Hoping for baby bump soon
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LOL! Daisy you cracked me up with the biopolar thing. Ull get your ticker soon :]

LOL! Daisy you cracked me up with the biopolar thing. Ull get your ticker soon :]
well we're arguing , he told me to f**k off nagging, eh who's nagging ? you told me a time and you didnt stick to it...bearing in mind he is always doing it and im sick of him walking all over me
and what annoying me most is all my friends are in dublin, i moved down to cavan over a year ago and i havent made any friends down here, he has.unfortunatly his best friend owns a pub so he is in there a few times a week and while he sits in the pub im at home on fb or im cleaning he never invites me out with him, and i get bored being at home by myself, he doesnt care though, then he says he will leave by 3 so when he doesnt i get frusterated because im at home bored while he's having a good timeand when i say something to him, he says oh your nagging again f**k off
right now he is in the kitchen drinking his beer while im on here, were not talking but seriously am i nagging? giving the situation ? i dont really like pubs i hate the smell of them and im not a drinking fan the way he is xxx
and what also pisses me off is that i have to sleep in the same room as him and i cant stand the smell of the beer he drinks and he snores worse when he drinks and GGRRRRR how can i show him im fed up with it other than saying it to him because when i say it to him it starts an argumentugh i want to get my own back, how can i do it ????
well this is difficult...but I think you need to show him how much it bothers you and he should dad was the same way everytime my mom told him something it would start an argument so what she would do is write him a letter and slip if somewhere he would find it later and read it on his own and hopefully it would sink in
Yes, I am Ok. I have 2 term papers due. I have to do them early because we are going to Miami next w/e for DH's bday. So, every second not at work I am working on those papers.
I guess I just don't have that much to update. I don't feel weird except for ovary pains bouncing around from right to left. I had nausea at 7-9 dpo. Other than that, I have no symptoms. *sad face*
hi everyone, thought i'd lost you, so glad to be back, have had a hectic few days, can I join please, this cycle is going on too long now off to docs with OH next week xx
WOAH, 40dpo ?? wow id be going out of my mind, are you sur you def ovulated when you thought ? because you LP will almost always stay the same but ovulation can always change....40 dpo is a long time, wow yes off to the docs you should go, get a blood test, and something to kick start af, just make sure your not pregnantxxx