would you do if you ever met 6? Introduce myself! I'm also guessing we were born in the same year (1986) so woo! COLOR]

3. Would 3 and 8 make a good couple? Perhaps, they'd do a good job of raising the kids.

4. Describe 9 in three words smart, approachable, canadian

5. Do you think 2 is attractive? I've never seen her but her little prince looks as cute as a whole box of buttons!

6. When was the last time you talked to 10 on here? I've never had the pleasure but I've read her posts on occasion

7. Would you ever date 4? My OH wouldn't be too keen - he can't cook for himself...[COLOR]

8. Where is 5 from? Well I nearly fell into that trap... It's Northampton, England?

9. What is the best thing about 7? drunken posting! She always seems to speak her mind too. Good on ya girl!

10. What would you like to tell 3 right now? That I have posted her sweeties and managed not to eat them first!

11. Decribe 6 with a smiley? :thumbpup:

12. What is the family status of 10? Mummy to a little girl (called Hannah?)

13. Name a thread 4 started? Well scanning through I spotted the attractively titled 'poo?'

14. What was your first impression of 1? Really sorry but I didn't have one until I checked your profile just now.

15. When did 8 join BnB? September 13th 2008 - wonder if it was a Friday...

16. Have you met 6 in real life? nope

17. Would you give 9 a hug?Sure, why not

18. Do you know a secret about 2? No but she does seem really nice and friendly

19. Describe the relationship between 4 and 9. Not sure. If at all it's an intercontinental thing though

20. What is your best memory of 5 on BnB? From what I can gather, she's a slimming godess extraordinaire! I don't know her though
1. Chaos
2. faille
3. Kapow
4. paula85
5. Pops
6. rafwife+
7. Sarahkka
8. sophxx
9. Tracie87+
10. Xanthe

1. What is the real name of 1? no idea

2. What would you do if you ever met 6? get her to make me some food!

3. Would 3 and 8 make a good couple? no idea

4. Describe 9 in three words funny naughty lovely

5. Do you think 2 is attractive? no idea

6. When was the last time you talked to 10 on here? never

7. Would you ever date 4? yeah so i can plait her babas hair

8. Where is 5 from? possibly scottish now lives in surrey?

9. What is the best thing about 7? lovely curly hair!

10. What would you like to tell 3 right now? err

11. Decribe 6 with a smiley? :friends:

12. What is the family status of 10? no idea

13. Name a thread 4 started? bad hair day

14. What was your first impression of 1? strong opinions

15. When did 8 join BnB? no idea

16. Have you met 6 in real life? no :cry:

17. Would you give 9 a hug? definitely

18. Do you know a secret about 2? i dont even know who they are!

19. Describe the relationship between 4 and 9. :shrug:

20. What is your best memory of 5 on BnB? when she started to ntnp!:happydance:

god my answers are crap
damn, i just looked at mine, and 8 out of ten names i dont recognise :dohh:

ill wait a few days :rofl:
completely ot but how do u find out ur stalkers on facebook????????????????
oh and ps i dont have 10 stalkers, anyone wanna stalk me??!! lol
1. Heavenx
2. arcanegirl
3. flutterbylge
4. krazymom
5. lady_J
6. Pink_sparkle
7. Polo Princess
8. Suz
9. Vickie
10. Vicwick

1. What is the real name of 1?

Andrea i think....

2. What would you do if you ever met 6?

coffee, shop gossip lol!

3. Would 3 and 8 make a good couple?

hell yea :rofl:

4. Describe 9 in three words

funny husband, hannah

5. Do you think 2 is attractive?

yummy mommy

6. When was the last time you talked to 10 on here?

don't think i ever have really

7. Would you ever date 4?


8. Where is 5 from?

pass, not familiar with her

9. What is the best thing about 7?

she has a gorgoeus little girl called brooke

10. What would you like to tell 3 right now?

good luck hunny, come on :baby:!!

11. Decribe 6 with a smiley?


12. What is the family status of 10?


13. Name a thread 4 started?

hello, i'm new or something to that affect in the intro section.

14. What was your first impression of 1?


15. When did 8 join BnB?

hmm, suz :shrug: year dot :laugh2:

16. Have you met 6 in real life?

17. Would you give 9 a hug?
course :hugs:

18. Do you know a secret about 2?


19. Describe the relationship between 4 and 9.

long distance!

20. What is your best memory of 5 on BnB?

Ow i don't really know her tbh just helped her with her beautiful avatar
2- danapeter36
4- jadeemma79
5- kirst1805
6- Loveit
7- Mummi2b
8- Rach276
9- Shinning_Star
10- Vickie

1. What is the real name of 1? pass ... :rofl:

2. What would you do if you ever met 6? say hello?!?!

3. Would 3 and 8 make a good couple? haha they sure would!!

4. Describe 9 in three words - lovely, approachable and gorgeous

5. Do you think 2 is attractive? i sure do!!!:blush: lol

6. When was the last time you talked to 10 on here? haven't ..

7. Would you ever date 4? haha erm .... not seen or spoken to her

8. Where is 5 from? no idea :rofl:

9. What is the best thing about 7? she had a GIRL!! :rofl:

10. What would you like to tell 3 right now?
that ava looks so much like her mummy its untrue and im looking forward to the swing parks :cloud9:

11. Decribe 6 with a smiley? :kiss:

12. What is the family status of 10? pass :rofl:

13. Name a thread 4 started? pass :rofl:

14. What was your first impression of 1? she's an angel?!? or has one!??!
15. When did 8 join BnB? dec 3rd

16. Have you met 6 in real life? nope

17. Would you give 9 a hug? oh yes :happydance:

18. Do you know a secret about 2? :rofl:

19. Describe the relationship between 4 and 9. :rofl: wtf pass

20. What is your best memory of 5 on BnB? dont know her :rofl:

what a load of rubbish :rofl:
i dont know half of them :rofl:

1 Baby-Love
2 butrfly+
3 Emsy26+
4 Jemma_x
5 Kimmer
6 Mamafy+
7 orange-sox+
9 tasha41
10 tori_cottier

1. What is the real name of 1? no clue

2. What would you do if you ever met 6? love to

3. Would 3 and 8 make a good couple? urm... no

4. Describe 9 in three words sweet, fun, pretty

5. Do you think 2 is attractive? yes very wonderful lady

6. When was the last time you talked to 10 on here? nope? maybe

7. Would you ever date 4? I fly straight

8. Where is 5 from? no clue

9. What is the best thing about 7? strength (admire her lots)

10. What would you like to tell 3 right now? hi

11. Decribe 6 with a smiley? :change:

12. What is the family status of 10? idk

13. Name a thread 4 started? hmm

14. What was your first impression of 1? cute user name

15. When did 8 join BnB? ?

16. Have you met 6 in real life? no

17. Would you give 9 a hug? yes love tasha

18. Do you know a secret about 2? no

19. Describe the relationship between 4 and 9. guess they like each other

20. What is your best memory of 5 on BnB? have not met yet
1. amyclaire
2. angel1990
3. k8y
4. katy
5. maddiwatts19
6. pixiekitty
7. sophxx
8. sparkswillfly
9. suz
10. teen mummy

1. What is the real name of 1? Amy?

2. What would you do if you ever met 6? Steal her gorgeous baby

3. Would 3 and 8 make a good couple? I suppose if they were lesbians :shrug:

4. Describe 9 in three words: Lovely, beautiful, talented!

5. Do you think 2 is attractive? Never seen her lol

6. When was the last time you talked to 10 on here? Ages ago

7. Would you ever date 4? Obv ;)

8. Where is 5 from? Oh... um... can't remember!

9. What is the best thing about 7? I dunno who she is :|

10. What would you like to tell 3 right now? Um... you smell?

11. Decribe 6 with a smiley? :D

12. What is the family status of 10? Single with a gooorgeous little girl

13. Name a thread 4 started? Um, her WTT journal

14. What was your first impression of 1? That I don't know her lol

15. When did 8 join BnB? Possibly not long after me

16. Have you met 6 in real life? Nope

17. Would you give 9 a hug? Course :)

18. Do you know a secret about 2? Nope

19. Describe the relationship between 4 and 9. There is none lol

20. What is your best memory of 5 on BnB? The BnB game!

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